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Messages - cytofin

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Patch Bug Reports / Re: Bug Reports Submission Thread
« on: July 09, 2019, 05:10:15 pm »
I've updated it and it keeps saying that I need to update it after loading it and trying to log in.

I myself have ran into the same issue. I will get to the login screen, click on login, and it will pop up the connecting to front server pop up. Before going to the next one, it'll say "Please Download the Latest Patch" when I have. This has still happened after 3-4 re-installation attempts.

Forum Games / Re: Name an animal that starts with...
« on: June 30, 2019, 02:15:42 am »

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Aldena Regiment
« on: June 29, 2019, 01:39:00 am »

Aldena Regiment
" Some people aren’t who they say they are, be cautious of the company you keep "

Empire Based
Uniquely Ranked

The canines within the Regiment are descendants of the great Canis Rangifer, large
caribou toned wolf with antlers. Over time, the gene needed for antlers began to disappear
as the canines began to cross breed with Canis Lupus[Gray wolves].
There soon came a time where there was no more antlers left and the once nonchaotic
pack turned dark. Jarl Sorben took over and began his reign which created The Great
Collapse. Arrow, a young marksman, finally assassinated the previous Jarl and took
over the position. His leadership over the Regiment became known as the Golden
Age due to his docile nature.

+ Jarl Arrow
+ Viscountess Amialella

Administration Team
+ cytofin/average
+ mamma
+ sylus


Species / Re: Canis Rangifer
« on: June 28, 2019, 03:47:33 am »
I absolutely love the looks of this species. The way you worded their information makes them sound even more majestic. Overall, a very intriguing creature. I cannot wait to see some art of these beauts. Great job on them, and thank you for sharing! I kinda want to make my own, haha.
they look so cutie what the heckie

i like mashup species like these

they make the heart hap
This species is truly fantastic. The drawing and screenshots you have provided look very lovely, I love it so much. Many thanks for creating such a unique and wonderful species as well as sharing their info with the rest of us!

Thank you all, it's been fun working on these guys over the past years. They have been in the works for a while and finally got to come to life.

Game Discussion / Re: Priorities
« on: June 25, 2019, 05:45:47 pm »
One simple word. Communication.
The Members of the Season are great people, they provide help to those
who are having trouble with their game or even the site. There is
no reason to dis them, they have done so much for this community
without being asked.

It is not their responsibility to do something which all staff members
should do. As AlphaEclipse said, the MOTS are not your scapegoats.
These people were voted more than likely because of how amazing
they are at helping the community, not to be someone you can
stack the blame on and rely on to come back to you.
If you have not forgot, the MOTS are actual people not your
little messengers.

Species / Canis Rangifer
« on: June 25, 2019, 04:07:15 am »

Canis Rangifer
Origin: United States
Biome: Taiga
Status: Closed Species

Scientific Name: Canis Rangifer
Name Meaning: Wolf Caribou
Height: 2.8 – 4.9 ft.
Mass: For Adults
➽ Male: 350 – 400 lbs
➽ Female: 180 – 220 lbs
Type: Omnivore, eats plants and meat
➽ Rangifer lean towards the plant side of their diet.
They generally feed on green vascular plants.
When hunting, these animals prefer to go for
their name sake. Caribou. Nearly being an identical
match to these beings, they pose as members
of the herd then take down the weakest link.
Groups: Canis Rangifer live in large herds
exceeding over one hundred members. They are
at times marked by tribes and can even be ridden
by the native people of the land. Items like
earrings and feathers are attached to each
herd members ear, signaling they belong to someone
and they are not allowed to be shot.

➽ Resembling caribou, the Canis Rangifer species
has the all too familiar stripe running down both
of their flanks. Their pelts come in various natural colors,
browns and grays being the most common. All genders
carry a set of large antlers, which can be different tones
defending on their pelt colors.
➽ The antlers are the main attraction of these canines
as well as their massive stature. It is common to
see one bigger than a caribou, it is usually the
males who grow this big. Females are rather small
in comparison.
Male gray morph spike. He looks so worried in this, more than
likely because he got yelled at by one of the bulls.

Your own Rangifer: Rangifer are currently a closed species due
to their wip status, but you are welcome to go ahead and design
your own until the species are open! Feel free to post the designs below.
Young Rangifer have fawn spots and as they age these spots disappear.
You can create your own, but they cannot be used for roleplays

Creation, the do's and don'ts
The Do's
➽ Gray, brown, black, russet, tan and melanism morphs(pelts)
➽ White, gray, brown, black, orange, yellow, or tan eyes
➽ Must have antlers unless they were cut off by humans

The Don'ts
➽ Unnatural morphs like neon pink, orange, red, or purple.
➽ Unrealistic items like guns or swords

Male Brown morph. When angry or agitated, their paws will stamp loudly on the ground.
Be careful, since this is also a signal that they are about to charge.

Female Gray morph. Their various noises may be confusing, but one stands out the most.
A deep bellowing howl that erupts from the various toned beings, echoing into the night
as they communicate with each other. They can also produce chirps, which are a signal
of happiness and content.

Male Dark Gray "Melanistic" morph. It is rare to find one with a dark side stripe, but they are not yet
extinct. They are looked down upon as a freak and are usually kicked out of their

Female Albino morph. Albino Rangifer are the rarest mutation out there and are considered
sacred due to their glimmering white pelts and pink features.

Information will be added as I go, be sure to check back every so often.

Game Discussion / Re: Priorities
« on: June 25, 2019, 02:20:41 am »
In my eyes (and the eyes of many others too) it has become undeniably clear that the staff need to change. The 'before no-mod-october' staff (BNMO for short) have had countless opportunities to change their methods of communication, whether it be with each other professionally, or with the community itself, in either situation on numerous occasions they have failed to do so.

It is time for change.

We cannot wait for that type of change any longer.

We have waited for too long. You could even say years now.

We are tired, and we want to see production.

I'm even straight up going to say that we need a new staff team. Or at least new management. The new staff after no-mod-october (NMO for short) made the mistake of allowing the BNMO staff return. They cannot get anything done efficiently because they cannot work like a team, only a friendship circle against the 'new blood'. It's unprofessional. It stopped the newer staff from getting anything done or even attempt to correct the mistakes the BNMO staff made. The BNMO staff are always sticking to their old ways, which do not work anymore, and haven't done for too long a time.

It should not take months to finalize discussions.

You should not have to rely on repetitive distractions like MotS seasons and competitions etc to cover up your unfortunate broken staff team situations.

It's stupid.

It's noticed.

And if the Admins cannot strengthen their staff team or balance their responsibilities, then honestly why are they here.

I can't stress it enough.

Before transparency even begins to happen, there needs to be a new staff team, because this one with the BNMO staff in it is clearly not working out and it shows.

I wholeheartedly agree with Bawfle's statement.
Coming from a time when the online count used to reach a staggering 600+, it is sad to see a max of only 300 members online. Wake up and smell the roses, something is definitely wrong. There is no need to push it away, to act like it is not there.
Change needs to come, and fast before this game plummets.

More communication is the only road to success, as everyone has stated so far. As a community, we want to know what is going to happen to the game. The team can ask for feedback, as well as take suggestions for what could be added into the game. Also being more open to the suggestions stated by members in this very category instead of hating on it.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Marketing & Ideas
« on: June 24, 2019, 01:15:23 am »
Feral-Heart does currently have a DeviantArt group, but I do like the idea of there being an Instagram and Tumblr page. There is a lot of people on those apps, which would bring in more members. As someone who watched the game decrease from 600+ people online to only 300 maximum, it would be nice to get some new blood!

For the maps, there could be a less laggy version created for the game for those whose computers have performance issues. Overall, I do like this ideas presented. cx

Presets & Markings / Re: Smorequi's Preset Shop (OPEN)
« on: May 24, 2019, 09:03:51 pm »
God lord have mercy all of these presets are absolutely stunning!
I absolutely adore five and seven, they are so pretty. I currently have 244 points
and can offer up to five full bodies or bust pieces of a canine character of your choice..

Presets & Markings / Re: Finn's Preset Gala [Commissions Closed]
« on: May 24, 2019, 09:03:01 pm »

Your preset skill is amazing! I have to <3

Forum: Verakko
FeralHeart User(s): Verakko but will be changed soon
Discord User: None. Yet I do have DA   --->
Reference:   [If you can try to make the mane with two color?]
Preferred Deadline: None, just take the time you need

   No or Yes
Scars(+5): No
Double Sided(+10): No
Transparent Parts(+20): No
Items(+20): No
Wings(+20): No

ps: Finn

Characters made with the feline model always gives me issues, as I have never actually created a feline preset.
Due to this I don't mind making this preset for a low price. cx

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