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Messages - Shizuka

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: More Map Making Meshes
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:00:31 am »
I just think, meshes like Tunnels, Caves with opposite openings, pipes, stairs, Castle-like rocks(like in sand castles, you could make a sand castle with one bucket) It would be a Cilindar shapped rock with the jagged edges on the top edge, an opening in the top, and 4 openings on each side of the castle. Another good mesh would be a wall :D

Forum Polls / Re: Rate the forum
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:14:00 am »
9, because it's so big, old posts are hard to find. Its just soooo big!! xD and whats the point of the 'see unread posts' option because I'm sure noone's intention is to read every single post xD

I think it could be a little more organized. Like in the help section, there's up to 90 somthing pages of posts, many are repeated questions. There should be a way for the forum people who do change stuff in the forum, to put solved situations all together in one of those posts(I think it was called a sticky...) that stays at the top and front everytime :D that way, people may look there to find similar situations and solutions.

Edit: Oh and also, I don't like how the posts read down to up, back to front. Alot of topics are about the first post, so I think it should be as normal, with the first posts on the first page, and most recent on the last ^_^

Otherwise, I think this forum is great!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas for game and Character edit
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:21:33 am »
Lol of course the vomit emot wouldnt be realistic at all, just comical xD like very fake waterfall, face green and brown spots heere and there, and the character making funny squinty eyes xD

Characters / Re: Okami no Shizuka :D
« on: May 14, 2011, 10:10:06 pm »
She's not a realistic red wolf, and yes i do believe wolves easily have the capacity and ability to kill bears. Shizuka of course uses her super ninja skills to do her work on those stupid bears! xD

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas for game and Character edit
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:40:05 pm »
# Vomit-I think it's just comical and funny :D
# Drool-not like realy meshing is needed, just a trickle mark on the lip
# Celestial-Yea...though people make okami charas with the swirl markings anyway
# Kitsune-Kitsune simply means fox in japanese, and kitsunes are also mythological creatures like unicorns, dragons, ect. The legend is that they get a tail every 100 years and get up to 9 tails.

Characters / Re: Okami no Shizuka :D
« on: April 25, 2011, 12:50:49 am »

Name: Keriri
Gender: female
Species: nekoyasha(cat demon)
Age: 2 years
Alliance: N/A, looking
Family: Keriri(mother) Kuroro(father)
Keriri is my main feline chara

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas for game and Character edit
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:11:56 pm »
@lugailuv: yea 9 tails for the Kyuubi, 3 tails, 2 tails, i think it would be cool to have from 1-9 tails but it may be too unrealistic xD
@everyone else who liked the actions ideas: Thanks ^_^

Name: Ushio
Nicknames: Shio-chan
Age: 1 year
Sex: female
Species: Canine
Breed: Shiba inu
Parents: Nagisa(mother) Tomoya(father)
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Ushio was born as a pet living with her parents and siblings, and when the earthquakes and tsunamis separated her with her entire family, she decided to join the Warriors of Ohu after traveling Japan for a while.

May Ushio join the Dogs of Japan?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Ideas for game and Character edit
« on: April 16, 2011, 12:02:05 pm »
Maps-I think it would be fun to run around in an ice themed cave, a super duper awesome idea I really would love would be the addition of maps like in Nippon, with portals to eachother.
I got kinda lazy with drawing but i didnt wanna take all my time doing this :3

I also think it should be a general bird of prey :3 you could customize it's beak length, cheek size, beak curve, forehead size, crown feather size, eye size, weight(fluffyness), and then width length and height :D then the tail feathers could be customizeable, then mane/feathers, head feathers, and tufts like on the back of the head, neck, back of legs, or back, and then eyes, and head, body, and tail markings. The beak would switch out the nose color, and there can be pelt, underfeathers, eyes above eyes and below, contour feather tips(instead of tail tip), mane/tufts, and markings ^_^ the markings could include different patterns that many interesting eagle, falcon and hawk species have

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