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Messages - LightWaves

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i just want to see if people think its good enough to use my new group in :3 if its to I.T.ish i'll change it up a bit. ((i put random little crystals in it for affect at night so hopefully that works out)) i dont want to copy write anything O.O the only similar things are the mountains on the sides and the tree in the middle, just to bring back the memory of old impressive title :'3 the rest i came up with just for fun. the group in it will be semi-realistic ((but no powers welcome but i accept wings and unrealistic markings))  thanks for testing it for me, hope to see ya around in it :3

Game Discussion / Re: Humans in FeralHeart
« on: November 12, 2012, 05:29:37 am »
i dont see the point of humans in this game. humans dont have four legs, do they?? werewolves in WOLF form seems okay to me and horses, but humans?? in an animal game?? thats messed up -.-

Game Discussion / Re: FightWolves
« on: November 12, 2012, 05:26:07 am »
i think there violent. i think it should be forbidden to be a fight wolf considering i have seen them harming pups and useing swears towards other players. i once made a FW character and i hated it. (no offence fight wolve's) as i see one of the worst fight wolf pack is the BloodRidgeWolves. im not sure if there still active but they seem meanest. i think if there going to act that way, the fight wolves should make a map aand use that ONLY

hey people. so you know that other thread i posted in help? about the new map? (i needed help making it public and i figured out how!! YAY)) well, heres the map link!! in really sorry if it doesnt work. But before you download it, there are some rules. 1. You must be a FELINE to enter the map,  if you want to make a canine you have to make a longer muzzle on a feline character and just mess aroundwith that sizeing, okay? Ask me in the map if you want to know about it but its hard to explain. 2. NO dragon or ANYTHING besides felines and canines made of felines. Unless you want to be a prey for others to hunt, i accept that. There may be some more rules about the map once you get into it, but thats all im going to put in here so i dont take up to much space with my writing whn you probably just want to test around with my new map. OH YEAH one REALLY important thing!!!!! 3. You can have presets in the map but if you do take your presets into MY map, you must be able to download them and know how to put out the link for others to download. okie dokie then? okay so heres the link:      
i hope that works if it doesnt or it is not a link and it doesn't look blue or anything i have no idea what to do but i will mess with it if it happens, so just tell me if there are problems. and another important thing is there is NO read me file as far as i know, so you must know how to download maps already. cant wait to see you running around in my map! i will be so happy to see everyone there. i hope you download!! so i'll cya all around ;) bye guys and cya in-game!!  ;D

Game Discussion / Re: IT to FH maps
« on: November 11, 2012, 11:20:45 pm »
Im actually working on a little map for the I.T fans to use there presets and stuff in. Its not exactly the same as the I.T default because i don't want to copy write anything so it'll be out soon if anyone wants to try it out. im gonna put the link in a new thread soon.

Site/Forum Help / How do you make a map PUBLIC??
« on: November 11, 2012, 08:42:42 pm »
Hey guys! Wuz up?  ;D okay, so i have a little problem here. Well as you know lots of people really miss Impressive Title and think FeralHeart is not the same, so im doing a little I.T default map for those who still wish they could play I.T again :3 but you see, i can't figure out how to make the map public  :o and i can't find the link for it if i somehow DID make it public!  :o
if anyone could help i would be really happy and i can't wait to get this I.T map out for the public download! Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this  :P bye for now guys and cya around in game!!  ;D

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