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Messages - ShelbyRB

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Hello guys! IceCub here.
I wanted to start on a new wearable item pack to add to the existing ones.
What would you like to see?
Once I have a pretty decent list started, Ill try to narrow it down to the top 10 or so. If there is one I absolutely wont be able to do, I wont add it, but I'll try to get the most popular ones.

Current Suggestions:
-Avengers Items
- Jewelry
-Clothing: Hats, scarves
-Pet related: toys, collars, etc
-Pool Toys
-Items from other games


Update: Check out this creeper I converted....he follows you! He will be in the new pack, more coming soon!

Thanks so much everyone!

Keep sharing it with your friends!!!...Maybe everyone will be able to look for rps easier now

I may even make an installer for those who have trouble getting it

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 23, 2013, 01:21:37 am »
I know a lot of people loved general for chatting with each other, and it also made advertising easier. But what if everyone devoted a public map to each and used local. Like some of the lesser used maps such as Atlantis, Temple of Dreams, Ascension Land, Last Cave (not even gonna mention Sky's Rim XD ) I know they aren't as big as Fluorite, but hey its worth a shot. And even with players who just want to chat, we could even have a person open a group just for chat and have everyone join it.

Not trying to bash anyone's opinions or anything...just trying to offer some feedback that could help until things get straightened out :3

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 16, 2013, 10:11:07 pm » much talking about members leaving. Really in all truth not many members have left Feral Heart. Now - indeed as the double server crashes and what not have come about members have lost track of when the game is actually working so they don't know when to get online; but if you stay on the forums basically all day like I do you will notice the numbers rising and falling as time passing. When I first joined feral heart about 2 yours ago there were somewhere in the 1,000 of members; though the recent crashes have caused some members to stop playing as much; though on days when the server isn't crashing as much over 900 members are online. It doesn't matter if General is gone or not; most of the members still get online when they know the game is working at least some what decent. Where is everyone's proof that members have left? Have you actually had friends say that they are giving up on FH because the chat was removed and then they deleted their account of actually stopped getting online? Now if you did then okay; very well - I am not saying that people have left. But there are still 1,000+ members within the Feral Heart community....

Whether they get online everyday or only a few days of the week...they are still there...


Yeah that's what I've been looking at also the number of players online...then again I could just be online at odd times XD.
But I agree with your other post, there are still plenty of groups that are thriving even with the change. A lot of RPs gather members through the forums, as well as other sites like deviantart :3

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 16, 2013, 08:35:26 pm »
I think for the most part, the removal of General was an awesome idea! Its helped a lot, the only problems is the number of people who quit playing because of it. But most people have found ways to get their groups noticed even without General. Not sure if it will return, but what if there was a way to censor profanity like ************ I remember thats how it was when I played runescape XD

Thank you so much for making this map!! I will try to spread the word as much as possible!

Thanks Muser! much appreciated <3

I may eventually make an actual map of a few :3
and I can do Rhode Island also

These look like they'd be wonderful maps! Did you turn actual screenshots into grayscale, or did you use a reference yo draw them yourself? Either way, I must day they look gorgeous. What a beautiful place we live in...

I used a few different programs to convert specific regions into heightmaps and then saved them into photoshop as greyscale  ^_^

Hi everyone! I thought I would share some of the heightmaps of real locations that I converted from Google Earth.
(Not sure if this is the correct thread to post under)
Here are just a few, but I can make some more if anyone has any requests.

If you need them in greyscale I can package them all up. I don't think it saves them as greyscale if you just save my image...not sure.

Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Lake Victoria, Africa

Badin Lake (its near me so most of you probably wont know it, but it looks cool)

I would like to be a tester, but i have to figure out how to get the map on the game first...

Looks so cool!

Thanks! But I've already had it tested so hopefully everything is ok. But I will have a video up soon of how to get the map

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