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Messages - Whitefangkiba

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Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:01:30 am »
Im the one who requested Kirara^^ tho that fox sounds cute x3

i sent you yours as well xD

really? I guess I have that same glich problem that makes it so I dont revice messages. Mind sending it over email? or you could post a link here, I hate to be difficult here x.x

posting it here, because seeing as it is not a personal self made design, i probably should make it useable for everyone anyway xD

that would be nice for other poeple^^

Finished Maps / Re: Rouge place ~Public~ v1.09
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:00:00 am »
@Katy :sure you can^^ hope you guys have fun C:

@Sukira : hm some people have said the download is slow and for others its fast, not sure why x3 Im sorry bout that tho ^^"

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:48:23 pm »
Im the one who requested Kirara^^ tho that fox sounds cute x3

i sent you yours as well xD

really? I guess I have that same glich problem that makes it so I dont revice messages. Mind sending it over email? or you could post a link here, I hate to be difficult here x.x

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:07:50 pm »
Im the one who requested Kirara^^ tho that fox sounds cute x3

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:54:13 pm »
Sammi dont stress yourself out, your working hard and making people lovley free presets. If anyone is complaining that your not going fast enough ignore them you have no obligation to be doing this, your doing it out of kindness and we all appreciate it^^

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Pokemon markings coming soon
« on: July 25, 2011, 05:59:04 pm »
Just a couple of suggestions take em or leave em^^


dont feel obligated to make all of them, just some popular selections I know many like^^ well except the last two i love those ones :P

@ Sheila:
Sharn has been accepted into Shila Tribe as a Lota,  Please add SHila to your name and feel free to search up The Frozen Legend and send a request, if not I hope to see you in game soon and add you^^ and btw very nice rp sample.

@ wounds:
Oichia has been accepted to Siku Tribe. Closest thing to messanger is scout so thats what rank you may take. You will have to talk to Kobe (RoflCopter) in game for position of delta.

*Notice: Frozen Legend is on a temporary break, Sorry to those who have joined on here and in game. This group will re-open in the fture.

Do you have what it takes?~Welcome to The Frozen Legend~
This is a long term, literate and realistic arctic wolf rp. In this group you will have the choice to join Kobe in Siku Tribe or Aura in Shila Tribe.

~Siku Tribe~
The Tribe of ice.
Siku tribe is a fierce group, do them wrong and you will be sorry. We are known for our strength and courage. The symbol that represents our tribe is the dragon, strong and fierce nothing will bring the beast down. * more to come*

Current statues: Low on prey

~Shila Tribe~
The Tribe of fire.
Shila tribe is fierce and proud, we dont need the pity of other tribes.Strength and loyalty is key for this group, Shila Tribe is known for our strong warrriors, and silent stalking skills. The symbol that represents our tribe is the Phoenix,tragity once took hold of our tribe tearing it to pieces,yet out of the ashes we shall rise once more proving to be more powerful then ever before. * more to come soon*

Curent status: Calm, settling in new territory nicley.

Right now Siku Tribe and Shila Tribe have yet to meet and do not know one another is living in the territory. There for the Height map colors do not apply atm, you may travel anywere through the map.

Height Map:

Blue: Siku Tribe
Red: Shila Tribe
Yellow is free terrtory
Green is portal
Map Created by RoflCopter ( Kobe)

~Ranking System~
*Note I left all blank because I didnt want to type this out twice for each tribe. This is just to let you see the ranking system.

~High Ranks~


Male:None Female:None


Male: None Female: None

Beta's are second command , these canines only take orders from their alpha's. Lower ranks must give these higher ups respect, if you fail to do so you will be punished.
They are in charge if no alpha is present and will punish one who rejects orders.


Male: None Female: None

Delta's are third in command , They only take order from their alpha and betas .Show them respect , if you fail to meet these expectations, you will be punished.
They also are the messengers, the alpha will send them out to other tribes for alliances and other stuff.

[Two loyal guardians that the Alpha especially chose]


Requirements: Tail type:Sickle

Markings: Head:Any Body:Any Tail:Ring High

~Normal Ranks~

[ these ranks do not give you higher power over the higher ranks but in your jobs, these ranks are giving to you based on what your
skills are pointed towards . You may be leader of your job but you are not alpha of the pack.
Based on your skill of your job you will move up in your job's ranks, there will be a leader of each job.
The two job leaders do not have to be mates but still can be.
Also if you are a leader of one
job you cannot disrespect or order other
canines of other jobs around. ]

~Hunters :

Lead Hunter: None Lead Huntress: None


Hunter Apprentices:

[They fight off and protect the pack and territory from intruders.]

Eta Male:None Eta Female:None[Lead Warriors]

Apprentice warriors:


Lead Male Scout: None Lead female Scout: None


Scout apprentices:


Theta[LeadMedic]: None


Lota Apprentice:


Tail type: any aside from sickle

Markings: Head: Any Body: Any Tail: Ring Center

~Lower ranks~

[new members or yearling wolves start here and must prove themselves before they are given a better ranking.
Though you can go into a higher rank , you can also be kicked to lower rank.]

You are at a low rank you have no job and you do jobs for all the other ranks .
shape up and you may lift your rank.


Tail type : Any aside from sickle.

Markings: Head: Any Body: Any Tail: Ring Low

Feel free to take a look around the website:
Here you wil find more rules, and more info on both tribes.

~Before you join~
Please read here to make sure this is the right group for you.

1. This is iterate, meaning paragraphs are expected. You are also expected to use puncuation, and proper spelling.
2. This Rp is long term, meaning we are seeking only active members. If you are in-active for more than 5 days you will be kicked. ( unless you give us warning and a reason)
3. Your alphas are to be shown respect inside and outside an rp. This means if your alpha is speaking on serious terms you shut your maw and listen.

~Still Interested?~
Fill out the application form bellow^^

Charactor name:
Which Tribe you are joining:
What rank you are looking for: ( ranks are only given in game but this was your alpha will kow what rank your looking for)
Quick description of your charactor: ( personality, apearance, mood, anything important we shoudl know)
Rp sample: ( one of the most iportant things, this will detirmin mostly if your in the rp, your rank will also reflect from this, so take it seriously please)
Char pic:( Just so we can see what and who we are accepting to our pack)

~ Some things to keep in mind~
 I get asked alot if you can have different colors aside from greys and whites. Yes you may but remember that this is a realistic rp. Meaning that if your a black wolf living in the ice tundra you will have to rp your disadvatages. You will not blend in well thus making your ability to hunt,stalk ect harder.

If your looking to move up in ranks be active, it is one of the most important things in this group aswell as your literacy. Nothing will be "handed" out in this group, "you" must earn it. Nothing in life is handed out on a silver plate.

Betas and deltas will not be given away lightly, once you have proved yourself in lower ranks and worked your way up only then will you be able to apply for beta, delta and epsilon ranking. Once you have this rank does not give you permision to slack of, if you slack you can be demoted. Also if another is able to apply for delta or beta ranking they can challange you to take your rank you must be strong through the entire rp at all times.

Its more then likley during your expiriance with this rp that the group will get deleted several times. Do not freak out or panic simply wait for Kobe to get online and he will re-add you, or you can search of The Frozen Legend and send a request.

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