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Messages - rainbow lion

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Blizzardstar looked through the dark trees and out into the other clan's territory. He knew most of them were intimidated by FlameClan's territory but he still wanted a warrior or an apprentice to wander too close so he could maybe lay blame on their clan. It could give FlameClan a better reputation, except for the clan the cat was from. But no cat was within Blizzardstar's sight.

Blizzardstar's nose twitched as rain pelted the forest. He let his white pelt soak. It was covered in dirt anyways. His green eyes watched the forest floor turn from dust to mud. Blizzardstar started to seek out shelter, it was turning into a downpour and no cat would want to get caught out in it. Finding protection from the rain in a hollow a few tail-lengths off the ground in a dead tree, he sat watching the rain fall.

Dimfeather's ear twitched. Day still swarmed over the territories. He was powerless then. He tried to figure what he needed to do in the forest tonight. After careful thought he chose to scout out the territories and get a sharper idea of what the clans' strengths and weakness were.

Blizzardstar padded silently through the burnt forest. Small shoots of tiny green plant stems were peeking out through the darkened mud. His clan couldn't do anything for him or he couldn't do anything for them at the moment. A few clouds lay overhead, maybe threatening to pelt the FlameClan territory with rain for the day.


Name: Blizzardstar
Age: 48 Moons
Gender: Male
Breed: Mixed
Subbreed: N/A
Rank: Leader?
Why you deserve this rank: I've seen FlameClan doesn't have many members in it. I'll also try to stay active and maybe help FlameClan get a few more members. XD
Clan: FlameClan
Other: N/A

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« on: December 27, 2013, 08:01:03 pm »
Aztec relaxed once her hide was out of view. She found herself on the deck still with humans walking about. Figuring there was no way out of this gigantic prison Aztec sat down with a huff. She didn't want to go back by the dogs, but she also wanted to avoid any close encounters with an angry human.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:33:34 pm »
The small feline's head poked out of the pile of ropes. Glancing around Aztec couldn't see any humans nearby. Letting herself relax a little she took time to gather an idea of her surroundings. For one thing she felt the ground moving slightly. Just enough to not notice unless you concentrated on it. Two dogs started to talk to each other near Aztec. Trying not to gather any attention Aztec attempted to slink off, hoping she wasn't seen.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« on: December 24, 2013, 01:39:02 am »
     Aztec prowled through the docks. Many and I mean many humans were piling onto what seemed to be a flat mountain with three collums puffing steam out. Her body tried to thread through the many pairs of feet. A foot gave a harsh kick at her. Hissing Aztec bolted away, only to find herself still stuck in the forest of humans. As she continued to wander aimlessly she felt the ground beginning to rise under her paws. The feline found herself on a boarding dock still being pushed along by countless humans. Another one tried to kick at Aztec but she jumped to the nearest place out of reach. A massive horn sounded and that spooked her greatly. Aztec scurried across the deck and dove into a pile of ropes.[color]

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |. Unsinkable .| {Open}
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:08:19 pm »

Character name: Aztec
Species: Lol I'm a cat
Breed: Calico Tabby mix
Age: About three years
Gender: Female
Accompanied By: Nobody
Class: Stray
Appearance: Look at the pic.
Personality: Aztec has a sharp attitude, due to shopkeepers chasong her away from their doors. Her mind thinks averagely until it comes to food. Then her descisions aren't the smartest. She shuns a pampered life and often mimics the higher class animals and people.
Extra: None

Thanks. ^^))

     Dimfeather's paws kneaded at the wet ground. His pale eye surveyed his well known surroundings. Many of the dead warriors padded miserably through the dark woods hoping to catch a glance of preciois sunlight. Dimfeather swished his tail in anoyance. The were no apprentices of the living that the once great cat could turn.

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