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Messages - BuioUmbra

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 45
Art Gallery / Re: Art~ [UPDATE 8th May - 2013]
« on: May 08, 2013, 07:13:44 am »
That second drawing of Fickle is just adorable ;a; So cute. -nuzzle- For your great work. c;

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: PLEASE READ!!!!
« on: May 07, 2013, 07:45:03 pm »
I've finished the transparent preset, I'll send you the preset now. I'll also send you the link to give to friends so they can see your preset, or not see it as its completely invisible cx lol.

Art Gallery / Re: Art~ [UPDATE 4th May - 2013]
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:53:11 pm »
c8 Fanks Buio~ I'm glad chu like it.

Welllcomes c: I always love your art because its so amazing c8

Leaving / Re: Leaving for awhile.
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:49:27 pm »
Well welcome back floof!
Life can be hard, put the past behind you....Hakuna Matata!

Introduction / Re: New In Town
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:43:29 pm »
Hello there floof ;)
I hope you have fun exploring the world of FH inside the game.
There are loads of fun maps to explore! c:

(Sorry for the late reply I was sick for a few days DX)


Misha yawned and flopped down on the back seat of her owners silver Toyota Starlet. "Where are we going?" she whined knowing she wouldn't get a proper answer. "Its okay girl, you'll be fine. I'm only going to be gone for a few weeks, not that long." "Gone?! Weeks?! But what..Where?...When?!" She barked these words causing her owner to look at her sternly. "Don't worry, Golden Swan will take care of you, as long as you have perfect behavior and don't steal their shoes." Misha yawned and nodded off to sleep.

After about an hour Misha woke up to find they were driving into the car park of a huge marble looking building. It was shiny and welcoming looking. Misha walked obediently next to her owner as she tried to contain her excitement. A new place to explore! New  toys! New scents! New people! She yapped happily and ran up to the doors and sat down waiting for Mary catch up. Her tail thumped the ground as her owner clipped the leash on. "Oopsie, you were supposed to be on this when we got out of the car but I forgot." Misha looked at her a barked, wanting to be led inside the giant place.

Inside it was just as beautiful as it was out. Soft chairs were arranged near a wall and they looked like perfect chewing material. She was about to try and bite them when she was tugged back and told "No you silly puppy, this way so we can get you settled in" Misha cocked her head not understanding but followed anyway. They walked up to a counter where a smiling receptionist hurried over. "Hi there, this is my puppy Misha and I need her to stay here for, lets say....Four weeks? I don't want to leave her but I have to go on a business trip." The receptionist lady nodded and said "Well everything seems to be in order. Her room is number 34 on the 3rd floor." "Thanks but I really need to go, I'm going to miss my train" She crouched down and kissed Misha on the forehead. "You'll be a good girl ok?" Misha yapped. Mary walked out to the car and drove off. Misha started to feel a bit lonely. She looked up as a young man tugged her lead saying "C'mon girl lets get you settled in"

Art Gallery / Re: Art~ [UPDATE 4th May - 2013]
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:35:04 pm »
Ohmergosh that last drawing is so beautiful! -dies from the superness of the art-

Praise / Re: Happy Birthday, Red!
« on: May 06, 2013, 02:52:31 pm »
Happy Birthday Red!
Thank you for everything you have done for FH

That is an amazing preset c: I also love the look of your maps.

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: PLEASE READ!!!!
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:55:11 am »
Floof, you don't have to use caps for the title.
I can make the invisible preset but I can't do realistic.
Do you want invisible wings too?

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