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Messages - RisingLife

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Game Discussion / Re: Nice things.
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:45:49 pm »
I remember the first person who actually offered help to me on FH. It was a couple monthes after I joined, and I was a low semi-literate rper. I kept on seeing these advertisements for "mapped RP's" and I was interested. So I went up to one recruiter and asked if I could join. She asked for an rp sample, so I started hunting right there in local. So she told me what an RP sample was, gave me an example, and gave me a few tips on the ones I sent her until it was acceptable. Then she went through how to download maps for me, and even abandoned advertising to help me out. Then she gave me one of her most literate rper's to 'mentor' me, and he made me re-do each rp line I sent until everyone I typed were literate. Sadly, the rp shut down soon after I joined, and I never got to friend any of the members. But I am forever grateful to those people from the RP, so whenever a new person tries to join my rp, I try to do exactly what they did for me c:

Game Discussion / Fight Centers?
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:22:03 pm »
So before the game went down, I would go into Bonfire every so often if I couldnt get on Flourite or no one was on a mapped rp and just watch random rps. And often, either there or in Ficho, there would be this thing called a "Fight Center". If you do not know what these are, they are essentially like Mate Centers or Adoption Centers, but there two animals fight each other. These fights often attract a large crowd, and at least one of the opponents end up dying. Now this may have been brought up before, but I feel kind of bothered by these Fight Centers. I think they poke a little too much at the real dog fighting pits that occur at the expense at innocent dogs. I know FeralHeart is just a game, and that the Fight Centers are just for fun, but I feel it is sending a bad message about Feral Heart to new users, and a bad message about real life to our younger players. Now I don't expect with this thread the Fight Centers to stop, but I would also like your opinion about these Fight Centers. So comment if you feel that Fight Centers are perfectly fine, if they are inhumane, or anything in between.    

Presets & Markings / Re: RisingLife's Presets (Request Shop CLOSED)
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:08:06 pm »
Large update, preset shop still closed though. One request still to finished, and when I  re open I will have 3 requests at a time. Feel free to reply taking one of the spots (2 are open now with Summer's request).

Game Discussion / Re: Mapped vs Mapless?
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:21:26 pm »
This is interesting, the responses. From the forums I usually look around people who liked mapped like it because of the trolls, and people who like unmapped is just because of the inactivity. I've also had other people complain that mapped rp's felt hostile towards them, or unenjoyable, and others complain that unmapped rp's had too many unexpected vistors and that they disliked it. But i guess that is what you get with different opinions X)

Art Gallery / Re: RisingLife's Art
« on: March 09, 2013, 04:11:57 am »
Thank you~~~ <3

Art Gallery / Re: RisingLife's Art
« on: March 08, 2013, 10:56:03 pm »
Idk yet XD I havent drawn anything yet, I still have to finished some preset requests :P

Art Gallery / Re: RisingLife's Art
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:53:22 pm »
Thank you :3 next update should be a large one, I've been feeling artsy XD

Art Gallery / Re: RisingLife's Art
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:42:05 pm »
Derp stuff is right :3 You can't see it on the FH forum, but there is black text on the gif saying "Up Up + Away"

Art Gallery / Re: RisingLife's Art
« on: March 08, 2013, 09:36:36 pm »
Updated a little :)

Slinking through the deserted forest, Piros sniffed the air for any other animals. You are a disgrace, a curse to this family, You brought this upon us. You brought the disease his father's voice snarled in the back of the canine's head. Trying to ignore the sharp jabs, Piros caught a faint scent of two other wolves, and...two other scents that were too faint for him to make out. Following the scent trail, Piros soon found the two along with a bird and cat. /Odd.../ he thought, just to be disrupted by his father. Odd? You call two perfectly normal wolves odd? I bet just a half of one of those dogs would be better than you

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