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Messages - .Revolution.

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Member Bio & Journals / ~!{ Revolution's Bio }!~
« on: December 29, 2012, 08:44:53 am »
(Kind of a bad picture, but whatever.)  Boom. Well. Hey. I'm Revolution, or you can call me Rev. Or by my non-roleplaying character, Evolution. (I know, I know. Cool name right? Lol jay kay.) Okay. Well, my name's Sam, actually. You can call me lots of things.. Revolution, Rev, Bellonna, Cai, Chyb, Ree, Sam, Sniper, dear god my names are endless. Okay, here's just a bit about meeeeee:

~ I am obsessed with The Walking Dead. Daryl Dixon is like my lover, okay? I'm one of those fangirls that die everytime she sees a picture of him. Let alone a GIF. Eeeeeeeeeeee. Okay enough of that.

~I love to RP! Yes, yes I do. The sad thing, though, is I'm kind of a group-hopper. I've never been in a longterm group and stayed in it. That's low, I know. I can't help myself. There's so many good RPs to join out there.

~I am part of the generation that LACKS SLEEP. You all should know what that's about, hey? Yeah. We are nocturnal. I'm part of that.

~I love revolutions, obviously. My favorite words are, revolution, rebellion, retaliation and resistance. I love the American Revolution, the French Revolution, everything. I love stories and tales and history about that. I love how something so unfair and unjust, can be changed. Just one person takes a step, and everyone else who was silently praying for change all those years will step forth too. I can't help myself for dreaming like this, I love it. More than anything, I want to start a revolution in the Middle East for Women. It's killing me.

~Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton's. Well. ANYTHING of Tim Burton), Twilight, Hunger Games, Red Riding Hood, and Snow White & The Huntsmen (Yes, I love the new renditions of the classic fairy tales with a sick twist). Those are just SOME of my favorite movies. There's more, but I can't think of them. e-e

~Books: Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Pride, Prejudice & Zombies, and A Series of Unfortunate Events.

~ Not sure what else. I might add to it later. Heh. If you have any questions for me, or feedback, or if you want to RP with me anytime, let me know!

Ohh, and I'll be releasing a thread on some things I've made. Moons, maps, cursors, things like that. The moons are pretty cool, check 'em out maybe.

Okay. Walking Dead aLL the way. I'm so obsesed, really. I am in love with Daryl, and everything to do with Daryl. Not just Daryl, NORMAN REEDUS. I swear I'm a teenage stalker. xD God, it's my biggest obsession.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Problems Confirming Account
« on: December 29, 2012, 07:49:27 am »
That happened to me, today. I went to make an account, and it didn't work. Actually, I ended up having to re-make two emails, and register three times for it to work. Finally, after the third email I tried, it was fine. I don't know what else to do, other than that.

Game Discussion / Re: What got you into FeralHeart?
« on: December 29, 2012, 07:43:25 am »
One of my friends told me about it. I first thought it looked kind of dumb, how you run around as animals and accomplish nothing, but then I wanted to try it. Lol. I love FH so much.

Praise / Re: Happy birthday Sameth! <3
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:19:32 am »
Happy Birthday!! c:

Game Discussion / Re: Awkward moments..
« on: December 29, 2012, 05:59:19 am »
Heh. I've done this a lot, and I'm sure you all have too. At least of a sort. Basically what I'm saying, is the "wrong chat". Today, I was talking to a friend in whisper. Saying that I think someone in the pack likes my character. I thought I was talking in whisper, so I typed out, "Hey. I think he has a crush on (My character's name) already. Hah." but I realized I was talking in group, and I said HIS name. Dear god. Lol.

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