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Messages - Huskystar

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Forum Games / Re: Paws 11
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:08:59 am »
For Now >:)


Forum Games / Re: Drop the Grenade
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:07:31 am »

-Throws back to Thrillex!-


Forum Games / Re: Drop the Grenade
« on: September 16, 2013, 12:53:15 am »



Flash/Stallion/20 Years/ Alpha.

Cookie/Filly/5 Months/Foals.



History: -Optional
Rank: (/Leader//Guard//Foals//Mothers/)

Name: Flash.

Nickname: Nupe.

Gender: Stallion.

Age: 20 Years. Has a good 10 years left.

Personality: Flash is a wise sole. He may sound quite scary, but he looks soft and is soft! He wouldn't hurt someone unless they tried to hurt him. When annoyed, or bothered when he is sleepy, he can snap. He will try impress ladies by bucking, rearing and doing little hops, but its rare when he does.

History: Ask!

Appearance: As you can see, he has a soft black coat with white splodges there and there. He has beautiful brown eyes and black mane with some brown highlights. He has a white blaze going down his forehead.

Crush: None yet.

Mate: None Yet.

Foals: None Yet.

Rank: Leader

Other: ...

Name: Cookie.

Nickname: Cooks, Cook.

Gender: Filly.

Age:5 Months.

Personality: Cookie is a shy mare, and doesn't really like to socilaize. Sometimes she likes to mess around with other foals, playing chase or hide and seek. She can be friendly, but aggressive and harsh when she needs to be.

History: She's only young!

Appearance: Cookie has a beautiful white pelt with her baby fluff still on her. Some light splodges are on her making her look like a little cute blob of cuteness! She has a black tail, white white highlights, and a white mane which neatly falls one side.

Crush: Nupe.

Mate: No.

Foals: Wut... Nu!

Rank: Foals.

Other: Nu.


|1.| This is the most obvious rule ever! Can we have no power playing? I know it's hard to tell when you do it, so check before you post!

|2.| Can you And no God Modding or anything like that. You know Le Huskies don't like it..

|3.| Up to 3 Characters, and you have to post them.

|4.| Be realistic, like no horse that can make thunder! And use a real picture, no animes because it would be weird having a realistic look to the scene, then anime horses galloping around.

|5.| I'm not going to crowd us with to many rules so... You can mate and give birth, but don't go into any detail at all!

?Mini Plot?

Time: It's a early time at 6am, and the herd is just waking up.
Weather: Slightly windy, but a warm feeling in the air.
Season: Autumn is just finished, and Winter is on it's way!

When  Life  Takes  Over

Thud Thud Thud. You hear horse hooves clatter on the French terrain of Nantes. You stand submissive, your mane flowing in the wind. A spotted Stallion comes your way, his mane to clattering in the wind. His herd stays behind him, heads tall and ears flicking excitedly. You look at the male, hoping you wouldn't get a face full of hoof. "You are?" The male snorted, and you realize he wasn't going to hurt you. As you scan your eyes across the herd again, they look like a friendly bunch. Finally, you introduce yourself, and the herd flicked their tails, some introducing themselves as well. "Come.." He spoke, and cantered off, followed by the herd. Instinctively, you follow on, trying to keep up the pace with the fast herd...


In the wonderful place of France, Nantes horses roam around the countryside. But humans are coming around, wanting to get the horses away from the area. They come with guns, shooting the first horse they see. A herd, Cristal Herd (Crystal Herd) roams around the area. The strongest herd in the area, but still the same fear of every single herd. Death... Can You Survive? Or will the Hunters shoot you down?

Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: September 15, 2013, 11:12:47 pm »
{{Me interacted with Kai :3 .}}

Meko watched as Tasha turned her head towards him,and flashed a smile towards him. He smiled back quickly, his tail flicking happily. He pushed himself to his paws casually, and walked away slowly. He looked behind him for a second, looking at Tasha, but then looked towards him. He walked straight into Kai, and yelped not that he was hurt, it was because he wasn't expected to walk into her. He jumped back, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Uh.." He managed to get out, he hardly could talk when he done something stupid, "Sorry!"  He looked to the ground, his chocolate eyes focusing on a twig that lay on the ground.

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: September 15, 2013, 03:52:15 pm »

Sadie died farting giraffes...

Forum Games / Re: Paws 11
« on: September 15, 2013, 03:49:08 pm »


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