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Messages - Werewolvesunite1

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Drake opened up his backpack and pulled out his laptop. He closed the backpack and finished the animation frame while walking to class. He hummed the tune of the song he was listening to on his IPhone 5. He walked into the school and walked down the hall. He turned off his laptop and put it in his backpack. He walked to his locker and put his backpack in the locker. He closed it and walked to class. He took a seat in the science class Glad it isn't math He thought putting his head on the desk. He day dreamed forgetting to take out his headphones but he didn't care he sucked at Science too. He looked at the front of the room sleepily. He rubbed his eyes and lifted his head from his desk but just went to sleep. After a while he woke up "-Removed by moderator- I fell asleep during class ugh I'm an idiot!"He muttered under his breath he looked up at the board then turned off his music  then turned it on and looked over his emails there were no new ones. He sighed and looked up front again and zoned out everything and listened to music again.

Drake sat on his bed already awake working on a new animation with his laptop. He yawned as he did and saved the picture. He yawned again  and stretched. He turned off his laptop and hopped out of bed and yawned again Why am I so tired? he thought he put on his clothes forgetting to comb his hair. He picked up his IPhone 5 and turned it on he put in the head phones attached to it and started listening to music he hummed the tune of the song while drumming on the side of his phone with his fingers. While listening he turned on his laptop and sat on the bed starting the Animation frames again. He stuck his mini tape recorder in his pocket to have in case anything funny happened in class he could record for the animation. He finished that frame and started another one. While he did he thought about his dog at home. He realized he needed to hurry and saved the half finished frame and stuck his laptop in his backpack and rushed out his rooms door he started humming the song's tune as he listened. he stuck his phone in his other pocket still humming. He wandered the halls looking for his first class. He sighed knowing he needed to ask where his first class was anyways. I hope my first class isn't mat. I suck severely in math  he thought as he walked out the front of the school just to be outside.

Name: Drake Alexander Miller
Nick-Name: Shiney
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6' 4" he weighs about 116 lbs
Year: Senior
Social Group: the artists
House/Dorm: Dorm
Roommate: No roommate yet but he hopes to get one soon.
Occupation: Nope Drake is only a student
Personality: Drake is Funny, Mysterious, Rebellious, and has a bad temper
Traits: Mischievous, daring, noisy, and overall a trouble maker.
Strengths: Being alone, not having people bother him while practicing the drums
Weaknesses: trying to make friends, Trying to be nice all the time, math, science, social studies.
Hobbies: In his spare time Drake makes animations to upload to YouTube he plays the drums draws on his laptop walks around recording things for animation audio.
Background/History: When Drake was a kid everything was fine. Even though his mom was out of town a lot he was still a nice kid his grandmother watched him during those times and they would do many fun things together. When he was ten his mother got a new boyfriend named Brad, Drake never liked Brad at all. When Drake' s mom had to go out of town Brad had to watch Drake. Well Brad instead went to go see his other girl friend Marissa  Drake immediately called his grandmother who came over to watch him. When Brad got back Drake and his Grandmother were waiting "and where have you been" Drake' s grandmother asked "getting food."Brad lied "Oh really without my Grandson?"asked Drake' s grandmother "He refused to come"Brad insisted "No I didn't you went to go see someone named Marissa I heard you on the phone!"Drake said "get out of this house" Drakes grandmother said. Brad did. "Can we tell mom now?"Drake asked "No we shouldn't bother her on her business trip."His grandmother told him. "Ok."Drake had replied. They never saw hide nor tail of Brad until Drake was 14 when Drake got home Brad was waiting with a gun he had broken into the house. Drake was shocked "What are you doing here!?"Drake asked "Waiting"Brad replied he then pulled out the gun "What the hell!"Drake yelled before Brad could shoot Drake he was out the door getting on his dirt bike and speeding off down the street. As he did Drake dialed 911 on his cell phone he told the police officer on the phone what had happened. The officer told him to go to the nearest friends house. That's what Drake did a bit later Brad was being taken to jail. That's the last they ever saw of Brad. When Drake was 16 he got the nickname Shiney because of his animation of a wolf who shone in the dark. Drake had named the wolf Shiney. When Shiney was 17 he and his mom moved to Harley springs
Relationship Status: single
Crush: Drake isn't crushing on anyone
Voice: Drake's is the singer out of this videos voice ----->
Phone:  Drake has a red and black IPhone 5 with a howling wolf on the case.
Clothing: His style is random he wears shirts with logos or cartoons like Regular show or adventure time on them. He wears a bright green tap out hoodie jeans and black boots.
Extra: He loves Japanese songs, he has a dog at home named Matryoshka.
RP Password: too school for cool

Species / Re: Hellion wolves
« on: May 04, 2013, 09:18:58 pm »
I don't know :3 and sorry bout you and your friends. but don't worry they'll come around I'm sure.

Species / Re: Hellion wolves
« on: May 04, 2013, 04:48:12 am »
Lawl that post was by me my computer bugged and logged me onto Matryoshka' s account cause he was on today using my computer. Lawl

Species / Re: Psychomatic Wolves
« on: May 01, 2013, 03:23:11 am »
It worked the fire wall got rid of all the viruses and now FH works again :D

(( :D thanks.))

Wolven woke up with a yelp falling off her bed with an oof she got to her hands and knees and sighed she got up put on clothes brushed her teeth combed her hair and put on her pokemon hat. She grabbed her backpack and left. She walked down the halls in a bored way and went to her locker to put her stuff away

OMG i will join :3 *gets large and scary smile* And i have to tell Matryoshka-luver he loves this kind of stuff :D !!!))

-Human Picture URL-  
Name: Wolven
Gender: female
Age: 18
Personality: Shy, kind, funny sweet, caring.
History: As a kid every one called her names bacause she loved snow so much and had blue hair. She always ignored them keeping to herself making herself seem shy. She was held back in 8th grade because she was having trouble with math. She really doesn't like talking about her past.
Relatives:None at the University
Likes & Dislikes: she likes: Pokemon, snow and anything cold. Dislikes: Scary movies, when its very very warm out, and math.
Strengths & Weaknesses: Weakness: Being burned uh thats really it.. lol. Strengths: Being in cold places lol i really dunno XD.
Crushes?: N/A
Other: She always wear's a Mightyena hat
-Wolf Picture URL-
Personality: Same as the first.
Other: She still has the mightyena hat on.

Request a Preset/Marking / I need a marking made O.o!!
« on: April 30, 2013, 11:46:49 pm »
 :-X I need a marking for a character i've lol but yea it is for Nite it goes on his left front leg at the top (( Lol i couldn't remember what that part of the leg is called O.o )) and it looks like this ---->

if you could make then +floof for the person who does it.

Discussion Board / Re: How do you guys feel about Today's Cartoon?
« on: April 30, 2013, 08:19:46 pm »
I think cartoons are starting to get very very out of hand in violence and in adult humor in kids shows not naming any though. There are some shows that were violent and creepy me and Matryoshka watched like Invader zim, Courage the cowardly dog, Generator Rex, Ben 10 etc which we  especially loved Generator Rex but I can't put my finger on why lol. But there are shows that do stupid things which kids imitate like The Amazing world of gumball I was taking a walk after watching an episode of the show and two kids were imitating part of that episode and I was watching them thinking Are they trying to get ran over you see they were racing with blind folds on so I walked over grabbed them both by the shoulders not hard though took of their blind folds and said What are you two doing? And they replied Racing like gumball did. And I said Don't do that you could've been hit by a car. And they said Oh. And I took them up to their porch and told them to tell their mom what they were doing or I would. And they did. But yea...

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