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Messages - Proquail

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        "We'll never be royals."

        ---------------Who am I?
        .}Name Acerlon
        .}Age 23
        .}Gender Male
        .}Birth Date Jan. 15th
        .}Occupation Singer/Songwriter

        --------------- Looking in a Mirror...
        .}Height 6'0
        .}Eye Color Brown
        .}Hair Color Black
        .}Body Modifications N/A

        --------------- Love...
        .}Crush None
        .}Boyfriend/Girlfriend None
        .}Exes None

        --------------- What Lies Beneath...
        .}Personality Ace is a man of quiet and shy attributes. he does rarely speaks to anyone, and if he does it is a simple answer to whatever question they have asked him. Some consider him to be mute, but he only feels as if something is missing in his life. He feels a connection to another, so strong, but he could never find out who or what. He usually sits inside coffee shops and drinks mochas, pondering on about life itself. He is anxiety ridden, scared of what ever is to come next in life. He has heard rumors of the government, and it provokes him just that much more everyday.
        .}One Word That Defines You Scared

        --------------- Personal Favourites...
        .}Phone LG Optimus
        .}Pets A small chameleon
        .}Normal Style It is almost always a white t-shirt with straight fit jeans, and a pair of simple black vans. he often carries around his sunglasses in hopes to hide the fear in his eyes.
        .}Room Black, grey and white.
        .}Anything Else? N/A

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:24:46 am »

The female took another couple of steps back, licked her chops and watched as the great dane suffered. It was a great feeling of honor to rip his up again. He;d be a fool to come back for ever more after this time. He'd for sure need a mechanical arm now. She reminisced back to when they replaced her legs and jaw and teeth all for the sake of using her to attack with brutal force if necessary. Well now they can replace his leg, he can be miserable like the rest of us mutts. She sneezed off the thought and her gaze still found its way towards the white wolf hybrid. She was curios as to what her and the other shepherd, in fact, it was Zephra's roommate who had approached the white femme. She shifted her weight and settled at a slow trot towards the two, she lowered her head and kept from making contact. A sign of submission. As she approached, she lowered herself in another attempt to show she wasn't there to cause harm. " Hello, please excuse my interruption, but, I am Zephra." She forgot to mention the fact of why she even approached in the first place, but she wasn't exactly sure why she did anyways. It was never in her nature to approach anyone these days. She didn't really know much better other than kill or be killed.

Chance opened his eyes slowly, the sound of dogs excitement meant for one thing, it was time to head out to inhale some fresh air. He slowly sat up and allowed himself to stretch, his bones cracked after lying on the stiff floor all night. He yawned before trotting towards the door. The outside air lingered in his nostrils and he could feel how humid it was. Dry and cold, but it felt better than the hard concrete floors that he had been forced to call home. He let out a sigh and proceeded to carry on outside, he stepped onto the wet grass and lifted his crown high. His radars captured the loud annoyance of fighting, something that went on almost every day. he noticed a small water bucket, set out to keep everyone's thirst quenched. He longed for a drink of cold refreshing aqua, and his paws carried him to the bucket. He lowered his maw and nearly inhaled the cool refreshment.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« on: November 04, 2013, 05:13:25 am »

Deep blue eyes opened to the sound of opening doors. The female conjured of the last bit of her energy and let out a yawn. A flash of silver caught eyes as her long kanine teeth shimmered. She snapped them shut, and a loud clank echoed in the room, the sound of metal teeth smacking each other tight, with great force. She stood, the sound of robotic movement slowly followed the faded echo of the metal. Her hind legs shot her forward, shooting past the other shepherd who occupied the room. She ran towards the outside world and as soon as the breeze hit, she let out a slight whimper of excitement. the feeling of damp grass moistening in between her last two normal dog toes. She slowed to a stop at the sight of a loud calamity. Dogs crowded around a small femme, whom looked excruciatingly helpless. If there had ever been one thing Zephra hated, it was the violence against one who simply was defenseless. She sighed and plopped down on her two mechanic legs.

The smell of blood filled her nose as she examined the femme's wounds. She watched the whole battle go on, and it killed whatever hope was left inside of her beating heart. Only moments later did a familiar voice hit her radars, she turned to the sight of a large mutt. Great dane mixed with a little bit of demon, she swore to herself that the dog had been crazy since day one. She snapped her jaws towards his unkindly stare. As if to say ' back off, or these weapons are sinking into your flesh. ' Though his stare held endlessly. The female brute stood up, unwilling to turn her back on the mutt. he was to be untrusted forever, especially after the violence he cause against her last time. She could still see the scar on his shoulder from where he last metal tooth sunk in too deep, and never came back out. She could see the evil in his red eyes. it was almost as if he played a story of how he would kill her. He had to be one clever dog in order to get past the sharp,jagged metal kanines.

She held her stare into his until he finally let it go, proceeding to whatever it is he was doing before. that is when she turned her back, a mistake she would later regret, because that's when he attacked. She felt the clump of hair rip away from her pelt before she could even turn around. A loud whimper escaped her throat and she snapped her jaws violently into the air. One single second later, he mouth had made it around the larger brute's shoulder blade, and in the metal teeth sunk. The loud scream that released from his mouth satisfied the female. She wasn't going to let him get away easily this time. She managed to stabilize herself, while thrashing effortlessly tearing away at the dog. Painful blows of tooth and muscle hit her, but she kept going. She felt it, the pressure of her tearing at the shoulder blade released, but she still held flesh in her jaws. She spit it out, and the dog quickly backed away. She watched it drop to the ground and roll to his back, a sign of submission. Zephra took a step back, and the taste of thick red liquid hit her taste buds.


Here is My Male Character.

Name: Chance
Gender: Male
Age: Five
Species: Husky / Wolf
Percent of dog: 50%
Percent of wolf: 50%
Percent of mechanical parts: 0%
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect:

Chance is a rather large canine, he has a lot of stocky muscle and he knows how to use it. He is a carrier of golden eyes, just like his wolf side of the family. His fur is thick with the texture of smooth and soft, yet a tad rough during the winter seasons. He is a beautiful build of cream red and white. His legs are long and yet stocky, and a thick puffed tail that sometimes curls a tad.

He does not mind company, as long as they can learn to get along as well. He is not one to take any bullying and harassment, and has had many wounds from half-mechs, there was an incident where he dis-obeyed and was horrendously attacked, but fortunately they  didn't allow it to go on, due to the fact that he is part wolf. He has a good mind of cunning and wisdom. He knows his ways around the city walls, and plans to use it to his advantages. He is a 'nerd' is what some would call it, he has studied the technology of the mechs lately, and has figured a few things out.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Re: Eighty-Six [Open][Apply]
« on: November 03, 2013, 08:28:21 pm »
May I add another Character? Male. :)

Name: Zephra
Gender: Female
Age: Four
Species: German Shepherd
Percent of dog: 70%
Percent of wolf: 0%
Percent of mechanical parts: 30%
Detailed description of their appearance/personality/ect:
Zephra is a very petite and agile young shepherd. Both hind legs are mechanical as well as her jaw and all teeth have been made into nearly unbreakable metal material. The rest of her slender body consists of the average German shepherd appearance. Sandy colored base coat with the black back blanket and almost full black face. Her eyes are emerald green and sometimes change due to miss-connected wired in her mechanical parts. they often change from gold to blue to green. her mechanical back legs allow for a faster run and high jumps. her jaw and teeth allow for an accurate and extreme bite force against any enemy.

Zephra is a very snappy young sas, and she takes orders from nobody but whom she must. She has an aggressive attitude towards any other dogs, which is why she must often be separated from the other dogs, she is being trained to attack on command and they plan to use her as a guard/patrol dog for around the city. She simply wants to do her own thing, which is why she is dead set on getting out of this hell town. She has a hatred for all lately, considering they took away her legs and her jaw, and replaced them with cold, heavy metal material. She isn't a happy one, at that.



|| S A R I U S ||

A cold feeling of numbness cured his growling stomach. He could smell the area had been infected of different species. Some canine and others feline. Then a swift scent of equine softened his radars a bit. Surely the beasts would focus more on prey than predator. He motioned his eyes back to the horizon one last time before heading off towards the riverbank. A tight feeling of thirst slowly slipped up his throat and his maw quickly became dry. He licked his chops and headed forward, the sounds of moving water softened his cold attitude for the moment. He had started to think that living in this den was a bad idea after all, considering the immense amount of company that occupied the areas around it. He quickly slowed to a stop at the top of the small hill, overlooking the waters habitat. He conjured up the last bit of his energy and trotted towards the aqua. Lowering his head before he even reached the cool liquid, he finally took in the first gulp. A cold feeling chilled his bones as it refreshed his cottonmouth. Until the sight of something brown his his pupils, he flung back in shock. his nostrils picking up the scent of Andrewsarchus, always seeming to be an odd character to him. Not quite canine and not quite fish either. he had yet to ever formally meet one, though.


CHANGED IT, Sorry I mis-understood lol :)

48 Bio

Username| Proquail
Character Name| Oaklyn
Character Rank| Anything she fits in to.
Clan Wanted| thunder clan
Why do you want to join our roleplay?| my character Oaklyn has been searching for a place to call her home. She is an odd character with a lot to give, and she has never broke loyalty to any. I think she would fit in just perfectly here.
Activity level| 5
Roleplay Sample | [this one is not nearly as well as I can do. LOL ]

The she-cat slipped beneath the shadow of the willow tree. Her emerald eyes dead set on the sight of the small rabbit. her visuals telling her it had recently been injured, maybe by another feline? She didn't have the time of day to sit and wonder, her stomach egged her on to lash out. her mind told her patience is key, though. Her mind was beginning to slip away in a mental calamity. Hunger had taken over her both physically and mentally, and it was painful. A quick rush of cold adrenaline pumped through her veins and instinct shot her from the covers of camouflage. Eyes dead set on the small varmint, it had seen her long before and hastily made an attempt to run, but it's leg was too much pain to bare. Oaklyn's luck had finally returned, and before she could even finish the kill, she had taken a chunk of fur and flesh away from the lifeless hare. The sweet taste of fresh proteins hit her taste-buds in the second she began chewing. the sound of bones crunching between her K-9s was always a sound she enjoyed hearing, it meant she would live to see another day without starving.


Name: Sarius
Gender: Male
Age: Nine
What Animal are you: Dire Wolf
Personality: Sar is much like your average reclusive being. he has a habit of up and leaving any formed group. He had the attributes of a brute, he doesn't feel the rush of sympathy for any being. His policy tends to be more on the side of kill or be killed. he knows not the feeling of friendship nor commom curtsy. He has never been taught any sort of manners during his lifetime.
Backstory: He comes from a large family of wolves, to his unfortunate surprise he came back from a hunt and the family had vanished into the thin ice cold air. only the scent of Saber-tooths remained at the bloody scene.
Themesong: Radioactive


Crisp, warm air filled the brute's nostrils with easy comfort. He took a small step outside the damp cave he always inhabited. his one gray eye examined the horizon of tree and plain. Not a single being in sight, but his nose didn't fool him, others were out there. he slid back beneath the comfort of his shadows. Contemplating on whether or not he should risk the company of another, just to go feed his growling stomach. he hadn;t scarfed anything down in 4 days, and it was beginning to take a toll on him both mentally and physically. His mind started creating scenarios of eating even his own kind. His sick, sadistic mind never ended with the bloodshed scenarios.  he tucked the thoughts to the back of his brain file cabinet. His mind conjured of the plan of attack on his next victim, his next meal. he shifted his pupils to a small opening in the forest, and like magic, there stood an equestrian figure, small, but filled with proteins. He maneuvered his bodice towards the small figure, he had no reason to stalk such a creature. it was an easy catch out of plain sight. Not a minute later the brute had inhaled half of the lifeless being. His stomach thanked him in terms of more growling, but it was the satisfied type of growl.

Characters / } Oaklyn in the sky with diamonds { WIP
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:00:22 am »

Female || Four Summers || 50% Clouded Leopard x 50% Ocelot

Basic Deets ;

Oaklyn is extremely religious, and with every fiber of her soul does she trust in the belief that god exists.
She sees no point in labeling herself as bisexual, she believes love lies in the one that matters the most.
Politics? Yeah, let's debate (;
Stubborn? No doubt about it.
Nationality? - Ukrainian

How you see me ;

Oaklyn is a canvas of light brown, each spot and speckle crafted with delicacy and perfection. her coat is smooth in texture and she's soft to the touch. her markings consist of both the ocelot and leopard in a tad darker shade than the rest of her pelt, with a sandy under pelt to fit right in. green eyes topped off with flawless black mane to cover one of them. She is rather small in size, not quite as large as her clouded leopard size, but not as small as the ocelot either. She carries around a rounded tail and big ears to compliment her facial features. She is rather skinny and petite, being the runt of her litter, she never did get much nourishment.

Likes & Dislikes ;

Likes | trucks, hondas, parties, kangaroos, horses, popsicles, music, Johnny Depp, Puppies, Kittens, Babies, Most people, Honesty, loyalty, everlasting friendships, family, blankets, camo, camping, lakes, oceans, mountains, starts, rain, inside jokes, swag, roses, chocolate, love [always adding more.]

Dislikes | Miley cyrus, Fords, Crocodiles, coconut, lime, abc gum, busses, loud people, boring people, veggies, mullets, high heels [always adding more.]

How'd I get here?.. ;

I created Oaklyn as a reflection of myself basically. Some things changed [ like sexuality, nationality etc.]

She is based upon my personality and I freaking love her to pieces already. I guess I am just so self-absorbed, as is she. She is stubborn and lacks the ability to really understand whats going on half the time. She likes to get crazy and have fun. She comes from a long line of worthless know it alls and is proud to fit right in with it. She sees life as an opportunity to have fun and make something out of it. Boring isn't allowed in her world of craziness. She is very friendly, but step on her toes and watch the claws come out. She snaps and she whines, gets what she wants almost all of the time. Not many can handle her personality, her sarcasm and her odd ways, but those who stick around are sure to see the amazing things she has to offer.

Oaklyn suffers with PTSD and anxiety, many childhood experiences led her up to the crazy freak skin that she stands in today. Some days she is off, and rarely speaks a word, others she is off the walls and wont shut up. It takes a good, extremely patient heart to handle her half of the time. She has a stubborn head and it usually leads her into bad situations, but she has always remained loyal and trustworthy to all who enter her life.

You want to see me?.. ;

Email me at [email protected] or message me via feral-heart to get a chance to meet [ and maybe role-play] with Oaklyn!
I am usually almost always availible during late evenings and I am glad to hang with any species or breeds.

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