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Messages - DuskPegasister

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Suri growled. She raised her head and peeked at the white wolf-dog who had just yelled at everyone. "We'll, maybe we would be quiet if everyone stopped YELLING at us!" She said through clenched teeth. She narrowed her yellow eyes and sat up, keeping her eyes on the other fae.

Suri was tired, and all she wanted was sleep. She didn't want any talk of the lab, and it made her sick just thinking about it. The dusty wolf-dog nuzzled her head deeper into her paws, trying to block out the noises. I would love it if everybody would be quiet, she thought with a sigh. She curled her tail around herself and scooted closer to the wall.


The golden fae jumped when she heard Vypsy barking at her to watch out. She saw the other dog running at them and took a step back, growling. Then, the dog halted, and ran off crying. Alusia sighed and looked at Gypsy. "Was that the dog you talking about, Gypsy?" She said, gathering herself together once more. She was awfully confused, what was that about? Alusia glanced from Heeler to Gypsy, unsure of what to say next.


"Gypsy and Heeler..." Alusia looked at the two dogs and pondered. Then she lit up her face with a small smile. "It it's nice to meet you both." The golden fae nodded to each if them, and glanced around. "So, uh, have either of you seen any other dogs? Or, uh, cats? You two are the first I've seen, so..."

Discussion Board / Re: Day of the Doctor
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:36:54 am »
OH. MY. GLOB. I watched this, up at my Cuz's house, with my aunt and uncle and two other people, and I LITERALLY DIED. It was so beautiful. XD Who else cried? Because, I think that it was very good. Can't wait for the next one.

Dont want him to regenerate though.


With a small sigh of relief, Alusia slowly sat up and started walking towards the group. "Phew. I thought you were mutants. I'm Alusia." The fae got a good look at who had called her over; a black and brown fae. The mix swallowed and looked at the rest of the group, glad none of them were the snarling mutant beasts. "Who are you?"

The fog seemed to grow denser around the orange maine coon as she walked the empty streets, her bushy tail swaying. Tara kept her head low, looking around for any sign of danger. Her small feet padded noiseless across the broken pavement of the road. The cat didn't have the slightest idea of where to head next, but just kept going anyway. "Not like I had a home in the first place...." She mumbled to herself. Tara took a turn into a small alley. Trash cans and debris laid everywhere, making it hard to walk around in it. But the maine coone didn't mind, and simply sat down behind an old cardboard box and pondered.


Suri twitched her ears as she listened to the others talking. It seemed we were finally getting along, at least. "At least some of us are making friends," she mumbled to herself. "Too bad Edme's scaring everyone more then we already are." It seemed everyone was scared of her. Who wouldn't? But it didn't really matter too the dusty wolfdog. She just wanted sleep.

Nothing much has happened, just a bunch of arguing and such. I think they're all going to sleep now.


Alusia slowed her pace to a stop and sat down. The golden mutt tilted her head to one side and heard the dogs talking to each other. They seemed pretty normal to her. I should talk to them. If their mutants, I'll try and make a run for it. She thought to herself. She breathed and stood back up. "Uh, Hello? Any normal dogs out there?" She called half-heartedly. She waited, getting ready to run if she needed to.  

Is it ok if I make a cat, too? :)

Name: Tara
Age: 2 years
Gender: She-cat
Breed: Maine coon
Sub-breed: N/A
Personality: Tara is a quiet cat that keeps to herself. She isn't one to make friends, but if she does become friends with you, she's a friend for life. Although se prefers to be alone, she will join a group if needed.
History: Tara grew up in a shelter, were her mom and siblings had been adopted. She didn't have very many friends, and no one seemed to want her. When the shelter closed down, she was dumped on the streets. When everything changed, she kept on alone as she is now.
Crush: No.
Mate: Haha, no.
Pups: Nope.
Extra: Nothing really.

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