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Messages - TheFourLinks

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Characters / Vio~ Alpha of the SpiritBloods
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:54:46 am »

Vio is the alpha of a pack called the SpiritBloods. he is swift, calculating, and very intelligent. He is not the strongest, but he usually wins in battles due to his quick thinking and strategic way of fighting.

Looks: He is a grayish wolf with a soft violet hue. His paws are brown, and he has blue eyes.

Backstory: Vio was the runt of a litter of four. He was very small and weak compared to the others. Because of this, he was ignored by his mother for about two weeks after his birth. After those two weeks, she gripped him in her jaws and carried him away from the rest of his family. He was then abandoned by the Y River, and left to die. However, he was rescued by an old female wolf called Sage, who took him in and cared for him. This wolf was a shaman, or medic. When Vio was about three months old, Sage took him as her apprentice, teaching him many things about healing, and the world around him.
 He loved Sage. He loved her as if she was his mother, and she cared for him as if he were her son. From this kind old wolf, Vio learned many things, and it enhanced his intelligence and ways of thinking. He knew how to cure some diseases, help broken bones, heal cuts and wounds... and he also learned to calculate his enemy's movements in battle. He learned to be swift thinking, fighting with his head, not brute force like most.
 When Vio turned 8 months old, Sage got a severe illness that he didn't know how to treat. She was like this, in a lot of pain, for days. Vio could do nothing but watch, as Sage would writhe about in pure agony as she suffered.. until the last day. After a week of illness, Sage passed away in her sleep. Vio made a grave for the loving old wolf that had raised him, and stayed by that grave for a month.
 Soon, Vio began to wander away from his den, and became a sort of... traveller. It was on his travels that he met two other wolves, Ryka and Kolok. They became close friends, and hunted, played, and slept together each day. They became the start of his pack, the SpiritBloods. Vio was the alpha male, with Ryka as the alpha female.  Soon, his pack expanded and grew... though Ryka and Kolok both died in a failed hunting mission. Vio now leads his pack alone, but fearlessly, and strong-willed.
 Sometimes you can see Vio hanging out by the Y River, where Sage's gravesite is located.

Game Help / Re: Random Shut off?
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:33:30 am »
Try deleting the entire FH folder... seriously, everything. Restart your computer. Redownload the installer, and reinstall. Do not add ANYTHING to the game folders, and try playing then.

Game Help / Re: Constant Shut Down
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:31:14 am »
Try deleting the entire FH folder, and restart your computer. Re-download the installer, and reinstall. Restart your computer again, and then try and open it.

Game Discussion / Re: Rape jokes.
« on: October 19, 2013, 06:03:03 pm »
Rape is not funny in any way, shape, or form. Anyone who jokes about that topic are very insensitive and rude. How would they like it if they were actually raped? I'm sure they'd be scarred for a good few years. I have a friend who has been raped, and if she even sees the word 'rape', she freaks out. Rape is not funny. Rape is not cool. It is messed up and wrong, and people should never joke about it. ~Vio

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 07, 2013, 10:58:27 pm »
I apologize about that, Red... I was not trying to make it sound like that at all. I am sorry if it seemed like I was attempting to 'put up a bad picture of you'... I honestly wasn't, I was trying to tell people that the flaming should stop, because it makes you guys not really want to look at it any more... because who would wish to have to read all the flames about them? I was trying to defend you, not the other way around... I am sorry if it sounded that way, I honestly was not intending that. ~Vio

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 04, 2013, 11:27:21 pm »
I kind of had a good reason for stating that the mods don't look here anymore, as I heard it from Red himself. I told him to check it one day in game, but his reply was, "Oh.. I don't really bother to look there anymore. Too much flames." Or something like that. But it was basically telling me that he doesn't look. That is why I said that.

And also, when I said that, I did NOT intend for it to bring up more flaming. I would understand 100% why the mods wouldn't want to check here, because... who would want to continuously be flamed, and have to read all of those cruel comments? I understand why Red wouldn't want to look.

People calling the mods 'immature'... stop it. How would YOU like to have to read a million insults, and flaming?

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:19:38 pm »
I am sorry to say, but... I have heard from Red himself that the mods don't even GLANCE at this thread anymore, so this is really all pointless. If you wish to state your opinions to a mod, your best bet is to do it in-game.

Though, I kinda understand why the mods don't look here anymore... mostly because of the fighting and crap. ~Vio

Other Games / Re: Akia'Misu- Wolf MMORPG (UPDATED)
« on: July 28, 2013, 10:11:24 pm »
Akia'Misu has been cancelled, as stated before. However, a new game is taking its place, known as Atri'Mori.

Game Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Total Drama Island
« on: July 25, 2013, 12:42:57 am »
@Sylph, that is what Parkour is. We have that.
@Kiki, Yes, this is still being planned, though I need a map maker.

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