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Messages - Sandytails

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Game Discussion / Re: Bringing characters to life
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:59:08 pm »
I'd bring Bitoxic, my radioactive wolf, to life. Nobody would mess with me, ehehehehhe. Also, he has funny jokes. Win/win

Presets & Markings / Re: Neon's preset!
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:21:13 pm »
I often sit at SB on my fursona, Neon. And so many times people asked me for my preset @-@ So I decided to just put it on the forums!


NEW PRESET HAS BEEN MADE! Download it here!:

Game Help / Re: Marking and Items. Full story below.
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:14:13 pm »
Yes, try checking the .CFG files, they may be the problem.

Game Discussion / Re: FH getting unpopular..?
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:04:51 pm »
Exams do indeed play a huge role on the current 'inactivity' of FH, and it's true that I have seen some people leave. But, on the other hand, This time of the year isn't much more silent than the same time in the years before. It's a busy period, as to say.

Game Discussion / Re: Memorable characters & their deaths
« on: April 25, 2015, 06:43:15 pm »
Ahh yes, memorable characters

I think my most memorable character that is no longer living has to be Zipstar

Zipstar was a cat that grew up fighting other cats and even dogs for the entertainment of humans. When her mother perished in a fight against a dog (A fight that was set up purely to kill her off), she decided to escape together with her mate and 4 kits. However, that same dog that killed her mother, had come after her and her mates. One of the kits got caught by the dog, and her mate, Blue, went in to save the kit. Blue and the kit didn't make it. In panic, Zipstar ran, but to her horror only one kit made it through the edge of the fence.

Weeks passed, and Zipstar and Grasskit found a warrior cat clan, in which she was taken in. After moons of being in there, her clan was attacked by a hostile one, and most were killed in cold blood. Running from the crime scene, filled with anger and confusion, Zipstar called upon rogues and loners to start their own clan: Battleclan. Moons passed, and Battleclan soon became a well known clan around the plains.

After a few moons, Zipstar found an abandoned kit, Squirrelkit. She raised it like her own, training it alongside Grasswhistle. Soon, she became very attached to the little kit. But peace would not stay for long...

Terror was brought down upon the clan, as the very dog that had ruined her mother's, mate's and kit's life appeared at the camp with his own newfounded pack. Zipstar, terrified of dogs, had wanted to run, but the dog already took a hold of Squirrelkit. Filled with anger from the past, Zipstar launched herself at the dog, alone. Blood was spilled, mostly her own, but the adrenaline and anger kept her fighting. A mistake from the dog caused his own downfall, as a lunge at the cat launched himself into a ravine, tumbling down the rocks and landing on a bunch of sharp dogs. Zipstar had won.

However, the wounds were too much. While this usually would not be a problem, Zipstar had never gotten her 9 lives, as Starclan had never accepted her. She died between the paws of her two children: Grasswhistle and Squirrelpaw.
And that's where the roleplay ended, everyone parted their own ways after that. I really wish I could revive Zipstar, she was my favorite warrior cat.

I'd remove last cave, rarely anyone ever uses it, sometimes I even forget it exists.

Game Discussion / Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
« on: April 25, 2015, 06:25:46 pm »
I see absolutely no problem with rping nursing. If anything, it adds realism. Just ignore the people 'disturbed' by it. If they don't like it, they can always block. It sounds harsh, but those rping such a harmless situation won't have to be affected by people like that.

Presets & Markings / Neon's preset!
« on: April 25, 2015, 12:01:09 pm »
I often sit at SB on my fursona, Neon. And so many times people asked me for my preset @-@ So I decided to just put it on the forums!


New preset! Scroll down!

Screenshots / Re: #Selfie
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:56:49 pm »
AAA thank you ;o; I made her preset myself

Game Help / Re: Urgent: Mass Markings download problem...
« on: April 21, 2015, 08:54:27 pm »
Have you tried multiple download links? Also, I have not seen anyone upload it to dropbox yet, but I may if I see more demand for it (Even though it's not mine).

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