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Messages - anole04

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Characters / Re: Finolia the wolvish girl
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:28:34 am »
.... siecha diodre disiecha corveah keioc skalk diseindra hmicka shteah coreah (mestwa Lupis*) damract corvea soache grwch!....

( is not about a character, and I don't being/human rp. This is about yours truly (my secret life when no one is looking for me)) ((this was is Wolfish)) *Great Lupis! It is said in a growly barking voice.... sounds like a wolf...doesn't it... animals DO talk.... or at least my people do...

Stories / Re: whitewolf's story.
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:02:44 am »

Characters / Finolia the wolvish girl
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:00:00 am »
My name is Finolia .... and you will never find anyone more like a wolf than me... you may call me crazy.... but when you are Supreme Alpha.... you kinda have bragging rights to being a wolf so... yeah.

I... eat elk and caribou raw after hunting it down with my body and a corner in a cliff as weapons, howl with a pack of about 12 wolves, sleep in the den and... I have a mate who's a wolf.

We have 4 (adopted) pups and they are making it through the winter very well. I am of course the female alpha ofbthe pack... and though my hands are stained a pinkish hue of both wolf and prey blood (I killednan intruding wolf, a wolf with rabies have doctored wolves and saved them from traps, plus I get into lots of fights)... I am a perfectly humane... wolfane? Wolf.
I sleep with my mate, one protective paw always draped over me. I wear a sort of wolverine and Badger cloak (I saved the wolf from the wolverine) and a dress made of leather and moose pelts that ends at my ankles but can be rolled up to end at my thies or shins. I wear a nylon leggings made of.... well.. thecstuff at the inside of caibie flesh... but its comfy. I sleep with nothing on but a sort of bra-thing made of wolverine fur and a short tied on skirt low on my waists. My redish, slightly frizzy but sleek hair is either down waists.or in a tight, long braid.

My teeth are unusually sharp and my (blood) painted nails help me dig and claw.


Praise / Congratulations Carlee for.recieving your black belt!
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:36:30 am »
Congrats Carlee!  ;DWe are so proud of you (and we will never make you mad) all of the Kickstart team deserves congrats too, but your speech was amazing and so was! I am, however, still an orange belt  :'(

We are so proud!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:29:50 am »
Yesh. I met chu in game and I see you on da forums all da time. 10

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:23:27 am »
Hmmmmm ive seen chu a little bit so like... 4
I bet no one knows me though... BUT THEY SHOULDA XD

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:02:13 am »
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! as is derp :3

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Matryo's Animation Gallery/Comissions
« on: February 06, 2014, 12:00:17 am »
hello I lke chu animations THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOO CWUTE! :3

Ask Me / Re: Ask Alpha Alyssa!
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:53:25 am »
I'm glad I could be of assistance!

Alpha Alyssa! Did my advice help chu? If so, a floof would be appreciated!
But ya already gave me one XD

Forum Games / Re: Guys, let's count to 30 before a girl knocks you down.
« on: February 03, 2014, 11:13:07 pm »
MWAHAHAHAHA HEHEHEHE LOOK AT YOU MALES ROLLING IN THE DIRT!!!! EVILY LAUGHS* MWAHAHAHA ....I should shut up now.... (((this is funny cause I'm probally a lot younger than everyone else... I'm the freshman (freshladah!!) tag along XD

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