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Messages - Infinity117

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Game Discussion / Re: Funniest/Most Creative Usernames
« on: August 02, 2014, 12:43:35 am »

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: ideas???
« on: August 02, 2014, 12:32:24 am »
I really think there should be hunting. I mean, in RPs, when you "hunt", its sorta pathetic. No offense or anything. I mean, you can't exactly be even a bit realistic with prey. Some people like to actually kill the prey, carry it, eat it, etc If you add the prey, could it be a bit more realistic, like it travels in herds, and a single animal can't take down an elephant on its own? And for feline RPs, like Clans, could there be small birds, voles, mice, etc? I understand if you can't do this, but it'd be an awesome addition to the game! I also don't like the fact that even if you could kill prey, they wouldn't give item drops. What do you mean, exactly, that in IT players' items could get scammed? I only found out about FeralHeart, like, a month ago, so I don't fully understand what you meant by that. Some people (like me) can't download items! Maybe you could not do item drops until you find a way to keep hackers away? I'd also like if there was a setting while you are playing to unsheathe your claws.            

Game Help / Re: Map Uploading questions
« on: July 27, 2014, 06:32:05 pm »
Glad to know I'm not the only person that's bad with computers! I really suck with them, but luckily i have a brother who is awesome and willing to help me :D. I dunno how to get items or maps either, but I've heard you need something called WinRar? Please comment below if you can help me although I probably won't remember how to get to this page..... xD lol. Someone please tell me if you need WinRar (not sure what it is) or if it's not true. Please and thank you! :3

Mapping Tutorials / Re: How to download a Map to Feral Heart
« on: July 25, 2014, 11:03:13 pm »
Hey guys! I recently joined a mapped Clan and I would like to download their map. Can anyone give me a walkthrough on it? Please and thank you! :)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: hunting updates
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:18:24 am »
oh make that 6 places XD

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: hunting updates
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:16:56 am »
oh yeah this is a ++ to my posts :3 can there be PVP and teritorry claiming? and if you dont have any territorry, you can just join one that has territorry? can you fight over territorry? and instead of join requests for groups can you just instantly join them? and can the territory claiming just be in a certain area, and not everywhere for the RPers? plz and thx FH crew! PS make the territory claiming areas EASY TO GET TO and OBVIOUS please! i have a hard time getting around in FH i only know how to get to 5 places in the whole FH world!!!!!!!! D:

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: hunting updates
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:11:36 am »
oh yeah and this is a + to my first post, could it plz be realistic and like can you eat and carry the animal? things that animals would do in the real wild? also can there be fish in the rivers? can you drink from the rivers? there are lots of things that actual animals do for survival, and can there plz be a mating season instead of these random mate centers? like you click on the person you want as u mate and click on a button that says, idk, Mate Request    ? these are all suggestions ive been meaning to share, thx FH crew for listening! :) ;)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: hunting updates
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:07:42 am »
i would really like for FH to have hunting. not maps though, because some ppl cant download the maps for hunting D: , like me. i agree with some of these ppl, like health/hunger/thirst could be toggled. i mean also if FH puts hunting in can the animals plz travel in herds? and they should be like everywhere except unrealistic places. FH staff can add getting stuff later, but still, hunting would be a nice + to the game and you would probably get way more money from the FeralHeart ads. just a suggestion ;)

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