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Messages - xXBulletProofXx

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Art Gallery / Re: Reg's Art - REQUESTS OPEN -100 WATCHER CONTEST-
« on: May 10, 2017, 11:02:37 pm »

I was wondering if i can make a request

Username to whom it belongs: FoolishShadows


Pose (Image would be helpful):

Emotion: smile while sleeping (If that helps)
Due date: Maybe a week (or less)

I was wondering if anyone can please make me 2 back leg straps.. I'm sorry if this is to much and i'm sorry if i sound to demanding :(

If you can make the back leg straps that would be great!

and maybe a collar

Here's a picture, Just so u can see what u need to do.. its a ref of the preset i just requested for.. thats why i would like to have the back leg straps (maybe collar, if there isn't one)  .. Anyways.. here it is (again, sorry if i sound rude.. I really hate being mean or demanding)

Forum Games / Re: Change a letter
« on: May 09, 2017, 07:50:11 pm »

challenge alert

Alright, So i thought of a New challenge and thats!

instead of using 4-3 letter words.. The challenge is to use 7-10 letter words!!

I think we can do this guys!!

You can use a Dictionary for this challenge,

 But at least try to not use a Dictionary all the time

I'll start you guys off


Note: You can always use words that end with that letter

for example: Inal

Presets & Markings / Re: Skap pap's preset shop (FREE)
« on: May 09, 2017, 05:40:44 pm »
Alright thank you ^^ I have both of your presets made tomorrow, I apologise for my lateness, my wifey and I have finals this upcomming week so we are studying hard >.<

Alright, thanks for letting me know ^-^

When your done, Feel free to PM me

no worries.. if u want i can just wait for the requests to open again???

Well that's the thing, I wasn't planning to re-open anytime soon xD
My preset shop used to always be open, but with college, work, and other responsibilities creeping into my life,
I wasn't able to do that anymore. Now it's just kinda one of those things where I'll go off on a tangent and feel like doing a few.

I can probably find the time and motivation to do yours too though, so I'll go ahead and add it

(For other people who may or may not read this post)

I'm only making an exception because I like the character design and it seems like fun xD
However, with college now out and my summer mostly open, I have more time to utilize for this stuff.
Still though, don't expect it to be done by tomorrow. I'm gonna aim to finish Accailia's tonight so
it'll probably be somewhere between 3-5 days until I can work on and complete yours.

Oh My oh my!

You rock and yeah, I know how you feel.. when i see something that looks fun, i totally get motivated to do it

no worries.. if u want i can just wait for the requests to open again???

Forum Games / Re: I turned the lights on and off game!
« on: May 08, 2017, 01:47:16 am »
I turn the Lights on because i want to watch both A.P.S and FlyingGrass fighting over the light switch


I'd Love to have a preset from you, if your still willing to do requests

Name of Preset: (What will its name be?) Xert

Fur Texture: (long? short? frizzy? smooth?) Long

Realism: (Cartoon-like or realistic in appearance?) Realistic

Preset Folder: (1-12) Preset 7
Download: (Mediafire, Google Drive, or Dropbox?) Media fire

Publicity: (Private or Public?) Private

Permission: (May I use your preset as an example to show others?) Of course

Forum Games / Re: I turned the lights on and off game!
« on: May 07, 2017, 05:25:58 am »
I turn the lights on because i don't care if its bed time or not, "I wanna stay up late and be a savage"

Game Suggestions & Ideas / a game Log that keeps track of usernames
« on: May 07, 2017, 04:17:19 am »

Lately people have been asking me for my old username and sometimes it can get annoying when you get thousand texts asking for ur current username..

Than suddenly an idea popped in my head and thats.. why not have a automatic log that keeps track of what the usernames in your list choose for a new user,

For example:

Under every current user.. would be their new usernames..

for every username in your list.. whenever they change their user.. the list would continue..

and this is what i mean by that

Current User: RawrO3o
New User: Shadow~ Exists

and to make it easier.. why not add #1

What i mean is:

New user #1
New user #2
New user #3
New user #4
and so on

hope this makes sense


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