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Messages - Akakios

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Looking for a Dream Team. <3
« on: February 17, 2015, 01:04:15 am »
I have seen your examples, I think you'd make a very good Moderator. I will keep you in mind for when I get some Co-Admins to discuss everything over with.

You're more than welcomed to PM me, but alas it didn't go through. Would you please send it again?

Presets & Markings / Re: Rava's Floof Preset Request Shop!
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:12:57 pm »
Okay, thank you. <3
You can name the preset Gale and if possible can you put it in preset folder 4?
Gale is a stark white feline, with the half center mane and bright cobalt color eyes. His right eye is missing, and there are scars that run from his eye down to his right leg. On his back are three claw marks, and his right ear is missing most of the tip.
If you can't do that, it's okay. Just do a white cat with cobalt colored eyes, but if you can do the scars that's awesome.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Looking for a Dream Team. <3
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:57:45 pm »

Hello, it's Akakios here. Just call me Kios for short though.
I'm looking for some partners to join up
with me to make a RP, with so many of them out there I'm going to
need an awesome team to help me. In the various spoilers below,
I'll bullet and explain my ideas, skills I'm looking for, who exactly I'm
looking for, and what would super helpful for you to post if you
want to join up. This will be our discussion thread until we get a site,
so please don't spam here but ideas and other comments are
useful and will be taken into consideration.

Thank you.
ideas for innocent stars
- Loosely or firmly based on Warrior cats
- Mapped
- Semi-Literate to Literate
- Sited
- I'm thinking we can allow other Animals, but one person who goes
through an audition process so as to limit them.
- Loner, Kittypets, and Rouges should be allowed, I think we should
also clearly explain the difference in each according to the
- I'm thinking a Bay area or a lake are for the map.
- I'm also thinking that we should have either four clans with
isolated clans/tribes for different time zoned players. Ie. Four main
clans and possibly two offset clan for Europeans/Eastern Nations.
** The Skills are what I'd be looking for in Staff, if you don't want to
be a Staff Member but can offer some skills to the RP, PM me and
we can discuss where you'd fit in the RP.**
Skills Looking I'm Looking For
- Map Maker : I can make maps, but a Co-Map maker is a
possibility just PM me.

- Site Coder : If you can code, you'll be in charge of coding the site,
and adding on to it as needed *
- Managing : If you are a good manager, you'll coordinate the staff
IE. say there is a battle and one clan is completely out numbered,
you'd be in charge of getting staff to even the odds for the battle.

- Recruiters/Mediators/People Person : Anyone who applies for
staff must be good with People so you must have these skills.
- Ideas : If you're just awesome with coming up with plots and ideas
for the RP, I want you. I NEED you on my team.
- Researcher : If you love researching about animals, and
mythology and such, I would love to have you on my team. Names,
plots, groups, and so on derived from Mythology and Real facts
with animals is a great thing.
Staff Spots Open

- Administrator : It seems rude and selfish almost, but I am
taking this spot. Sorry, I just believe deeply in the saying "If you
want something done right, do it yourself."

- (0/2) Co-Admins : You'll be my right and left hands, not meaning I
will be doing nothing, but you'll have the responsibility of being
either or both the Site Coder and Staff Manager. I prefer to split this
job up so while you may be good at both, you'll only be in charge of
one or the other. However, when bans pop up or major plots are in
need of making, I'll be turning to you guys for opinions and insight.
**We must get antiquated and friendly before you will get this spot.
- (0/4) Global Moderators : You're the enforcers, the eyes and ears
of the staff. You see a rule break, you handle it, you will also help
create rules since you'll be the ones told of most the problems. All
staff are to handle problems, but we are going to encourage
members to report to you. **Bans and major punishments must
get an okay from myself and Co-Admins.
- (0/8) Moderators : You will be the helpers of Global Moderators,
two will be assigned to each Global Mod. You will educate new
members in the rules, make sure everyone is friendly, and handle
minor rule breaks. If anything major happens, you're to ask the
player to leave the game, report it the the Global Mods and it will
go from there. You will also help out in make sure those that are
banned are not breaking their bans.
-Possibly TBA
* Any Staff Member found abusing their power will be removed,
blocked, and forever banned from any of my RPs.
People I Won't Work With
Because I love everyone <3 and
let bygones be bygones, I have nobody one this list yet. Please help
me keep it this way.
Rules So Far
- Begging will not get you a spot
Though honestly I don't think anyone will beg.
- Honesty will be rewarded.
You've been banned from a RP, you've gotten in a fight, you have
somebody you CANNOT work with, etc. If you tell me about it, I
won't hold it against you. You just have to let me know. <3
- Kindness is key.
If you get into an argument, but you're kind and respectful, I'm not
going to harsh. I'm just a big softie I swear.
- PG 13.
Anything and everything discussed publicly in this RP should be
okay for younger folks to see. If you're not sure, don't post it
Sign Up Post
Code: [Select]
*Not required, just curious*
Username :
Age:* (THIS IS NOT REQUIRED, this only to let me know. You can put
a range, you can say under or over legal driving age, anything to
just give me and indication. You can also change it to maturity level,
just be honest.)
FH Account(s):
Other RPS: (Included if you're a staff, a highrank, a plot character,
and if you're highly involved or not.)
References: (include people I can talk to if you've been a staffer before.)
Activity: (Out of 7, based on days you're on. You can included
seasonal, and if you know there are yearly times you're off for a
while, please say it here.)
Staff Spot:
*Possible Characters:
RP Example: (Just seeing, I like people whose write something I can
How'd You Hear About This?*

Sample Sheet
Username :
Of Legal Driving Age
FH Account(s):
Other RPS:
I have one that I am in, it's awesome but I am not a staff, Highrank,
or plot character. I am more of a side line player.
I am applying to be a highrank and staff in another, but I'm not sure
if I'll be accepted due to lovely people applying as well.
Extremes range 2-6, while normally it's 3-5 per week. At some
points of any given year, I may possible be offline for 3 to 5 days
but I will give a heads up as soon as I know it can possibly happen.
Map Making, Mediator, Ideas, Research, Managing
Staff Spot:
Possible Characters:
Galestar or Cherryberry
RP Example:
"Cherryberry?" Halting in their journey,
Galestorm's voice shook in such a way that his sister hadn't heard
since the night of their Mother's death. The large warrior hung his
head, his features gaunt and ghostly in the chill night air and low
light of the moon. Tears fell in the silence, the great form shaking in
it's fight against the pain and sorrow inside. It was too soon, too
soon, he had just became deputy hardy two moons ago. Why did
Heronstar have to go? Why didn't she tell him it was her last life?
Cherry moved closer, laying her tail ever so quietly on his shoulder,
knowing had she been anyone else this would have ate at her
brother in his silence. "Cherryberry, what are we going to do? I
can't possibly lead them,"
Galestorm wailed, cobalt optics
hidden behind tightly shut eyelids. "They're going to expect
someone as good as her!"
Throwing back his head,
Galestorm searched the skies for a moment before letting out one
last bellowing cry.

How'd You Hear About This?
Heard it through the grape vine.~ <3
I don't bite, so don't worry about asking me questions or anything.
I think that's about everything. If anything on this post upsets you
or you find shouldn't be here, feel free to PM me about it.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Couple questions
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:56:19 pm »
We discovered that the other day in a restaurant, a very good friend of mine and I.
Thank you for your help, if I could flood you I would but sadly I'm still a newb.

Site/Forum Help / Couple questions
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:34:38 pm »
Didn't want to make multiple threads.
- How does one give/take floof? What is a 'floof?'
- I am looking to create a FH based RP and looking for people who might want to join as staff and help set it before advertising it, where would I post a thread for that?
- How does one happy?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Could Use Some Help<3
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:15:36 pm »
I love smashing to words together, an adjective or verb with a noun.
Like Innocent Stars, but that one isn't up for use because it's mine. sorry!
Muddy Pawprints?
Umm.. Waving Tails?
Beating Heart?
Good Luck! <3

Presets & Markings / Re: Rava's Floof Preset Request Shop!
« on: February 16, 2015, 05:44:10 pm »
Is it possible for me to request a preset?

Introduction / Re: Let me see, I think I wanna say greetings.
« on: February 15, 2015, 02:17:17 am »
Thanks for the warm welcome, nice to meet you all.

Member Bio & Journals / You know you like it. ;D
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:37:39 am »

Hello Floofs! <3
A little bit about me.

- I be a girlie
- I be 16, and driving like mad.
- I be a Christian, and I love anyone and everyone. Yesh, even those who are not.
- I be a bit on the morbid and twisted side, those mostly I keep it to myself.
- I like a many a bands, mostly punk pop, alternative, hardcore, and screamo.
- My favorite show is Fullmetal Alchemist BROTHERHOOD and Sword Art Online
- I like all the books and movies! Excluding horror
- I can't stand horror anything, I be a wussy when it's fake for some reason.
- I started from Wolfquest, and was recommended to FH by a ex-friend.
- I is happily wif a boy, we be a'waitin' for marriage and he's my best friend. <3
- Uhhh... >.> <.< >.> -feeds cookie-
The End.

My babies Characters
- Akakios - Arctic Wolf - Irish swordsman
- Gale Winthdrop - Large Lilac point Siberian - Cocky Russian

- Brilyeon
- DelightfulRevenge

Accounts for chus!~
- Skype : akakios.kios I never videochat anymore, so don't ask okie?
- Deviantart : Rare-Innocence
- FH In-Game : Akakios

Introduction / Let me see, I think I wanna say greetings.
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:31:09 am »

Hey hey, I'm not really new, but I might as well be.
My name is Kios, nice to meet you all and I don't bite. Well, hard anyway.
Maybe we can bump into each other in game or something.
Message me or whisper Akakios if you'd like to hang or RP, I'm game.

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