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Messages - toasterkitty

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Other Mods/Creations / Re: Afkinz emotes of.... weirdness! :D
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:36:30 pm »
That emote is halarious... x3
That's a very interesting emote you've got there, Afkinz. I can only imagine what Feral Heart would look like if everyone installed it.  :D
ha thanks! x3 i  actually forgot about this post o.o also do any of you know what ive done wrong with the second emote i tried making?

i would say atlantis  or like some people have said last cave mainly because well them places are hard to find (in my opinion) ive been trying to find atlantis for a while now after seeing the map in a video and still cant find it...

bit of an off topic question but ive given up... can someone tell me where atlantis is?

Most creepy and bizzare and in certain way annoying to me is one type of people. The story begins here:
Once when we were recruiting new members for our RP newbie player wanted to join us. We are accepting everyone so they can feel good and welcomed among us. We gladly accepted even his illiteracy. This person daily caused tons of drama in our roleplay which bothered my friends. I was not bothered by it though, all newbies are like that after all! Drama overloaded every single day. Time however passed and it changed maaaany things about this person. Soon this member became "very" literate and decided to leave which we all again accepted as we were friends. He left and since that he became kind of jacknapes. He never again has time for his old "friends", he never will rp with you, he always has someting to criticize. Also since that he lowers us all just becouse of illiteracy. He dont know whats fun and jokes anymore. He takes you as moron and simply acts as if he was better than everyone else round him. Just becouse not being literate he critizes and lowers you. I dont know why is he like that... After all we were the ones who took him gladly in. We were friendly and kind to him to make him feel warm. We helped him and now he throws us away like trash. This kind of people is most creepies thing I ever saw. Yet I met only one person like this. Strange behaving, isnt it? :D Yes, It still makes me woner why XD But whatever, I still consider him as a friend, I still after all, remember days when he was friendly person XD

wow and after you took him into the pack? i hate people like that

Game Discussion / Re: Craziest RP in Bonfire?
« on: June 13, 2015, 08:25:47 pm »
A skittle roleplay. And also a Spoodermayn.
i think i saw the skittle roleplay... i was trying to eat them

Game Discussion / Re: Craziest RP in Bonfire?
« on: June 13, 2015, 06:46:25 am »
i created TEAM TURTLE and was running around asking people to join XD

//squints at

yeaah.... i dont even know.... i was also stalking people saying nothing in whisper other than "i like turtles" then started creating the group and runnning around bonfire

Game Discussion / Re: Craziest RP in Bonfire?
« on: June 12, 2015, 07:22:33 pm »
i created TEAM TURTLE and was running around asking people to join XD

Game Discussion / Re: Gender Tags
« on: May 29, 2015, 06:44:45 pm »
My fursonas which I use for wandering around FH and chatting when I have nothing else to do, do not have a gender tag because people don't necessarily need to know what my gender is.

^^ i do this too as i never use afkinz to roleplay so i never use gender tags for her and its quite obvious shes a cat despite the antlers so no need for species tags and i will just type a few things in the bio also you wouldnt see males running around called afkinz so again gender is quite obvious well i better shut up before this gets longer than it was ment to be

Other Mods/Creations / Afkinz emotes of.... weirdness! :D
« on: May 26, 2015, 03:46:02 pm »
HELLO THERE!!! well i am here to give you all the weird emotes i make! i will inclute images below!! ok so...
1. go into your feral heart file and go on emotes.cfg
2. copy and paste the coding below the images  to the emotes.cfg thing
3. restart feral heart and start derping!

THIS EMOTE PACK CURRENTLY HAS: 1 emote! (will make more soon!!)

ok first off we have....



WARNING:THIS NEXT EMOTE WILL CRASH YOUR GAME ON USE (to be used as an exuse to crash to get out of a awkward situation therefore named: emergency button

PLEASE READ THE WARNING! NOTE: i will fix this into a proper emote soon i just thought it would be funny to make it a 'incase of emergency' button i will fix this into a proper emote when i can ASAP

(no screenshot..... it just crashes your game...i will fix it soon but for now its basicly useless and im only putting it here so i will remind myself to fix it to a proper emote)

EDIT: ok guys i really dont know what im doing wrong i have placed the new emote thing below which is my attempt to fix it if
someone could explain what im doing wrong i would really like the help thanks!


Finished Maps / Re: Warrior's map (public)
« on: May 24, 2015, 10:46:38 am »
you dont mind me using this map for my fox character do you?  i know this is a warriors map but its the best sort of forest map ive seen so far x3 and any clans i see will have the option to roleplay with me or not :3

Finished Maps / Re: Nefriti Forest Map (Public)
« on: May 24, 2015, 10:24:05 am »
*hits download button nearly breaking it* heh... good map though deffinetly downloading this x3

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