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Messages - GlaydrChyle

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Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Map Ideas?
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:13:32 pm »
I'm trying to think... hmm..

perhaps you could possible do some kind of wastelands map? A bit like the outlanders almost I guess! You could get really creative with it and maybe even turn it into some kind of volcanic ruin? Add a few old meshes to it and all, some dead trees as well and I'd think it'd be quite awesome!

Anyway, good luck :)


...Otherwise, I'm not even sure if I stay organised very well at all other than that. lol. I guess I don't really need to? Maybe I'm not sure of the question, either.

I suppose it really just comes down to how you make your maps if you do. Or otherwise how you get everything organised when you try to add new items into your game. Or even explain how you do things like download mods, to other people. :)

I always have some kind of brain-mush moment where I all of a sudden I forget everything I learned in game. So when I try to tell people how to do something I always end up saying " Do the thingy.. by presing a button and it does stuff" Or something like that.

So I understand what you mean and I can completely relate.

( Sorry if this is in the wrong place again.. I was debating on whether to put it in Game help or Game discussion)

I've attempted ( Round about four times now) To download meshes for maps I want to create. The downloading is fine and the installing of the mesh it'self is okay. I understand the entire ordeal with the "Create new Mesh" thing where you have to often save them as your own before you can come to use them for your actual map making. It's just that, thousands of times now I've had to re-install feral heart and it's all because I am disorganised!

I always seem to place some kind of file into a crazy and wacky place. Wacky enough, it stops the game from working all together.        well, well then Mr Chyle!

Whether it's just me and my terribly all over the place' brain I dunno' But I seriously can't seem to organise things what so ever in game!

So I've simply resorted to creating separate files on my pc hard drive to keep all the meshes and files for them in. I think I have about six now? all for sky, textures, terrains, yadayadayada terrible organisation if I'm honest xD

So here's a discussion for you all:
                                                          How do you all stay organised when it comes to downloading things and having to extract items and place them into the game?

Sorry again if this also seems a bit funny or doesn' make sense, I'm tired :(

Game Help / Re: Characters are Stuck
« on: December 04, 2015, 07:07:46 pm »

Once you log in the areas where it says 'forgot your password?' and 'forgot your username?' should change into 'user details' and 'user panel' . (Note: sometimes you'll have to click Log In a few times before those actually pop up.)

Once you get those two options showing you'll have to click on 'user panel' and put in your log-in information again, and up should pop a list of all your characters. You should see options next to them that say 'reset', click reset next to the character you want to reset and it should take that character back to Lonely Cave.

Hope this helps!

Just to add on to what was said by hooli here, if you're slightly confused, then it is the yellow/dusty couloured box where the term " registration is closed try again later" pops up at :)

Introduction / Re: Sqauuuuu
« on: December 04, 2015, 04:27:33 pm »
Welcomedeary! I hope you have fun and get to meet some amazing people on here! :)


I personally believe everyone here on feral-heart has been trying their best these last couple of days. It's understandable where the frustration comes from and why people may be upset. But I sincerely believe that the staff have done an excellent job on their behalf. I mean, having got things under control so quickly takes a lot and for how many of you guys there are you've all tried your hardest and we should be grateful for that. I'm not trying to sound pons and I'm most certainly not trying to seem like I'm kneeling before anyone but Red is right in what he's trying to say. It's been tough and everyone's worked hard including the community.

I hope I'm not adding to anything here, I'm sorry if I am but I really just wanted to share my opinion. It's been tough on us all and even heart-breaking to some, but seeing it so under-control just in a week is quite magnificent. It just goes to show how great this community can be.

Hope I'm seen right in saying this.

Game Discussion / Re: under-the-radar bullying exposed
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:25:59 pm »
Back in my newer years of playing, even then I had to say all of this was around. Sadly, we can't change the actions of certain people, which is why bullying exists in the first place. It's sad to think of it that way though I guess. I mean, I'n not saying it can't be stopped, we can always try :)

I think another group that you missed out would be those who pressurise other users. What I mean by this, is those who tell you " You're such a nub for not having this" or "Ew, having that colour makes you look like this or be this." I suppose you could say that people who stereotype fit under these statements as well.

I remember a time I was role-playing with my character Abe. Quite a feminine personality for a male OC. he also spoke with a west London Accent. I was in a group at the time and all I remember hearing was "You're wolf is so Gay you need to change his name cuz he shouldn't be like that he's a boy."
I sat there wandering for awhile why that was truly said. After all, is it not characterisation for each character to be different and unique? Wouldn't it be boring to have all the boys the same and all the girls the same too?

And now before I go into a ranting stage I'll just sum it all up by saying I sat there for half an hour after I was called profound names and being called this and that before getting kicked out the group.

Rather silly if you ask me, but it does happen.


Introduction / Re: Hello there!
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:46:52 pm »
Hello Siren, it's nice to meet you :)

Game Help / Re: Login Time?
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:29:07 pm »
Google Chrome is one of the best engines to use while having to do this. I recommend it ( as Enoki mentioned too)

Firefox is having major problems with the server and will log you out. Firefox is a browser that automatically refreshes after a period of time. So I don't recommend using it :)

Hopefully though, we shouldn't have to do this for much longer ^^ just hang tight.

Introduction / Re: It's been a few months, ain't it? (Back and Better)
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:47:53 pm »
thank you Autumn! I appreciate the heads up :)

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