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Messages - DraconiaHeart

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Leaving / Re: Leaving
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:49:52 am »
It saddens me greatly when I see members leave the game due to bullying since I do know how it feels.
I wish you the best of luck wherever your life may lead you, but if you ever do need a shoulder I am always here if you need me. ^^

Leaving / Re: I feel my time has come.
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:46:21 am »
Tis understandable why you are leaving love
I can respect your choices, but if you ever wish to come back love we are always here to welcome you.

Leaving / Re: Gonna pack up and leave.
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:43:43 am »
I understand and respect your choice my dear.
Though if you ever find yourself needing a shoulder I am always here lovely. <3

Leaving / Re: Leaving...
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:41:50 am »
I'm really sorry for posting this but...I have to leave. Don't know how long it will be. I really didn't want it to be like this, but it's going to have to. I won't name anyone, but basically someone I once called friend has taken everything I have said out of context and now she has pinned me as a bad person. And I'm just going to give it to you all straight, doesn't matter if I ruin my reputation on here at all. She basically just thinks that I'm jealous because I'm not a mod. I guess. Don't know, don't care. She has also blocked me on DA were the journal came from so I can't even defend myself. So the best thing for me to do is leave, because she has already spread her dang rumors too far, and now I'm going to look bad. I'm very glad to have been made MOTS, but I don't deserve it I guess. And I know that I'll have people telling me this is all for attention. But it's whatever. These are my true colors people. A mean, nasty person. I'm sorry I failed you all...

I know your feelings all too well my dear
I know how you feel, and have had similar happen to me as well. Tis why I lift my older account to go into hiding on my new one. Things have changed yes, but some things do still cling to me like a stinky sock. Though I m choosing to ignore it the best I can, and prove my own horrid rumors that follow my tail wrong. I wish you luck, and I give you all my best wishes. If you ever wish for a shoulder I am here, and you can easily find me on DA if you ever wish to talk there dearie. For now though I am here for you in spirit and soul. I wish you the best love.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Possible Map Submissions?
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:36:18 am »
As amazing as t his idea is I would agree with Reddles on this.
It would be a bit difficult to train a person to make the map in a way so that it goes into the right place for them game. Also for the user to be trusted completely with certain information given to them.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Manual 1.15
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:33:43 am »
I think the idea of the manual, and other things on the site being revamped is a pleasant and lovely idea. ^^

Forum Discussion / Re: Chance to change FeralHeart
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:31:59 am »
A very interesting topic indeed
Honestly right now with the new update I wouldn't change a thing. I might wish to add a few minor things, but I am happy where the game is at currently. I might wish to add a few more den areas for role-plays, and would enjoy a nice snowy forest map for me to chill out in. I enjoy the sight of snow, and love just being around it.

Game Discussion / Re: Dens?
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:29:45 am »
I honestly haven't even thought of looking for dens on the game 0_0
I forgot about looking for places to role-play, and only have been running about enjoying the update. I should really look now that I think of it.

Game Discussion / Re: How would you describe FeralHeart to others?
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:28:39 am »
I would say this place is definitely a place of wonder.
I am thinking of joining the community once more to do my part to help, but honestly the first thing I would say to people about the game is that it's an amazing place.
I know it has its ups and downs, and you can often find some users who can be a bit of turds, but this place does its best to make an amazing family setting. I greatly respect it, and would enjoy recommending this place to some. ^^

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:25:48 am »
This entire update made my heart sore, and have high hopes for this game.
I know we will see more amazing things from you guys, and honestly I can't wait. I am very excited on how things will turn out now.

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