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Messages - RedWine

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Request/Find Meshes / Re: Ships / Wagons / Bunch of stuffs?
« on: March 31, 2014, 07:27:55 pm »
I could probably make some for you. I'd be able to work better on getting exactly what you want if you send me links to photos that look pretty close to what you're looking for (at least for the ship, wagon or carriage, and desk). Just use google images.

Also, do you mean clothes for the characters to wear, or just clothes sitting around as a decoration? If it's for the characters to wear, I might not be able to do any clothes for you, unfortunately.

And here's a few other questions. Do you want to be able to go under the deck on the ship? Do you want the meat to be cooked or raw? What are the exact foods you want other than meat? Do you want the food to come with any sort of dishes? What do you want the paintings to be of and do you want to have a frame around them?

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: New Board Suggestion? - Mesh Requests
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:44:41 am »
Thank you very much for looking into my request. : )

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Anyone have these?
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:20:33 am »
I think I have a palm tree and some coconut meshes that I found a long time ago. If you'd like, I can provide a .zip file for you to download with all of the meshes inside.


Palm Tree and Coconuts: >> DOWNLOAD <<
They were made by Drekentai.

Request/Find Meshes / Re: big request for my pack hope you can handle
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:48:01 pm »
When you say beanbags, you mean beanbag chairs, right? I just made a mesh for that. I'd love to get it exported but my program is currently having issues... I'm working on that right now though.

As for the lava trees, could you explain a little bit? Is it just a lava textured tree or are there specific features to it?

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / New Board Suggestion? - Mesh Requests
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:48:31 pm »
It would be really nice if we could separate the mesh request topics from the others that are creating meshes. Sometimes it's really hard to tell who is making them and who isn't because of the topic titles people come up with... There's also a whole ton of pages that I honestly wouldn't want to take the time to look through. Though, all of those pages could be burying a topic with some amazing meshes and object that are available for people to download.

Anyway. I hope you guys look into something like this for the forum. It would be very helpful.

(I hope I'm not double posting this or anything, btw. I mentioned in my last one that was misplaced that I would like to delete it for placing it incorrectly and I no longer see it anywhere. So I believe it was deleted by a mod. Thanks for helping.)

Site/Forum Help / Re: Something pops up on the side of the Forum?
« on: September 15, 2012, 05:36:55 am »
OH. Now I understand! Thank you very much, LordSuragaha. : )

Site/Forum Help / [SOLVED] Something pops up on the side of the Forum?
« on: September 15, 2012, 12:10:19 am »
I don't think I've ever noticed it until now. But now I'm wondering if this is an actual part of the forum or just a glitch of some sort.

So... What is it?

Game Help / [SOLVED] How to make mesh ojects solid?
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:36:44 am »
I am trying to figure out how to make my meshes solid. In other words, so you can't walk through them. The collision tab wont work for what I'm trying to do. I need something like how the mounts and dens are. You aren't able to walk through them and are able to walk on the surface of the mesh.

How am I supposed to do that? Do I need to add something to the .material file?

Edit: ......................... Nvm. I found it. Just check the "Own Collision" button.

KOUYA?! *fangasm* I love Kekkaishi. Makes me want to make Madarao. Interesting presets, btw.

Presets & Markings / Re: Aria's Presets
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:11:06 pm »
Awesomeeeeeee ~ !
love them both, how long did it take to make them O.O

Honestly... I don't remember. o-o It took a while. That's all I can say.

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