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Messages - turtlies

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Forum Discussion / Re: Cringy old posts
« on: May 18, 2020, 11:43:23 pm »
i come across my old posts and loudly weep for all to hear

in my defense I had originally joined on my old account when I was like... 10 or 11? but i wish i had more of a filter or common sense... yeah maybe thats too much to ask for :P i still cringe at posts ive made like a week ago who am i kidding LOL

I would LOVE some more options, especially for preset making! I always get annoyed I can't really see the stomach, paws, or mouth straight from the character creator screen, since I need to make sure everything lines up alright when I'm trying to test presets. I usually keep certain expressions hotkeyed so I can test them quickly in the little preset testing void but I often switch back and forth so often, it'd be much nicer if it were streamlined.

Even aside from practical reasons, it'd be fun to just mess around with poses and expressions for characters, too! I'm kind of glad the characters don't have much of an idle animation, since excessive body and head turning can be difficult when trying to create characters in other games, but I'd like being able to choose from animations myself.

Forum Discussion / Re: What you think about new ranks names?
« on: May 13, 2020, 11:20:30 pm »
Nevermind I like the ranks now :)

yummy yummy in my tummy :)

Forum Discussion / Re: What you think about new ranks names?
« on: May 13, 2020, 06:04:23 pm »
I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of them, it doesn't really give me as clear of a hierarchy like the old ranks (though the old ones weren't perfect either) :o I'll see if I eventually warm up to them, though!

Is there a list of all the new ranks yet? I peeked the Members section but I might have missed some.

Forum Discussion / Re: Issues With Censorship
« on: May 06, 2020, 09:16:56 pm »
Censorship is a pretty slippery slope.. the increasing amount of things becoming censored on the forum seems very... surprising and out of character for this game. Honestly just learning that T*nypic (sorry idk if the word is auto censored or not skdfjdfk) was a banned website for the first time was pretty weird to me lol but at least that one's understandable and has positive intent behind it!

However, the recent trend of petty censorship is pretty concerning imo, it's not like banning some swear words from a kids game, it feels very targeted towards some or made specifically to silence topics that might be unsavory but DO deserve civil discussion. I'm not too active around here so admittedly I'm not to date on everything happening, take my opinion with a grain of salt, whatever but what I've observed so far and heard about in this thread seems like a massive issue. If the trend continues it's only going to get more concerning.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Search bar for items possibly
« on: May 01, 2020, 02:54:33 pm »
I like this idea! Having multiple drop down menus to sort by category would be nice, too (maybe by item placement, like leg items, mouth items, etc.). Anything would be good, once you've installed a couple item packs it becomes a struggle to find what you want.

Game Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Pet Peeves
« on: April 29, 2020, 07:25:09 am »
oh i be feeling called OUT by some of these lol let me add my own

- that same dull greyscale character design i see in all the edgy wolf packs. i don't know how to describe it but its everywhere and its.. bland
- people asking the same basic questions in the help section when they could search it SO easily or there might be a thread with the exact same issue right below it (especially in the case of server outages and such just scroll down for 2 seconds!!) this happens on forums everywhere and it gets on my NERVES learn to GOOGLE
- the place where the textures for the head and the body of the models join. oh you want to make a preset with a marking that extends from the head to the body? die.
- my internet going out the two times a year i actually try to play feralheart #topferalheartuser
- the fact that eyes and teeth share the same texture file so i can't have fun glowy eyes without the teeth also glowing, smart preset side of feralheart please help :(
- the word "she-wolf"
- unreadable fonts on the forum. really bad font color choices bother me too but they're at least somewhat readable with a bit of eye strain, but when i have to copy and paste a post just to read it in plain text bc the font itself is totally unreadable.. cmon
- seeing my old posts (puke emoji)

(hope no one gets upset by any of these, all in good fun i swear)

Media / Re: Pets?
« on: March 26, 2020, 11:37:08 pm »
At the moment I've got:
- Two dogs, Bones and Rue (both mutts, one a border collie mix and the other a Catahoula mix)
- One cat, Kit (calico)
- One turtle, Jackson (painted turtle)
- One female betta fish, who I care for completely myself (she's just a lovely little fish, but I'm still deciding her name despite having her for like two months now)

I used to have a mouse named Cough (but mice lifespans are unfortunately short) and a male betta fish named Jasper (who passed away last year).

Wish I had space for more tank setups :(

Game Discussion / Re: Could FeralHeart be put on steam?
« on: February 09, 2020, 07:04:14 pm »
I'll be honest, I don't think Feralheart is exactly polished or stable enough for a Steam release. I don't mind the idea though, but if it were to be put on Steam, that'd require a lot of reworking to make things easier to setup, as SpicyDirt mentioned. and yeah, I definitely don't think Steam or its community would be too happy about a game that requires an in-browser login page to play. Some people already think that's some kinda virus trap lmao, I guarantee that'd bring bad reviews on Steam

Steam would also come with your standard trolls for a while, you might get increased frequency of raids and whatnot, being a free furry game on a giant gaming platform. It definitely could also bring in genuine players at the same time though. Idk, lots of benefits but it'd be a lot of work to make it a game worth putting on there.

I use Steam for 98% of my games so like I'd appreciate it ngl

News Archives / Re: Feral Flashback | Post your favorite screenshots here!
« on: December 31, 2019, 06:12:26 am »
Dug through my files to find some group screenshots, now I'm feeling nostalgic ;; I gots some to share

Not the best screenshots with the tags showing, but this was taken right after the big update originally dropped. One of the maps (forgot which one) straight up didn't work, leaving everyone in the default map void. Good times. (2016)

Movie night from probably a couple years ago. Not sure who all is here but we DO be lookin kinda fresh doe (2015?)

Summer Party? dance line yahoo (2016)

Summer Party... just vibing, not even mad about it (I'm guessing about 2015?)

Line in OG Bonfire, I remember my computer crashed like 20 times so this is some true FH nostalgia (2015)

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