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Messages - Justice

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Your application is almost complete!
I will allow you to draw the picture and put it up.

By the rankings, go back up to the first part of this page and read Runelors Rankings to see what rank you can apply for.

Also your missing one minor thing, be sure to read the rules carefully and then modify your post.

Will be up if we get enough members and if i can get my lazy butt to make one.


The Land of Cirith

A shot of the forest of Cirith

Inside the city of Cirith

The Realm of the Dragons

Meeting Place

Hangout Area

Lord and Ladies Den

Den of the Soldiers, Apprentices, Doctor, & Chief.

The Shrine

A closer look of the Shrine. Rathor is buried first. On his left is his mate, Serune. On his right, his second son, who only lived to be 3 years old, Daggor.


Code: [Select]
A 300 x 300 picture of your dragon.
Characters Name;;
Ingame Username;;
Breed(Light or Shadow);;
Rank Wanted(Cannot apply for Lady or Chief);;
Characters Bio;;
Roleplay Sample(Must be 6-7 lines long);;


The Clan

Characters Name;; Runelor
Ingame Username;; Justice
Age;; 28 years old (Adult)
Breed;; Light
Rank;; Lord
Characters Bio;; At a young age, Runelor was nuisance. He didnt follow the laws. He would break them constatly for he did not want the responsibility of leading a group of dragons. Runelor was scared. Scared that he wold make all the wrong decisions for the group and lead them to their death. He never told anyone this, not even his own father, but it was what he truly felt. So when he came of age to leave, he left, for a good 20 years. When he was 6, he was living with a group of tough rogues. The rogues had no rules either. They were alloed to kill, cheat, and steal at their own will. However it wasnt always great, they tended to turn on each other and kill each other. Just as Runelor was near death, he learned of his fatehrs death and returned to Cirith the very next day to find it wilted away. Now he is working to make it better.

Characters Name;; Aerith
Ingame Username;; InsanityVonDuex
Age;; 21
Breed;; Light
Rank;; Soldier
Characters Bio;; Aerith was a young dragon when the Light Bringers died out. He trained, hoping to become stronger and carry on. He was training one day, when finally he returned to the land of Cirith. There he found another dragon, Not much older than he. His name was Runelor. Aerith had recognized the dragon as another Light Bringer, and bowed in respect. "I am Aerith.."

Character's name;; Staarsa MoonShine
Ingame Username;;
Age;; 14 (Young teenage)
Breed;; Light
Rank;; Soldier
Character's Bio;; Staarsa was fairly young when she witnessed her mother's death. The humans, or how dragons called them, Naka-duskaels, had killed her for stealing cattle. She was then sent to roam the plains until death brought them together. Luckily, she found a dragon who brought her in. Her name was Laydon Darkwing. Though she did not keep Staarsa long, she was her mentor for a long time. She had to leave her mother, for reasons she does not wish to speak of, and lived with her dragon-twin, Windridres. Wind, as Staarsa calls her, is a blue little hatchling. They are the best of friends and fight their battles together. They're father is Seranus, a black dragon with red chest plates. He helped her to win her battles. One day, he set to help his friend on a journey. "Your sister will help you. Be safe, Staarsa."

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Closed. Going to be reopened.
« on: December 31, 2011, 12:56:39 am »

Long ago, the land of Cirith was ruled by the shadow dragons. The shadow dragons were fearless and cruel. The Knights of Cirith would have to battle the shadow dragons almost everyday due to their ruthless attacks. Many civilians were killed for no reason. Noran, the king of Cirith was growing old and could barely make out the duties and call the knights to battle. Just as Noran grew sick from the cold, a large group of light dragons had come into the territory. These dragons were known as the Light Bringers. The Light Bringers were led by an older, ancient light dragon known as Rathor. Rathor was one of the very first dragons ever to live. As Rathor and his followeres drove the shadow dragons out, Noran had passed away, leaving his son, Marcus, the new king of Cirith, in charge. Though the dragons could not speak human, nor the humans speak dragon, Rathor and Marcus had become allies and Rathor and his followeres protected the land of Cirith.

Almost 10 years after the day they drove out the shadow dragons, Rathor had a son, who was named Runelor. Unlike his father, Runelor grew up to be restless and carefree. Many times Runelor would sneak out of the territory to pick fights and Rathor would have to go in and settle the situation. Rathor wanted nothing more than his son to carry in his place, but when Runelor turned of adult age, he got out. He left the land of Cirith for almost 20 years, living as a nomad, until he got the news of his fathers passing. When Runelor returned, he found that no dragons were alive. He was the only one. Marcus had died and his oldest daughter had become Queen. The city of Cirith had grown smaller. Now to this day, Runelor is dedicating himself to rebuilding Cirith and the dragon species.

The Rules
1. You must be literate. No exceptions.
2. You must use the feline model to make your dragon character. No exceptions.
3. You my not under any circumstances, have a neon dragon. Your dragons colors must consist of brown, white, black, gray, deep shades of red, or deep shades of green.
4. Just because there are shadow dragons and light dragons, doesnt mean you have powers. Its just a breed of dragons. So dont go around saying you used solarbeam on your opponet. e.e
5. Put the word Dragonslayer somehwere in your application in blue, so i know you read the rules.

Runelors Ranks

Lord - Ruler of the clan. Makes all decisions. Leads the battle groups. Mate of the Lady.
Lady - Ruler of the clan with the Lord. Helps with decisions. Leads the huntings groups. Mate of the Lord.
Chief - The Lords right hand dragon. Helps with decisions, organizing and much more. The Lord will decide who gets to be Chief.
Soldiers - Warriors and hunters of the clan. May take orders from the Lord, Lady, or Chief. They also do a wide variety of things.
Apprentices - Younger dragons who are traning to become Soldiers.
Doctor - Can be a male or female. They tend to wounds and only fight if really needed.
Outlaws - Dont follow rules and live on their own or in bands.

FFff thank god your back Kerri! I miss rping my Dragovich x3

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Wild Places
« on: December 28, 2011, 05:40:48 pm »
Raven's bio is pretty dang similar to Mavericks. O_O

Lol i only have recruited one member right now but....

Icepaw(atihona) She-cat, apprentice - doesnt have the map

and ok, i wasnt sure if i was allowed to give it out or not lol

I allowed her to join MountainClan GamerGirl, she gave me a roleplay sample and i accepted it ^^

I still dont have the map either, my inbox says 0 messages. I dont think the mail boxes on this sight work very well e.e

It says in my inbox that i have 0 messages O_O, i dont think im pm thing on here works well cause ive sent out messages before and no one ever got them and my outbox never showed that i sent anything lol

i can give you my email if that will work better

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