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Messages - Celeyan

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Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 25, 2013, 08:31:26 pm »

The male lion watched the female, looking her over gently. She was pretty, wasn't she? The male had glanced around, looking behind him to see his friend going off the other way, he didn't notice the lurking danger however, and had turned back to the amber-eyed female, digging his paws gently into the soil, and allowing a sigh- yet he had suddenly looked up upon hearing her snarl. The lion had turned, his blue-eyed gaze landed on a lioness who was watching from afar. He had offered a friendly smile, before watching her turn her gaze to something else. The sound of a chuckle made him turn around, and he once more grinned at the lioness. He listened to her speak, and nodded happily. "Its nice to meet you too.

Its a wonderful thing to meet a friendly creature out here. Most ones I have met would have torn my ear off if I bumped into them." He had spoken, musing to himself and allowing a chuckle to slip past his lips. "Its a beautiful day, isn't it?" He had said, looking at the sky and admiring the clouds, before glancing back down at the lioness- might as well make a friend, she seemed nice enough, anyway. With a friendly flick of his tail- he had looked into the eyes of the other, his gaze warm and friendly, his intentions on being nice clear. The canine on the other-hand had lapped at her wounds for a few minutes, before her ear perked once more upon hearing the sound of yelling again. It had seemed to be the same canines from before, she had watched from afar curiously- yet made no move to go over there.


Name| Her name is Eki.

Gender| Eki is a female.

History| She doesn't like mentioning it, you'd have to ask her politely.

Crush| Eki has no crush, and is actually scared to develop one due to the new cannibalistic tendencies of some wolves.

Pups| She has no pups- they are scarce in her times, anyway.

Mate| She has no mate, and hasn't had any in the past.

Extra| She had a high tolerance to pain, and when I say this, I mean she can't feel pain at all. She has a disorder- called CIPA that doesn't allow her to feel pain, this is a problem at points because she doesn't know when she is severely injured or not.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 25, 2013, 03:34:19 am »

The male lion looked at the lioness- his smile appearing when she saw that she had not only chuckled- but didn't seem bothered that he had just bumped into her. He had given a sigh, a sheepish smile coming onto his face as he gazed at her, blue eyes that last were full of submission were now easing into a more gentler, friendlier look. The lion had looked around awkwardly, his ears turned towards her in-case she had said something, before he looked at her again, noticing she had moved into a sit. He had moved in to a sit as well, chuckling lightly as did she. "Other than that awkward introduction, I'm Syckle." He had said shyly, his ears pinning back. He would be much friendlier should he find that she wasn't a threat. For now- he was going to be cautious, timid even- and stay submissive for he didn't want to start anything.

The African wild dog had watched the two for a while, before turning her head upon hearing the noise of someone loudly talking. Her eyes landed on the two African wild dogs- and her hearing zoned in to what the other had just spoken loudly. The words seemed friendly. Her gaze went to the other male, who seemed a lot older than the other, she had watched in interest- gaining knowledge, before looking away. She had walked away from the lions, walking along the river bank slowly- away from her friend, before sitting at the waters edge, grunting before moving into a slightly more comfortable position. She was full, and her thirst was filled- she was pretty content. However- the peace was quickly shattered by the sound of a roar that startled her, she had twisted her body, baring her teeth at a lioness who had suddenly lunged at her. She had barely twisted out of the way just as claws came swinging her way. The canine had rolled- backing away at the advancing feline.

The lioness had just barely slammed her massive paw, claws and all into her hip as she took a running leap into the water- splashing- dragging the lion slightly with her before the lioness grip had failed, and she was free to swim across. The African wild dog had made her way over, looking back warily to see the lioness watching her,  but making no advance to cross. But- there was the danger in the waters, she could see it lurking- before she watched it slip into the water. The canine had moved as fast as she could- literally hopping through the water as she struggled to the edge. Her paws hit the ground, and she had lunged forward- turning around just to see powerful jaws snap shot- and a Crocodile slip into the water. The canine had panted, her eyes wide- backing away from the edge, before she glanced at her hip- slightly torn due to the lioness who had grabbed her just as she touched the water. She had moved into a sit- calming herself, and bending to lap at the mark on her leg.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 24, 2013, 06:50:20 pm »

The African wild dog had slowly made her way across the Savannah. Her spotted figure could be seen slinking through the grass as she walked along, her tail swishing slowly behind her to a tune inside of her head. Kystine had just woken up from a quick-nap, and was about to go get a drink before she decided if she wanted to hunt or scavenge. The canine never liked scavenging, but getting prey by yourself was hard at points- and she was already hungry, having not found or caught anything in two days. She had trotted close to the river bank, stopping when she saw familiar fur. She didn't know many animals out in the Savanna- but she knew this fur anywhere. The African wild dog had trotted over with a friendly smile- as dogs grin, and stopped in front of the white lion- who seemed to  be eating.

"Nice seeing you again." She had spoken, her weak voice barely startled him, and he had looked up at her with surprise.

"Oh, Kystine! Hello!" The male lion had piped up, standing and giving her a friendly nuzzle against her cheek- which she had returned with a lick of her own. She had looked around past him, gazing at the others in the area. "It seems you've made the only kill around." She had mused lightly, and he looked around quickly as well, turning back to her. "I was just finishing. If you'd like, you can have the rest. You seem awfully skinny." He had said- worry and concern slipping into his voice and his eyes. Kystine looked up at him gratefully- moving closer and once more licking down the fur on his head.

"Your a true friend."
The African wild dog had bended over to eat- carefully so, and the two had stayed like that- catching up and talking for a moment or so. After eating- and stripping the carcass, the duo made its way to the riverbank. She had lowered her maw to the water to take a drink, as did he- she watched around cautiously. From this view- she could see two of her own species, the sight of seeing ones of her own kind made her happy, but she didn't know how to approach. Some African wild dogs were aggressive, unlike her- who was passive, she was hardly threatening- with weak vocal chords and all.

Syckle had seemed to notice her staring, and chuckled. "You aren't shy." The African wild dog looked at him and gave a small frown- her tail swishing slowly behind her. "I can count on my paws the number of times I had ever muttered a complete sentence." He looked at her in surprise, before sighing. His gaze made its way to a nearby lioness, and he had seemed to contemplate going over and introducing himself, but his usual shyness had stopped him, and he looked away quickly. He watched a nearby pride- and had frowned lightly- the male lion had looked at him warily, and the white lion had eased over, away from the pride so that they wouldn't be so cautious of him.

 Kystine looked at the pride- her paws in the muddy water suddenly shooting out and landing on the dirt as a Croc had suddenly lunged at her. Syckle took the defensive, and swatted at him, a roar escaping from his jaws- as he growled. The Crocodile had opened it mouth in a growl, yet slipped back into the water. Kystine looked at him. "Thanks." He had only chuckled. The African wild dog had turned her gaze upon the lioness that Syckle had been looking at- and then looked at him with a mischievous grin.

The African wild dog had suddenly pushed- her surprising strength taking the male lion off guard- and causing him to move awkwardly backwards- his body hitting the other lioness gently. He had turned around in surprise, his ears pinning back in a surprising look of submission- his tail hanging low, as did his head. "Erm- I'm sorry."

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 24, 2013, 06:50:01 pm »

The African wild dog had slowly made her way across the Savannah. Her spotted figure could be seen slinking through the grass as she walked along, her tail swishing slowly behind her to a tune inside of her head. Kystine had just woken up from a quick-nap, and was about to go get a drink before she decided if she wanted to hunt or scavenge. The canine never liked scavenging, but getting prey by yourself was hard at points- and she was already hungry, having not found or caught anything in two days. She had trotted close to the river bank, stopping when she saw familiar fur. She didn't know many animals out in the Savanna- but she knew this fur anywhere. The African wild dog had trotted over with a friendly smile- as dogs grin, and stopped in front of the white lion- who seemed to  be eating.

"Nice seeing you again." She had spoken, her weak voice barely startled him, and he had looked up at her with surprise.

"Oh, Kystine! Hello!" The male lion had piped up, standing and giving her a friendly nuzzle against her cheek- which she had returned with a lick of her own. She had looked around past him, gazing at the others in the area. "It seems you've made the only kill around." She had mused lightly, and he looked around quickly as well, turning back to her. "I was just finishing. If you'd like, you can have the rest. You seem awfully skinny." He had said- worry and concern slipping into his voice and his eyes. Kystine looked up at him gratefully- moving closer and once more licking down the fur on his head.

"Your a true friend."
The African wild dog had bended over to eat- carefully so, and the two had stayed like that- catching up and talking for a moment or so. After eating- and stripping the carcass, the duo made its way to the riverbank. She had lowered her maw to the water to take a drink, as did he- she watched around cautiously. From this view- she could see two of her own species, the sight of seeing ones of her own kind made her happy, but she didn't know how to approach. Some African wild dogs were aggressive, unlike her- who was passive, she was hardly threatening- with weak vocal chords and all.

Syckle had seemed to notice her staring, and chuckled. "You aren't shy." The African wild dog looked at him and gave a small frown- her tail swishing slowly behind her. "I can count on my paws the number of times I had ever muttered a complete sentence." He looked at her in surprise, before sighing. His gaze made its way to a nearby lioness, and he had seemed to contemplate going over and introducing himself, but his usual shyness had stopped him, and he looked away quickly. He watched a nearby pride- and had frowned lightly- the male lion had looked at him warily, and the white lion had eased over, away from the pride so that they wouldn't be so cautious of him.

 Kystine looked at the pride- her paws in the muddy water suddenly shooting out and landing on the dirt as a Croc had suddenly lunged at her. Syckle took the defensive, and swatted at him, a roar escaping from his jaws- as he growled. The Crocodile had opened it mouth in a growl, yet slipped back into the water. Kystine looked at him. "Thanks." He had only chuckled. The African wild dog had turned her gaze upon the lioness that Syckle had been looking at- and then looked at him with a mischievous grin.

The African wild dog had suddenly pushed- her surprising strength taking the male lion off guard- and causing him to move awkwardly backwards- his body hitting the other lioness gently. He had turned around in surprise, his ears pinning back in a surprising look of submission- his tail hanging low, as did his head. "Erm- I'm sorry."

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:32:43 am »

Name: Kystine Aurobori
Age:  She is a pretty young wild-dog, she is two years old and a half, very close to turning three years old.
Gender: Kyst is a female.
Species: She is an African Wild Dog.

Personality: Kystine when first meeting strangers- can depend on what your figure is. To bigger animals than here- she can appear timid, and very shy. If your close to her size, she has her smile ready, and her heart splayed open to friendship. Usually, this girl is passive and quiet- with a calm and curious attitude. Unlike some, she is polite and whimsical- holding a general optimistic outlook on life, she rarely gets mad- or aggressive towards others. She is friendly. She is more reserved than most, liking to be secluded rather than be in a pack, but usually- she is a pretty kind girl. Kystine used to be in a pack, and used to be the one in the pack who'd run down the prey. She can run and run, then run some more, and she thoroughly enjoys it. This has given her a great speed, and great endurance.

The canine is quick-witted, sensible yet still stubborn towards most things, yet she is a genuinely sweet girl, and her feisty attitude only sparks up into a spit-fire when she is provoked. Kystine is even a hopeless romantic at heart, a true softy to things of that sort- even if she likes it or not. She however- almost never speaks to anyone that she has just met. The canine isn't mute, yet she doesn't wish to speak to others unless she truly trusts them. She can communicate however in body language, expression, and touch. Words are foreign to her it seems, yet once one gets close to her- she will start speaking more and more. When around someone that she finds a particular interest in, she may say a few words- but not many, yet as she grows to trust them- her true vibrant nature will show, a mischievous and flirtatious side of her that she lets those close to her see.

Description: Kystine has the beautiful coloration of any African wild dog. The only thing unique about her is that she still has the soft, lush fur of any other pup. Throughout her life it seems to have a pup like feel and sheen, never dulling or fading. Her colors staying as bright and as calm as her personality. She has the ordinary mixed colors of the African wild dog as well, splashes of black, tan, and white all over her fur. Her eyes are the fiery spark in her personality that only makes itself present when she is provoked, fiery swirls of fire becoming a deep amber that is printed on a tan-furred face. Her body is slightly less muscular than some wild dogs, but that has aided her in her ability to run, and believe me- she is one hell-of-a runner, her speed and her endurance makes up for her lack of muscle. She can still hold her own in a fight- yet she can also run a whole lot better than the average wild-dog.

History: Kystine lived in a small pack at a young age. She was a sweet, well-behaved girl as a pup, with a playful attitude that sparked up when she was around other pups. However, when she was a young juvenile, she was separated from her pack that had startled a nearby herd of buffalo- which had caused them to have to run, as the buffalo were angry. She got lost- and had traveled, making her way alone ever since. Due to such a harsh starting point in life, she has learned to become an experienced hunter, even as a loner.

Crush: She has no crush.
Mate: Kystine has no mate.
Pups: She has no pups.
Extra: Kyst can be seen as a mute at points, and rarely does she speak unless you are close to her.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 23, 2013, 06:57:58 pm »

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

The male had shook out his thick mane, riding himself of the annoying flies that  buzzed around his face. The pests had scattered, at least for the moment, but just the simple moment of relief was enough for him. His tail twitched and swished behind him, blue orbs scanning the area as he walked the savannah- looking around at points, yet still continuing on. The smell of lions in the area had seemed to delight him, and worry him, but otherwise- he was still the calm loner he was, and made sure his posture was one of care-free ignorance. He was hungry, searching for food, and he realized he'd be close due to the smell of others in the land. Food attracted predators, did it not?

He had suddenly looked up, seeing a herd of gemsbok directly in front of him, they didn't seem to notice him just yet. The lion had flattened himself to the ground, sliding silently into the grass near a bend into the river. He watched intently as a gemsbok calmly began coming nearer to his patch of grass- not noticing the lurking danger. His paws were silent as he had inched closer, his whole body was tense, his tail tip twitching in anticipation as he and the gemsbok got even closer to each other. Just as the great beast lowered its head to grasp a mouthful of grass- claws suddenly came flying towards it, it had rose up in surprise- giving a shrill bray of terror that caused many others of its herd to become alarm, and bolt- giving calls of their own. He exploded from the grass, launching himself at the gemsbok's neck.  It twisted backwards and fell with a groan of pain- his eyes wide, before they went dark- and the body went limp under his teeth and claws.

He had whispered a prayer, and a thank you to his food- before he took one glance around. A herd of wildebeest also seemed to be startled by the male, and was rushing away the same way that the gemsbok herd had ran. Curiously, he watched them- knowing their fright and their frantic calls would cause attention to the area, he didn't seem to mind this however, and lowered his head to dig into his well-earned kill, that he was proud to say he caught.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: |The Savanna| (Open&Accepting) ~Rated-M~
« on: November 23, 2013, 06:15:29 pm »

There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you, won't you be the one I'll always know?
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down

Name: Syckle Faire Laine
Age: He's a rather young male, still- he just turned four.
Gender: Syckle is a male lion.
Species: He is a lion.

Personality: To describe this male in one word, it would have to be 'kind'. This lion is stranger than most male lions, he is charming and good-natured- his main personality traits. His sweet nature is both a fault and a quality- as he is prone to be rather too friendly at points to the point that he has become a bit naive. He is more of a calm lion- insults seem to go in and out of his ears- and he has no intentions on wanting to take over a pride. He seems to prefer traveling, and its rare to see him staying in one place for a long time. He is self-confident, and he doesn't seem to care about anything negative regarding him, he just ignores it.

However, this male lions quiet nature usually overtakes his personality to those who he doesn't know- yet should the other prove to be friendly enough- he can easily ease into his more nicer nature. He likes to meet new people, yet due to life in the wild, he has become cautious. To anyone who he seems to find nice, and not dangerous- he will have his smile, and his heart splayed wide open to friendship. The lion is naturally polite and gentle- yet he isn't that mature for his age. This lion is more vibrant, young, and whimsical- he is usually fun-loving, and cheerful, yet he knows when to become serious. To anyone that befriends him or becomes his ally, he proves to be a wonderful male. He is honest- and secrets are always safe with him, he promises to fight to the death to save the other once you've earned his trust, and with that- comes his loyalty, he will have an everlasting loyalty to anyone close to him.

Deep down, this male lion has a more daring, adventurous nature, with a mischievous and clever attitude. He is extremely stealthy, having to be due to his loner-ways, and sometimes he is too stealthy and silent that he startles someone without wanting to. Due to his quiet paws, and his looks- he has also become an experienced hunter, for a male, that is, he has learned how to hunt- his belief that lioness and any other fellow females should be treated as 'princesses' being tuned into his way of learning how to hunt for himself. He'd rather feed his own lioness, then have them go out and hunt for him.

Description: Syckle- is a strange case. He has white fur, something that is unusual for any lion out in the wild to have. His mane, despite his age- his smaller than most, and it is noticeable that he isn't as bulky, or as muscular as other male lions out there. This proves as a disadvantage when it comes to wooing other lioness, who'd want a male who would be bad at protecting them? Syckle however, believes that his strange coloration is good. Due to his coloring, he has had to learn that he has to be incredibly stealthy, in order to get food. His body not being as bulky as other males, or as big- or as tall yet that has also aided him, it means that he can well, hunt- should he try hard enough. He is still more muscular, and more tougher than a female- yet isn't as strong as a normal male lion. Another strange thing about him is his face, lagoon-blue eyes are set into a snow-furred face, with pink roses as his nose and his mouth. He stands out.

History: Syckle was born into one of the many prides that consist of white-lions such as himself. Humans have been releasing many of these lions back into the wild, and he was born into a more smaller pride than usual. Like most male lions- he was chased from the pride by the lead male lion when he was deemed too old enough to be in the pride. He has wandered as a loner for a long time- occasionally meeting other lions- yet never staying with some for a long period of time.

Crush: He has no crush, but if he were to get one, he'd be a bit shy.
Mate: Syckle has no mate, yet another quality of his is that if he'd get a mate, she'd be his mate for life, he'd claim no other lioness. He believes the words 'i love you' are sacred- and he'd never say them if he didn't mean it.
Cubs: He has no cubs.
Extra: He is slightly infertile.


Lycanix had looked around slowly, observing the land- and watching with a cautious eye.

He had gone to patrol the herds lands before most of his herd-mates woke up, as he was growing wise in the ways of humans. Lycanix figured that if the horses could see the humans coming early on, they could leave and hide before the humans had gotten to the main herd. He didn't want to lose any more herd-members than he already had lost. It killed him every time he had noticed a disappearance in the herd. The thought of losing so many friends, made him hate humans with a bitter hatred. Never would he want to be tamed by those vile creatures- they captured his kind, and forced them to do work. That was something Eki, his sister would have gone through, if he hadn't of saved her before.

He had recalled the time he had noticed the herds members disappearing. Eki was worried, as was he- and he was a fairly more protective brother than usual. At one point- his white-maned sister had escaped his sight, and the next day- he had found she hadn't returned to the herd, like so many of his herd-mates. The thought of his sibling being taken away sent such a rage through his body, that he was willing to die to save his sister. So- he had set off, away from the herd to find her. He had found her- tied up with a few other horses a few days after searching. With the rage of the horses captured- one of a captured king, he had helped Eki, and the others escape. The humans had watched him with awe- and with an angry snort, and with the rage of a brother who had just found his sister in danger, he had given a harsh kick to the man closest to him.

That was only the beginning of his rage for the humans.

With a snort, and a last glance around, he had begun to walk back to the herds home, his head held high, and his stature one of a proud king who was confident in the ways of his land. He moved in the way of a march, yet that had soon broke into a confident and rather fast gallop. He had flew off his feet into the daring wind- as if he was flying, before his hooves kissed the ground, as he plummeted forward. He had run with his mane and tail streaming behind him, whipping around like un-tameable wildfire, like the fire that danced in his eyes as he soared forward. It didn't take him long to get back to the herds home, and he had slowed his fast pace, moving into a trot- before easing into a calm walk as he saw his herd-mates come into view. The stallion had trotted off to go graze off on his own. His sister, Eki- had walked over with a smooth trot, and he had acknowledged her with a fine snort.

He was about to speak to her, when the sound of a voice filled his ears. The stallion had turned his head- as did Eki, and they both stared at a mare who had approached in a friendly manner. The stallion had shrunken back shyly, he was particularly shy around mares he didn't know, but he tried his best to socialize. "Hello." He had said simply. Eki- noticing his discomfort had looked at Tesha, her tail swishing behind her- as she greeted the mare as well. "Hi." The stallion had looked at his sister, his tail swishing behind him before he turned back to the mare, giving a friendly bow of his head. "How are you?" Eki had spoken, trying to spark a conversation with the mare. Lycanix had turned his head- looking around for a moment before he saw the lead stallion. Shouldn't he report to him what he had seen, no sign of humans was a good sign. He had turned back to the two mares. "Excuse me, but hold on. I have to report to Renegade." He had said- gesturing towards the lead stallion.

Lycanix had trotted over, his posture low, he made it clear he was addressing Renegade, before speaking. "When I went to patrol the lands, there were no signs of the humans."

Mentioned: Tesha, Eki (NPC), and Renegade.
Addressed: Eki (First), Tesha (Second), Renegade (Third)

(( I want to make Eki but I also want to post, so Eki is a slight npc for now if that's alright with you? xD)


Name: Lycanix is his name.
Breed: He is an appaloosa, at least- that's what he thinks.
Age: He is three years and a half old.
Gender: Lycanix is a stallion.

Physical Appearance: With a head held high, a mean gaze imprinted on a bold face- he is a stallion that many have tried to capture and have failed to do so. A strong horse- muscles rippled under his vulcanite-black pelt, clear that he is a fighter, and a survivor. He is a tall horse- standing at 16.1 hh, with tresses of silky obsidian-black that plunged over his neck and pooled off his shoulders like a waterfall made of the moons shadow. The flames in his soul had become his eyes- churning into large fiery spirals of a dark, fiery amber. Scars line his pelt- one noticeable one is on his back- a long gash that has healed over the months, while another is split across his left leg- corded with muscle as well.

Lycanix is the horse of the wild.

He has suffered physically in order to gain the tough figure he has now, which shows that he is a true survivor of these lands, built for toil and survival. With heightened senses, he has a suspicious, wary attitude- and is prone to pick up things that are either dangerous, or at least something the others should be cautious about. Lycanix is a loyal horse of the herd- he isn't that sociable, yet his loyalty is shown through his actions. He isn't afraid to die, or get captured by man, as he is focused on protecting his herd, willing to lay his life on the line for the well-being of another. A heart of pure gold.

He isn't as bulky as most stallions- yet he is rather intelligent, and even cunning when it comes to brain power- something else that has helped him stay out of the ropes of the humans for this long. Around other horses, he can be a bit of a defensive stallion, he likes his privacy- and doesn't like others to ask him a lot of questions, as he doesn't wish to reveal too much about himself to anyone, unless he trusts them. Usually- he is more shy, yet when the situation forces him to change, he will change. As a foal, his most prominent trait was his curiosity; he was always asking questions, always seeking to learn more. It didn't seem to matter what it was, he just wanted to learn it, as he was a quick learner- this information has proved to help him, at points. He is usually a cautious horse, yet around others- he can be seen as a kind character, caring with an adventurous nature that never seemed to die out as a foal.

The stallion does have a truly chivalrous side (usually towards mares), as well as a more laid-back and good-humored disposition that often shows itself when he is most peaceful, which is something he hasn't felt in a while. The threat of the humans is making him anxious.

History: He lived a simple life, just ask him about it and he'll tell you.
Family: He has a sister in the herd, named Eki.

Tamable: He believes the humans are evil for taking away his herd members, and he will fight hard in the case that he should be captured by a human. Should the human prove to be trustful enough- his views may be changed, but he will always wish to return to the wild, his fiery spirit can become lighter- yet it will burn, and never be doused. He has actually helped his more, calmer sister- Eki, escape the humans once, and also helped release a few other horses, so he'd be more of pest to humans, as his trust isn't easily gained.

Extra: Nothing about him, but I loved the movie!

Lycanix is done, now I must do his sister!

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