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Messages - pinkrose137

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Quinao King-

Onyx (In-Game - Defected)
Breed is Mutt
Age is 5 years
US Central Time

Their Queen-

Pride's Heir(s)-

Other Royalty-



Plain Members-

The Children-



Patch 1.006 of FH only! D;

Whispers of Reiko was created by me, Pink Rose out of a random spurt of inspiration. I'm crazy right? :3 I am very laid back, this has no specific breed. It just must have feline in it... and they have to be big cat. Yeah. That's all. But personality wise, I don't want a character trying to commit suicide in every post, but I do not want a mary-sue in every post either. Please make sure you look at that >:3

I also want to say that you should please follow the rules. These are both in-game rules and forum rules as well.

    * No GodModing-PowerPlaying-Auto Hitting-Etc. 
    * Do not fight with the Leaders, our words are your rules to follow by.
    * Mating in PM please! Or not at all :3
    * Do not tlk lyke dis plz <3
    * You may have your first litter un-announced, but more than that please tell us(staff) so we know :3
    * Applications in code please!
    * Characters must be big cat only. No canines, no small cats.
    * Use your head.
    * Do not swear in every sentence. It is accepted IC and OOC but do not over do it. (NO Racial Slurs, you will be banned immediately. Unless I'm feeling merciful xD)
    * More rules to come :3

Placida Superbia was a pride that originated from their 'mother pride', the Quinao Pride.
There were many reasons for the split of the major mother pride, but I will begin from the very beginning.

The Quinao Pride was a very violent, power hungry pride. Most leaders never lived past the age of six, not usually having reigns past two years. The pride did not understand the word, dynasty, and most of the time grand children never existed. For grand parents never existed. Their time on the earth still stands, though. It is predicted that their fierce and forceful attributes will keep them on the map for quite some time, and still scare cubs at night as their mothers warn them about going to bed on time.

For some reason, some of the lions did not seem to have those same fierce and vexed attitudes, quite the contrary. Yet if their weak personalities had shown, they would have been kicked... thrown into the Shadow Fields to await their lonely death by the demons that creeped along on in the night. The pride life was dangerous, scary, and it was a frightening place to be raised as a child. And soon, the gods' hearts changed. They took pity on their followers and made the choice to split the pride. Those that were weak and could not handle it were chased off. They were chased out of the southern border where it seemed the safest. Then their gods forsaked them, turning their backs and going back to the fierce pride of Quinao.
Remus, the one they named dominate male, took charge and marched the small pride of ten down the pathway and into the unknown. They lost their home, most of their families, everything they had known, and were marching in the darkness of the night out into the land of the unknown. None turned back, none even looked back, though. For it was set in their minds that going back only meant death. The gods had been merciful, though, lighting their path and allowing them to have a safe journey. They even made sure that the numbers were even, five males and five females, so that they could reproduce without conflict.

It was tense, the first six years. They had no one to protect them (no gods that is), and a tiny territory to call their own. But quickly it expanded, as Remus' son, Bolithizar took charge as a young four year old and had a very ambitious heart. It was good, not too peaceful but not like their mother pride's lions. He merely expanded the territory, leading the pride of now thirty into battle many times to claim the territories around them.

Quickly, one of the gods of the past found them. After a conflict between the other gods, the young godess had been cast out because of her changed heart and everlasting love for the lions who had left. Reiko, the godess who controlled weather and air currents. She was young in the eyes of the other eternals, merely two thousand years old and still rather naive. She had run to the pride, greeting them and swearing her eternal protection over them. Even though she messed up too many times to count, Reiko has been there for them for two hundred years.

After the 'rebels' seperated from the Quinao Pride, they were crippled and much smaller. Since they were a medium sized pride to begin with (most were wiped out that previous summer due to lack of resources), new invading lions quickly took over and disposed of the weak. The rest fled and have been roaming for 200 years. And now... it is their fate to return to the Placida Superbia Pride.


The Quinao Pride has shown up on the Placida Territory. At first, the lions did not recignize them and attacked, but Reiko and the three other gods intervened and sepereated the battle. They briefly talked, and the three gods demanded that Reiko and the 'rebels' return to their mother pride so they could rule the territory together. The Placida quickly declined which lead to a battle that raged on for two days before Quinao backed down due to their depleted numbers and established a territory next to the Placida.

Tensions are extremely high, and border fights are frequent. None of the prides can afford more battles, but Quinao is adament on getting the rebels back. Either that or letting revenege reign for apparently it was the rebels fault that Quinao was so crippled. They plan on giving revenge for two hundred years times two, rage still buried in their hearts.

The gods have tensions of their own. Kaigoshi(god of Youth) is the son of Osaka (goddess of healing) and Remorai (god of war). Reiko is the adoptive daughter of the two and was devestated to realize she had been replaced by her older brother. Although now she refuses to see him as a brother, merely an enemy like the rest are. It has fueled the fire, and now the gods are in a war of their own. Three to one.

The Immortals

Godess Reiko (in-game is - PinkRose137)
Breed is Unknown
Age is Around 2,500 years
US Central Time

God Kaigoshi (in-game is - Defected)
Breed is Unknown
Age is Around 2,550 years
US Central Time

Placida King-

Belenus Remus (In-Game -PinkRose137)
Breed is Mutt x Liger x Demonic Lioness x Mutt
Age is 5 Years
US Central Time

Their Queen-

Nita Kiani (In-Game - Arashiandame)
Breed is Snow Leopard
Age is 2 1/2 years
US Eastern Time

Pride's Heir(s)-

Other Royalty-



Plain Members-

The Children-


Code: [Select]
put 100 x 100 picture here! :3
[b]Time Zone:[/b]
[b]Rp Sample:[/b]
[b]Pride Wanted:[/b]
[b]Rank Wanted:[/b]
[b]In-Game Username:[/b]

Praise / Re: For the win?
« on: May 02, 2011, 01:03:02 am »
:D :D <3 ily ;_;

Fantastic! I love her :'3

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Realistic Wolf Fur Texture + Mods
« on: April 18, 2011, 01:16:35 am »
I don't have winrar! ;(

Yeah sorry I haven't put your bio up yet xD I'm lazy :P
And thanks! That's great ^-^

Usually on in the mornings and afternoons of US Central Time :3 evenings sometimes too :D

Mmkay! You can even stay white if you want ;) I could stretch the rules for you x'D (I'm a pushover :O)

Perfect :D I'm sorry I feel really bad 3: it can be a light gray? lol <33 soweeee

Just curious if you could make him gray? :3 I know I said you didn't have to, but everyone was talking at once and confusing me 3x I don't want to make anyone angry <3 Im a huge pushover, so asking this of you is extremely uncomfortable for me but I figured I would give it a shot xD <333

-waits for rp example-

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