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Messages - spirit333

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I will Kerrigan ^^
And sorry if I'm not on much.. I have school :/ But i can come on, on Saturday :P

Game Polls / Re: Language Rule
« on: September 14, 2011, 05:30:40 am »
No, it is being racist to them. You are putting them down because they cannot speak proper english. I agree completly with Tigg. Just because they speak another language, doesn't make them ANY different. We all forget;they're people, just like the rest of us. How would you feel if you found an amazing game, but the first language was finnish and you have no idea how to read or speak it. They'd tell you the same thing as we are now in THIS game. Just because english is our first language, doesn't mean we are any more special then them. We are all equal. Not EVERYONE speaks english, it's called culture. Learning from other people, and learning that there are BILLIONS of people that speak another language. The world isn't made of english people guys. We need to look farther then ourselves once in a while. Think about it.

Game Help / Re: How To?
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:39:11 pm »
If you're having lots of problems though, I suggest either messaging a Moderator, or posting a new topic on the Site+Forum Help thread.

Game Help / Re: How To?
« on: September 13, 2011, 11:37:11 pm »
Ya, you shouldn't need to make an account. Mediafire and Youtube have no connections with each other.

Alrighty ^^ Thank you soooooooo much!! :DD

Thank you sooooooooo much toast!!! :D It looks amazing!!!!!
^^ Question, where do I put the files?
(new at downloading presets :P)
Oh and love the saying GamerGirl :D

Would it be to much troublr to post a picture? :/

:D Ok

Oh, and Toast. If you come back to the map and I'm not there, I'm probably in the caverns.

Above E. :White
Below E. :White
Tail Tip:Black
Marking Type:King Cheetah 2 (Head,Body and Tail)

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