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Messages - AliciaJewel

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@DJWolf: I guess that's kind of the problem with widely different time zones... Like I said, I may either add a second RP day or try to clear my entire Sunday schedule so more people have time to get on and roleplay with us. That partially depends on what you guys are more comfortable with.

Would you mind linking the picture in your next post so I don't have to scroll through the entire topic to find it?

Also, I re-checked Fatality's application. It looks like she's done a lot of good editing, but she's still missing some important parts. I don't think I'll have much problem accepting her if she adds those. ^_^

@Silverdawn: That's definitely an option, but that partially depends on how many other people are able to get on at that time and how much work I have to do. (NEVER procrastinate in college, kids. You will want to slap yourself silly.)

@Kennedi: I did have one at first, but that was before the month-changing system was implemented. If I don't get enough people to vote, I'll just roll a 4-sided die D&D style and see where we go. xD

The only problem with the "age when you want to" system is that we'd end up with a bunch of perpetual pups while everybody else gets old. If I do use that system, I'll have to put some limits on it.

@Kennedi: All right, I'll get that changed. ^_^

@Silverdawn: RPing at 1 actually didn't turn out very well since not a lot of people showed up. I may try to host multiple RP's during the week, but I can't make any guarantees since I do have a lot of work I need to get done. (Though I know of a few people I can trust enough to host a secondary RP day without my supervision, if the need arises.)

@Stephen: Hey, don't worry about it. Real life ALWAYS comes first!

@Everyone: It's pretty much been decided that we will be changing seasons once a month. Now the main issues are:
  • Are we going to age in time with the seasons, or are we going to do some weird "liquid time" thing?
  • What season should we start in?

I noticed that, too. xD Just as long as you don't flip-flop around between personalities, I don't see why not. What do you want me to change in his profile?

Yes indeedy dandy! ^_^

For anyone who hasn't joined the forums yet:

Also, I'm online!

That's okay--I'll probably only be on for a couple of hours today. I have a lot of things I need to get done. (Mostly studying 'cause I have a bunch of tests coming up. Yaaaay. @_@)

We're currently using a public map ( until Kenzi finishes with our official map. One of our allies has allowed us to download their map, as well, but I'm not sure what kind of permissions we have in there.

Also, as a reminder to all new members: Please send a group request to The Rune Wolves in-game. I will add you the next time I get on. ^_^

Raven has been approved! ^_^ I did a little copy editing to your history just to make it look neater. One tip for the future: always put a space after your punctuation.

Is that the same pack as the one I have linked in the second post? Also, Raven looks really nice! :D I'm probably going to accept her, but I'll wait until later this evening to make my final decision.

@Jessie Dagger: I'll need a picture for the roster. The easiest way to get one is to go into the game, press Print Screen, paste the picture into a program like Paint, and then upload it to Also, your application is good, but I'm not quite sure it meets the standards for a rare... Our only other Mind Wolf hasn't shown up since she posted her app, though, so I'll think about it. ^_^

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