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Messages - Cloudandis

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((that's alright karma ^^))

Hiro felt a shiver roll down her spine as a sickening snap of precious ivory echoed.  She looked up again, being driven mad. "someone's going to regret their actions..." she thought bitterly. The instant her hackles flared on her back, rising with her fur as it stood on end, she leapt upon the cage bars again and in a ferocious gnashing mess of fangs and claws, she was tearing at the bars. The force of her jump had nearly tipped the cage over. She bitterly tasted blood from her mouth as she managed to pull apart some of  the metal. However, it wasn't big enough for her- just her paw. She slid it through and slapped at the latch angrily before slamming herself at the door again, unsuccessful...she slammed herself repeatedly at the door. Maybe she might knock her brains out if she had to. For once, she was actually trying to break out. All of her previous attempts looked simply like meek submission to her rage right now. She was sick of this crazy kennel, and knew she wasn't the only one that hated it. But she'd rather die in the ring, or die on the streets, than spend another day watching other dogs die. her body was growing fatigued now with these attempts, but her eyes had a fiery, maddening rage in them. She'd gone utterly insane form all of the noise and the anger in the building, and the cheering outside almost egged her on further.. The latch, being half way out, slid bitterly from its container before she was able to slam herself into the gating piece. Part of the latch was even broken.Slamming herself at it again, she felt her own weight tossing her out before she slid on the floor. Scrabbling onto her paws, her mouth ached and her paw had a cut from the metal. Her head hurt from the impact. Everyone was so busy watching the fights in the other rings that they'd hardly heard anything.  She quickly slunk in the darkness of the shadows and left her cage as it sat, as if welcoming her back into its maw. Blood dripped from the roof of her mouth, but she had no care for it.

((welcome to the rp ^^ waiting for you to be acecpted.))

((no problem crystal. and nah, it's just a forum rp XD))

Hiro stood up and watched more dogs attempting to break free. Everyone was going mad. She could hear dogs howling and barking, snarling and snapping. Noticing Sakoiya attempting to get free too, she shook out her fur and her hackles raised with tension. Her easr perked, seeing Zuri headed into the ring.

Hiro watched them and lowered her ears a bit, her eyes lowering. She was not worries about the opponent that karma was fighting- because she was older than her opponent and stronger. What she was actually worried about.... was that the fight was rigged. If that was the case, then the humans would kill karma. The pup... well, she would be put in staged fights against other dogs and those would be rigged for bets as well. it always heightened the stakes if people thought the bigger dog was going to win and everyone lost their bet to the house- in which case more people would bet on the pup, and in which case the pup would lter die in a fight in order for the house to gain full bet funds again. She'd seen it.... and Karma might be in for that much.

Hiro watched her go with a dark stare at the man who kicked Karma. She kept a plain face however. She supposed if her plan was to work, she would need to look like she was on good behavior... but then again it may prove useless. Her heart skipped a beat hearing the people's cheers become louder.

Hiro lifted her head slightly and watched Fido sapping at the man. She lowered her head back down and closed her eyes. They were all going crazy in here. Completely crazy. Her ears lowered again and she decided to zone out. Her mind began to become blank and she was calmer. Returning to her state of canine ignorance, she simply watched the back of her cage bars again. She hoped Karma wouldn't die- it was the first time in a while she'd thought that. And she was going up against Zuri... Hiro's mind searched for something to profile the dog with, but Zuri seemed new to her.... but then again, she didn't know every dog here. Recently this year she'd been working on maybe cataloging names to faces in her head and keeping track of who was who. She had nothing better to do, and maybe it might be nice to think about when she ended up fighting again.She would think of their name, think of their injuries, and think of their interests. Maybe she could appeal to a fighter and try to escape? No... there were too many humans for that. For the year that she had been living here, she had tried many times to get out. She'd tried to get other dogs to work with her. But her lack of speech made them feel like she was trying to take advantage of them. She whined before sitting up again. Keeping her eyes in front of her, she decided that sleeping... or at least, pretending to... wasn't going to do much. She could only hope for now. Hope was something that no dog had attempted to believe in... for quite some time.

"I will escape..."
she thought. "Or I'll die trying."

                                       Hiro's ears perked and a low rumbling growl escaped her throat.  As she watched the man dragging Karma, his leg near her cage bars, she snapped at it and her maw went through them. Her teeth were tearing at the man's pant leg and he cried out before smacking her with something harsh- like plastic with metal. It was a cane like object with the leash protruding from the edge. The man still seemed to have a firm grip on karma however. "Let go you damned dog!" He screamed, his pant leg nearly completely ripped up to the seems. Another man forcefully kicked her maw and she yelped, curling up on her side. She looked back as on as the man witht he torn pants glowered at her before continuing with karma. The voiceless dog's ears drooped and she crawled to the back of her cage.

Screenshots / Re: ~Laxy's screenshots :3
« on: May 06, 2012, 04:43:39 am »
Ahahaha XD I love the screenies. ^^ my favorite one is the one where everyone isin the air XD

Hiro's eyes went between the two females. Her ears began to lower as she whined hearing the cheering and then snapping and slamming of bodies. She could hear boos and cheers and roaring laughter. It was all a jubelle of noise. She simply nodded towards Karma before slowly resting her head on her paws and keeping her ears lowered. Her pupils were dilated as she closed her eyes and gently took in air. If she ignored it, then it wouldn't scare her....

((XDD She's not barking o3o nice to meet you o=))

Hiro's ears perked hearing another dog and she glanced over. Another fae. Hearing her she let her eyes narrow and flicked her tail in reply as a, "maybe". Her white eyes were hollow as they returned to watching the back of her cage again. She could only briefly remember her parents, but her parentage was definite. Sitting up her ears remained lowered and she looked back at the stranger who'd spoken to her. Did she have a problem with her breed? It seemed to be a sour comment.

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