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Messages - Aroxy

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We're having it started by King walking into their territory on his journey back home to Voodoo.. just haven't had a chance to get it going yet :p

You know.. i'm coming to find out, that my life is so darn busy, I don't even know how I make time just to check these forums! Nyla, i'm going to PM you my password so that you can run in-game and forum stuff when me or Kieva aren't around. Kieva has it too, so if you need anything let her know also.

Also, I want Aroxy & Riko to have cubs, so I think they should become mates<3
Yay for cubbles in the pride!

I also think a pair of the mutts /coughcough/ should have some puppies too:)

Um. I just told you earlier on this page he was accepted, but that I didn't accept you because you never posted back on the thread.

I had to work at 12 today it turned out :/

& Roxas, yeah.. he's accepted.. I just usually wait until the user posts on the thread again, becuase I keep getting applications and then people never post again and they end up being removed.

Thank you very much you guys. I'll hopefully make room somewhere on the first page for schedules

Perhaps if you ask politely one of the members will take a screenshot for you in-game and post it for me

Voodoo is always accepting applications/members.

I cannot accept you into the pride until I have a picture of your character, halfbreeds..
& i'm also going to ask you to give me a roleplay sample with your application if you will.

Blargh.. Have fun on your vacation, kels!

Can I have everyone post to me their schedules so that I can post it somewhere on the first page maybe so that others can see when eachother might be online? Everytime I get on, nobody is online. I get on early in the morning or in the afternoons (est time).. I usually work at night, and if i'm not working i'm spending time with my boyfriend all night.

I want Aroxy to have cubs, but.. she has no mate.

That's fine, might I ask your reason why?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings, socks and more territories
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:54:53 pm »
Well.. there are people trying to suggest marking ideas and you're shooting them down simply because they 'didn't vote in a poll' that half of the members probably didn't even know about..

I don't even know what FH's deviantart IS.. though i have come across it once or twice but a long, long time ago.. and I have NO idea what "IH" is, and i'm assuming "OIT" is the old IT proboards, ya?

People have been downloading more then one map with the bonfire particle in it. My suggestion is to just go into where I saved Voodooo's bonfire particle (you might have to look through a whole bunch of other particles in the file to find it) and rename my bonire to Bonfire2

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