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Messages - echelon666

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Black Soul Pride
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:56:01 pm »
Yup, Hunter is fine. I'm going to go download the map now.

Game Discussion / Re: Name Your Glitches!
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:49:19 am »
I'mma just add this here- Mapmaker decides to throw objects from another map onto the map i'm making

- link to character picture: Lilith
- Your in-game name: echelon666
- Lion's name: Lilith
- Gender: Female
- Age: adult, aged 4
- Preferred rank: Hunter or Soldier
- Character's bio: Lilith is outwardly cold and uncaring, showing little emotion unless she has to. But, this is all a facade, to hide the fact deep down inside she's really just a freighted lioness. She was abused due to her dark color and markings in her last pride, and this has left a deep resentment of any lion she does not know. Her motto is, "I'm only nice to you if I you're nice first." She can be very untrusting, but is a trustworthy character herself. She's also very headstrong, believing that her input is essential to whatever or whoever she gives it to. She also likes to swim, to keep her dark pelt cool.
- RP sample:A cool breeze ruffling her fur brought Lilith back from her usual recurring nightmare. Her breath came in short pants, before she took a deep breath. She got to her paws and shook out her fur, to try and let it lay back down. Her eyes scanned over her landscape, making sure no one else had seen her wake like that.

The lioness headed from the spot she had been napping in the warm sunlight, trying to find something to occupy her mind. She kept seeing the nightmare in her head, her birth Pride's King(her own father) biting her for being the way she was. Her mother had said nothing, and instead joined in on it. She soon submerged herself in cool water, trying to use the cold to clear her mind. Hopefully, she'd be given a duty soon, to focus her mind on that.

If I need to change anything, just tell me :3

Game Help / Re: Ground coming out tiled
« on: July 01, 2011, 05:15:16 am »
o.o okay, that makes sense I guess. The way the default terrains map out makes it look continuous..

Game Help / Re: Ground coming out tiled
« on: July 01, 2011, 01:15:21 am »

That's what it comes out to when I open it in Map Maker.

Game Help / Re: v1.07 issue - screws up maps?
« on: July 01, 2011, 12:47:56 am »
I got the opposite. I'm trying to make a new map and the map maker keeps putting objects into the new map.

Game Help / Ground coming out tiled
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:18:52 pm »
Uhm, I'm trying to make an Invader Zim map for me and my friends. I have the Height Map done already, and wanted to make sure the ground image I wanted worked before I made a Terrain Mask.

I go in game to map maker and use the default terrain to test it out, and the ground image comes out tiled. Now, i've tried it in 513x513 and 512x512 with it in the right place, so I have no idea what is going on. My friend also tried it on her mapmaker and got the same thing. Any suggestions?

Introduction / Re: Noob alert!
« on: May 30, 2011, 01:57:35 pm »
Thanks for the warm welcome! :D

Introduction / Noob alert!
« on: May 30, 2011, 01:31:49 am »
Ohai dar!

I'm Ashley, known in some places as my fursona, Dea. I just started the game and i'm hoping to find some friends to play with. Have any questions? Shoot me a PM, i'm usually very friendly.


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