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Messages - silverMarie

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The feline was carrying the injured Coda in her mouth as Jasper followed closely "It seems everyone is retreating to the cornfield!" Vera meowed to Jasper who was panicked and scared "Mom, Where is everyone?" he mewed softly, Vera had trouble hearing him due to the ripping winds that whipped around them. She saw Leauana ahead of them, she looked back but it didn't appear that she saw the felines "Leauana!" she mewed, hoping to get her to help her with Jasper, who was getting tired. Coda let out a soft mew, he had been struck by a falling 2x4, injuring his left hind leg. Vera held him tightly but gently in her jaws as strong winds blew them around. Thankfully that was the last strong gust of wind as the tornado continued on it's way down the valley. The cats slowly made their way to the cornfield, hoping the tornado wouldn't decide to turn around and head back this way.

Finished ^^)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays /
« on: December 05, 2014, 10:59:15 pm »

Haleigh Raven Cripe

Name: Haleigh Cripe
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Scottish
Personality: Haleigh is a very quiet girl when you first meet her but once you get past her shell she can be quite the 'animal'. She adores reading and drawing but when she isn't holed up in her room she is out at a party or just hanging out with her friends. She is also very kind and friendly and loves to help others, she can also be rude but only if you are to her or her friends.The past year Haleigh went through a depressive state since her mother had died and unfortunately tried to end her own life. She was unsuccessful and she is glad that she was, the last month she has finally started to live, doing things she had always wanted to do.
Crush: None at the moment
Boyfriend/girlfriend: None
(Feel free to apply to be her boyfriend^^)
Extra: She has a scar on both of her wrists from an attempted suicide
This is how she sounds;

Sorry for not posting! Been busy lately)

Julia Moore

The young woman brushed her dark hair out of her face so she could see more clearly, the sun had set and the night was upon the city. She knew she must find a hiding spot for the event that would be starting soon; The Purge. Last year she had a home to fortify, this year she was out n the open and vulnerable. Julia began to rub the scar on her left arm, she can easily recall the night she was attacked. She had gone outside for only a second and that was all it took for a man wielding a large knife to slice open her left arm. She had been able to get away by kicking him to the ground and running back into her home. Julia came to an alley that had a large garbage bin on the left along an old building, she quietly walked over to it and lifted the lid 'creeeek'. She leaned the large black lid against the wall of the building and leaned over the top to peer in. Could she hid in here for twelve hours? There were large black and white trash bags that covered the bottom, if she needed to hide she could bury herself under everything. Julia knew this would have to do for the time being, if she was desperate she could always make a run to the rooftops and just go from roof to roof.

Julie threw her small green bag into the garbage bin, her bag was rather lightweight sue to not having very much to put in it. Once her bag found it's place she lifted her leg and placed it on the rim and hoisted her small body up and over. She reached up and grabbed the lid and slowly brought it down to cover her. Once closed, she sat down and placed her bag behind her head and relaxed for the time being. The smell coming from the bags would make any 'normal' person sick but her nose has become accustomed to it so it no longer bothers her as much as it did the first time she ever jumped in one. Julia began to softly hum to herself, waiting for the sounds of the siren to ring through the air and send everyone into a frenzy.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Wild Reign|Remake|Open|
« on: November 30, 2014, 11:10:26 pm »
Okay, feel free to post! I will be posting shortly :D)

Okay I finished my app ^^, her history is still a WIP, having trouble thinking up one v.v)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Wild Reign|Remake|Open|
« on: November 28, 2014, 07:27:37 pm »
All accepted! We can start shortly ^^)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Wild Reign|Remake|WIP Do not post|
« on: November 26, 2014, 11:32:36 pm »
You may now post!

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Wild Reign|Remake|WIP Do not post|
« on: November 26, 2014, 11:28:26 pm »

Name: Aurora
Human Name| Aurora Fairwood
Age: 3 Years old
Gender: She is female
?Very stubborn
Family: Mother| Delani/Deceased|
Father: Bolder/Deceased|
Brothers: Kemo/Alive(location unknown), Kaiser/Alive(Presumed to be with Kemo)
Partner: Daniel Alexander Vespo/Alive
Extra: She is deathly afraid of thunder and will try to hide when a storm is brewing.

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