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Messages - Gargantor

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hi guys
i have a problem from the beginning of fh.
and i would love to hear your opinion and thoughts about this matter...
on the forum, sometimes i cant post my messages, or topics because my IP is blacklisted.
like this thread, im sure i have to reload the page a couple of times before it is as kind letting me post.
im sure im not the only one having this problem.
-doesnt let you post, have to reload many many times.
-if accidently logged out of forum, cant get back on, because it says: access denied, IP blacklisted
-if logged out and cant get back on, if you have questions or a problem, it cant be answered because you cant get help on the forum

it is just annoying.

everyone who doesnt know about blacklistings because they are lucky:
Blacklist means a list of IPs, which had been reported of various reasons(like reported for spam sending, virus sender etc.), and so every site that uses this "security" database, wont let these IPs register, post messages, log in etc.
So, if you are sharing IP with someone, you can get randomly on this list as well, and then in the next moment you cant log in or post.

i say this is a awful "security" system.
1. there are hundreds of innocent users who cant register or post. nor play because they cannot create account, because they are accidentally sharing the IP with a reported site
2. new spam senders appear in a matter of moments, so the blacklist is useless against new ones.
3. many spam senders and virus sender sites dont exist anymore, but the IPs are still on the list
4. its super annoying

i understand that FH just wants to secure themselves from spam bots, and virus senders... but
this is the MOST ridiculous solution ive ever seen!
ive NEVER seen any other forum use this "security" database. i wonder why.. oh because it isnt 100% secure, and is annoying to users. and maybe they do know about ppl sharing IPs nowadays. its really common now.

best solution, that every other forum uses to prevent spambots:
we all know it...
the good old random letters or numbers generator (one of them called captcha). it wont register computers automatically. so this means: no spambots.
and about virus senders.. new ones always appear, and they use proxy so useless anyway.

so i say: this whole blacklist should be removed and let users post and register peacefully.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Private Messages
« on: June 03, 2011, 05:39:32 pm »
But still...
there are some ppl who like their screen names...
why dont the PMs get sent to the ppl by their forum username then?
like.. when you click on someone and send a PM, you actually send it to their account... or not?
every other forum uses this method.. FH forum is really weird if you ask me. first the really annoying and yet not fixed blacklistings, and now this.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: June 03, 2011, 10:54:02 am »
aah yes, another thing i hate...
"grammar nazis"... sorry for the expression but...
its okay you need to understand the other, after all how can you rp, and i do understand and i dont really recommand rping in chatspeak but...
some ppl and groups take this too far...
i mean, i cant join some interesting rps because:
i dont start my sentences with capital letters.....
no comment....
this is like.... just no comment.
and sometimes i cant join a rp because:
i dont put ' <- this thing at doesnt, isnt, cant etc...
please... you can understand right?
never anyone complained before how i type, as far as i can tell, you guys can understand what im typing here....
and this whole thing just hit me a bit... its the first time i got rejected because of such a tiny thing. i was baffled to say the least.
english isnt my first language. and if i want to rp properly, i dont use ', or capital letters.. because what do they want actually from me?
1. to rp properly, and keep things interesting
2. or completely fall behind because im checking and correcting my grammar...

sorry if i offended anyone.. didnt mean to.
just my own opinion here, and its a rant thread...
ty for reading.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Private Messages
« on: June 03, 2011, 10:42:57 am »
what... how can ppl share the same username???
why did they let it happen????
i mean... its logical to not have ppl have the same username, so they can identity them fast....
I guess this should be looked into and not let ppl have the same username...
it should be changed as soon as possible...

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: June 02, 2011, 09:05:13 pm »
yeah, hyenas arent liked.
i have a hyena char too, and i like to around as loner, trying to join in a random rp.
with not much success, as ppl always look at me as intruder, and never a possible ally (if i go there with any other char, they greet me like anyone else)
basically if they do start a fight, the hyena would win against the wolves, considering their jaws are 100 times stronger than the canine ones. so one bite and they are down. if the ppl are lions, and males, then better run. (just some rp suggestions lol)
ut yeah, hyenas do have a kinda bad reputation. and its because of the Lion King thing. It says hyenas are bad, and dumb. while they are actually one of the smartest animals on earth.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:34:35 pm »
why there are so many such ppl you ask...
its how ppl are spoiled at home, and how their parents dont care the slightest what their child is doing in school, on games or with his/her friends.
so sometimes if the parent would care more for the child, there wouldnt be that many trolls, and inappropriate ppl (sometimes the parents dont have time though, because they work)
and sadly, if nothing is done, it will be worse.

Game Discussion / Re: General chat, What's it for?
« on: June 01, 2011, 01:31:39 pm »
I Believe that general chat is only meant for advertising, but can be used for normal chat. some people may Overuse the chat with unwanted news and spam, which destracts Roleplays and also can be Annoying To Other players Or the Mods.
Its quiet hard to say what to do. :/
People could always just turn off general if it annoys them that much..

basically what you just said goes into the same category as "to avoid trolls and abusers, there is the block button". this wont solve anything in my opinion(ignoring isnt the best solution). but yes, as Twilia said. this is not the topic.

So basically what most said:
- advertising
- asking for help (forum and game related)
-little announcments
-small, or big but meaningful conversations.

what not to use for:
i also would like to put here:
- talking to mods about subjects that arent FH related, and the mod wont talk back (saying here like: i love you mod! come party mod! etc.) stop spamming them, they wont talk back. this basically hinders them in their work, and in my opinion should be punished.
(yet again saying.... sorry if i offended anyone... didnt mean to)

ty for reading

Forum Polls / Re: Karma
« on: May 30, 2011, 09:32:04 pm »
hmm maybe.
I really dont mind whatever happens.
My karma did go down since a few days because someone has different opinions then me... or they felt offended by one of my comments, where i clearly wrote: sorry if anyone is offended, i didnt mean to.
its just some childish "punishment" ppl try to give to others. Dont forget we are all humans, and we want to win. if we loose an argument then we want justice. so... biteeeee....
so i dont care.
i only look at my karma if i have it positive. if its negative or 0... who cares, i ignore it... i know the best who i am. and if ppl are so childish to judge by karma (by simple numbers) then its their own problem, not the persons who has that karma...
i myself dont see any problem with it.
but whatever the most thinks. we live in democracy.
(dont forget: that you want something, doesnt mean everyone or the most wants it so. so whatever the most ppl want)

Game Discussion / Re: General chat, What's it for?
« on: May 29, 2011, 06:04:33 pm »
Practically what Draak said.
Im kind of irritated that when i want to try and find an rp, and it gets flooded away by spam! no minor and brief conversations.... spam!

ppl right now arent trying to find each other, or ask where they are, or how they are feeling.... they are telling us things we are not interesed about... and shouldnt know about. totally offending and not needed things. mostly trolls, and spammers, who talk in caps, and rape each other in general chat.

i really dont have a problem with ppl who really just have an innocent friendly conversation. but there is a fine line when it goes to unneeded spamming. if you really want a nice and long conversation, find the ppl, or whisper them. (you know you can click on their name in the chatbox, and whisper them from there on)

When i just want to chill or im even wanting to find an rp, im always forced to just disable the general chat because of the content.. or the endless spam that floods it. Im kind of fed up with it. I dont want for ppl to actually stop talking on it just... mind the content and the length of the conversation.

I always kind of thought it as logical the general chat is for advertising rps or finding ppl, or finding rps, and asking for help with the game or forums. why else would it be heard everywhere on the map? i was sure that it wasnt for telling everyone how they will beat the butt of a person and go in to detail. thank you but im not interested at all, and im sure noone would like to hear about that either.
(sorry if i offended someone, not meant to)

First, I find it kind of offense that you say "as they like to say lol" because it implies everyone playing a hyena is like that. >.>

Second hyenas, canines and most other mammal predators excluding most felines and I think bears do not kill their prey before they eat it.  They aren't efficient enough to completely kill their prey, so they dig in while it's dieing.  Felines and bears have longer teeth and stronger jaws which enable them to crush their prey's skull (Jaguar, Bear) or suffocate them (other felines).   Also, hyenas do not eat lions.  Usually.  They rip them to shreds, but don't eat them. (I don't know why, but lions don't eat hyenas either, usually.  That fuels the whole, hyena vs lion war in nature. >.>)

This is informative, I hope others can use it. /someone needs to do a wolf one, lolololol.

if you are not like these guys, then dont take it as offensive... i actually have many run ins with such who come and "jumps and rips his head off" characters (not only hyenas), but mostly they come, because of the lion-hyena wars... i mean.. im laying around peacefully and they are "killing" me in the next moment o.O

hyenas would be able to kill. ohh how they would be. Their jaws is the strongest in the savannah (if not in the whole world). So they could kill any prey.
The actual reason why hyenas dont kill properly is because they are in a rush. after they hunt something, and it bleeds.... lions could be attracted anytime. So to prevent run ins with them, they simply leave out killing, and go for eating. If they did kill the prey, they would have less time eating.
(kinda youtube likes to show me vids where the lion is eaten after- maybe its just youtube o.O)

anyway. just some stuff to clear up things.
dun want argument.

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