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Messages - Wolfish Grin

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Leaving / Re: im out
« on: March 24, 2013, 03:12:46 am »
...So I realize I'm really late on this goodbye, but I finally stumbled upon Fishy's leaving post. I myself had been pretty much on a leave from FH for awhile as well, and I came back to find Fishy's posts now titling him as a guest, and I had stared at it for minutes, trying to understand what happened. My conclusion was that Fishy must have moved accounts and deleted his old one; not left completely. And now, weeks after, I decided to look here and see if Fishy had posted anything.

So I'm extremely late in finding this, and my apologies to Fishy, but I doubt it'll be read by him anyways. But I have to write this anyways.

Fishy, I may not have known you half as well as plenty of other people here, but I always felt as if we were the best of friends. I think it's safe to say that anyone that ever met you felt that way, because you are such a fun and lovable person. Like Sura said, you feel like an uncle or brother. Uncle Cloudfish. You're just that lovable, cheerful doode that everyone, and I mean everyone looks up to in admiration and wants to be like. And hug his fluffiness. Dude, FISHY. I can't even believe this is happening happened. It's a major shock for all of us to see you go... and to not enjoy FH anymore.

And it brought me to tears to see someone like you go. I've seen a lot of good friends go. It always hits me really hard when yet another person drifts away, and yet again I've done close to nothing to at least see them off. I know you probably won't read this, as you want to stay completely away, but I hope that you know just how much you are loved and how badly you'll be missed. Fishy, you truly are a wonderful and amazing person. I'm dumbfounded that you don't feel the same way about FH as you used to. You are such a passionate, dedicated, and determined guy; so for you to loose joy in something is just... it's a punch in the gut. But, I think we've all been there before- without the will to continue on with something- we know, and so we understand... sadly we do. I do.

Hey, maybe this is for the better, right? Of course. On my own time away from FH, I was able to do a lot more because I wasn't tied down by always showing up in game, and attending to things on the forums and such. And I felt lighter and happier. Of course I was also weighed down by guilt and sadness when I thought back on it, but I put that behind me and carried on with the brighter side. I eventually came back once I had sorted everything out... but you won't be. And I'm incredibly saddened by that. But I will take joy in the fact that we were able to have you here, and that you will now be able to carry on.

Fishy, please, take care. You're an amazing person, and I hope you never forget that. I hope you will always remember us here in FH, but don't feel tormented by the feeling of 'running away.' You didn't run away. You moved and carried on.

And life is carrying on.

I'm blessed to have met you, Uncle Cloudfish. May we meet again sometime. <3

News Archives / Re: March Updates 1/3
« on: March 10, 2013, 11:55:39 pm »
Thanks Delay for the updates!~ And congrats to the MoT's floofs! You guys deserve it :D

Forum Games / Re: What'chu Lookin' At?
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:24:28 am »
A game loading screen that's taking forever to find players to pit against me. >.>'' Becausethere'snoworthyopponents.

Whadda ya lookin' at, eh?

Stories / Re: Cursed Luck (Dark atmosphere and described bloodshed.)
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:21:28 am »

Forum Games / Re: Quote the quote
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:38:37 am »
Very big quote

Forum Games / Re: What'chu Lookin' At?
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:38:13 am »
Too many friggin' quotes. AND EETS BURNING MAI EYEZ.

What'chu lookin' at? >D

@Sura, Awz, why thank yew.~ xD And I'm so sorry you has no more coco! D:
.. Man, hot choc sounds good right now. e.o

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:46:17 am »
Are we now using brackets? ._.'' It just seems to confuse people a lot more. xD

35 {85}

Forum Games / Re: What'chu Lookin' At?
« on: January 16, 2013, 01:23:01 am »

My floofies cat. cx

@kiara, Amg. Happens to me all the time with loop siggies. xD

Art Gallery / Re: Higby's entry
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:10:19 am »
Oh, mer gursh. This is so awesome!~ Look at those textures, and shading, and that pose. My gawsh, this is beautiful! That pose shows off so much of the character, and it takes a true genius talent to pull it off and convey that much emotion of the character through the artwork.~ Good luck! :D

Art Gallery / Re: CloudFish's Entry
« on: January 15, 2013, 01:48:18 am »
Gaaah, Feeshy.~ I luffles dis, man! Look at does poses, lmao. xDD Aah, you're so talented. .D. I love your style, it makes it look like waturculors. cx So purdy. <3 Good luck~

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