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Messages - One True Tame

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Species / Re: .:Johari Mzimu:. ~The Jewel Ghosts~ [With Pictures!]
« on: September 06, 2011, 11:10:57 pm »
I also feel the need to make one ^^ I am so very curious atm. <3

-looking up names already-

Game Help / Re: Preset making noob questions and concerns....
« on: September 05, 2011, 05:47:53 pm »
Right :D -got help from a friend on D.a- I actually got my preset made ^^ makes me very happy! Thanks for all your help! its not as good as I hoped...but it was my first try ^^ im dound to get better at it!

Game Help / Re: Ghost wall in map maker!!!!!
« on: September 05, 2011, 05:06:04 pm »
Nevermind.... that didnt work.... here is that stupid wall.... ---  and its only on that side :/ goes ALL the way up into the freaking sky... WHY IS IT DOING THAT?!

Game Help / Ghost wall in map maker!!!!!
« on: September 05, 2011, 04:54:12 pm »
I am trying to make a map for a new Direwolf group and everytime I upload the turrain map into map maker, there is this huge "wall" in the map that gose strait up into many layers disrupting the sky and other things, when I move the campra the picture its distorted by the diffrent layers in the wall and half the time I can't even see half the map becuase its blocked me see if I can get a screen shot of this....     thats durring a test, -no wall.   outside of the test- just closed the program on me..... -reopens- well....the first map the random wall vanished after I tested maybe I just need to do that. -_- but now the map I was going to attach to it wont even open in map maker....I will have to remake it AGAIN...oh well maybe then I can just test mode it and it'll fix it. :/ WISH ME LUCK!

Game Help / Re: Preset making noob questions and concerns....
« on: September 02, 2011, 04:57:31 am »
Yeah I found that ^^ very helpfull! and I got a map maker who was online in game to explain that to me. Then I went in and colored in my pretty clouded leopard preset....and it wont connect to preset maker... What I did was drew over the files in "preset_1" as a base and then saves each files as Coldstar_1(body,eye,tail,ect) into FH folder preset_6 when that didnt work I changed the file names to preset_6body preset_6head and ect. and it still shows up blank and white when I go into preset maker D: what did I miss?

Meshes / Re: Updated!! Feline AND Canine Claw Meshes, for YOU!
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:09:52 am »
WOOT thank ya! :D

Game Help / Preset making noob questions and concerns....
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:59:03 pm »
Okay for one thing, in character creator my preset box is completly empty and void of any "preset_1,Preset_2..." ect. I can download the fhm.s of friend's presets and still view them but the box there is blank. Secondly, when I make a preset myself and use the preset_1 as a I need to put in all of that paint styled detail??? Its difficult to fallow, any tips?                     

Also....if my preset box being blank means im screwed into never having a preset.... please tell me how to fix it...

Game Help / Re: Map Maker Terrain Problem
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:54:04 pm »
I am having a turrian issue as well, only mine comes up but there is a huge wall of turrain thats a buch of virtical layers in the middle of my map that I -DO NOT- have a spot for. I dub it the ghost wall.... its only shown up the last two maps I have started, not in any I have already made. Solutions?

Game Help / Re: Map Help-Getting skies and objects into maps.
« on: September 01, 2011, 11:39:24 am »
Are you typing the .FHS or .SKY after the the sky files name. (ex. or Skyfile.FHS).  If you are, Remove it.  This was a problem for me. Just type the sky file name only. (ex. Skyfile  [no extensions])

oooooooh -also learning to do skymaker stuffs- So thats what I was doing wrong. ^^ okay thanks. Im glad I sreached this! I hoped it helped that other person too!

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