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Messages - Genesis9

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Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: April 20, 2013, 07:07:09 am »
7/10 Hetalia perchance?

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: April 20, 2013, 07:05:39 am »
9/10 See you around the forums /all/ the time and I've even seen you in game once or twice :)

Forum Games / Re: Movie Quoting Time!
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:38:17 am »
Braveheart? (not sure :S but it's my best guess ;u;)

"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: April 19, 2013, 02:55:10 am »
1/10 D:



Blistering winds rushed around the two bears as they entered the flames once more, the charred ground dashing their paws with soot and ash as they walked, and their heads hung low to avoid the thick smoke. Following after the wolf, Nymeria started to try staving off the fire from spreading, mostly by getting up on her rear legs and smashing down on the already crumbling logs of broken trees, and making them smash down onto the ground, snuffing out a small bit of the fire and at least stopping it from spreading to nearby branches. Watching his mother, Bran did the same, even though the most he could stop was small bushes, and he cried out as some embers landed on his nose and singed it. "Ouch!" he cried, batting his nose with a paw. "Bran! Stay low." called Nymeria through the smoke and he nodded. "Yes Mum! I'll be okay!" he called back, running over to her to help his mother fell yet another ashen tree. It smashed down towards the ground with a heaving sigh of breaking wood and hit the ground hard, sending up a flare of smoke and ash into the sky.


Xavier was the first to see it. "There. Something's going on in the fire." he said pointing towards the plume of smoke that was drifting above the fire's flame. "Whatever was stupid enough to go in that blaze won't be coming out." said Miguel flatly, hefting his exceptionally heavier automatic weapon. "Shouldn't we just stick to the edge?!" he added, his voice a bit anxious. "We have a job to do, Miguel. There's no point in trying to avoid it, and I know...that we'll find the Lyco's there." said Xavier quietly before starting forwards in a run. "I was more concerned about staying alive actually. Oi Fabrique! Let's go!" muttered Miguel before signaling his friend, and the two plunged after Xavier into the smoke. The fire was dying out here and there, but in the center it was like an inferno still, and more explosions seemed to be going off near the North site where the other barrels of oil and gasoline were stored. "The foreman won't be happy about that eh?" laughed Fabrique as the three of them stalked through the forest and the other two grinned before Xavier suddenly motioned ahead as a giant wolf leapt over a nearby log and ran further into the fire. They were about to continue after it, when suddenly Miguel let out a shout as a huge tree smashed into the ground beside them, and they all spotted it, just as Nymeria spotted them. "It's a BEAR?!" shouted Fabrique, and he rounded his weapon over towards the beast before shooting into smoke. The giant grizzly roared and fell back, it was amazing how such a big animal could be hid by all of this dust. "C'mon!" said Xavier, coughing a bit before he leapt up onto the log and started after it, the others following closely behind him. "What about the wolf?" asked Miguel, his eyes squinting because of the smoke. "Just leave it for now." snapped Fabrique "We've got more to worry about that a single wolf." he muttered, kneeling down and shooting a few more rounds into the blazing forest.



         "Wait! Lycan! Come back!" cried Nymeria, cursing and slamming her huge paws down into the shallow river beneath her as she grated her teeth, wishing she could just run after that wolf and drag her back here, along with shaking some sense into that pup before she let go. "Mom? Shouldn't we go after her?" asked Bran, pushing through the pebbly floor of the river to reach Nymeria and she shook her head. "The Wolf's made her own decision. I saved her once, but I won't risk my life again or your safety to do it again." she said quietly. "...Even if it's the right thing to do?" asked Bran as he looked up at his mother, his deep auburn eyes sad. He wanted to go with that wolf, he wanted to help too! It was their responsibility to defend the forest, even if it might be impossible, they had to try! The wolf was right about that at least, wasn't she? "The fires will spread, and the forest will burn...and all that was ever good in this place will be gone if the humans take it for their own...please Mom...please, can't we do something?" asked the young cub, pressing his head against Nymeria's arm as he looked up at her and the great grizzly let out a long sigh. "...Alright." she said at last. "Yeah!" shouted Bran, splashing around before heading towards the fire, Nymeria following close behind him.

Forum Games / Re: Movie Quoting Time!
« on: April 17, 2013, 11:29:30 pm »
I feel like I know what this is but I can't seem to remember D: nuurrr

"What do stars do best?"



Ask Me / Re: Ask Genesis :3
« on: April 17, 2013, 08:07:39 pm »
I enjoy making maps that present a challenge, something new that i've never dealt with before. I love overcoming the obstacles of incorporating a difficult or tricky idea into the maps I make and finally seeing it through in the end. I don't really like re-creating maps again and again, like for example I did the Pride Lands map, and then I did a 'realistic' version of that, and although the two are profoundly different, because it was based on a similar subject manner I didn't get into it as much as I would have when designing a map I was more interested in.

I think I love creating maps with the 'realistic' base now, like the Verto Animus maps, but I enjoy adding in that flare of fantasy, it leaves it open for me to add wonderful things into my maps, and make them something more that what they would be if I just left them completely realistic.


Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: April 17, 2013, 08:01:45 pm »
1/10 I'm afraid this is my first time seeing you :S



           "The Jungle spans on for miles upon miles. There is still hope that it will be protected, but this at least, is lost. How do you suggest we put of these flames, hmm? With our bare paws?" asked Nymeria "Let nature take its natural course, and new life will stem from the ashes, but only after the fires have burned down, and those humans are driven away." she looked over to Bran at the wolfs words and sighed "I want to keep my family safe more than anything. But charging into a raging fire won't help..." she said looking over at her shoulder at the blaze before standing aside. "I won't stop you from leaving. Your choice is your own. But I implore you to think this through. There is no army behind you, only the flames and smoke await." she said quietly, an uneasy growl catching in her throat as the sodden bear started walking back towards Bran.


         "Stop. STOP!" shouted Xavier, and the Jeep skidded to a halt in the mud as they arrived near the edge of the fire. "C'mon. Let's go." he said, drawing out one of his handguns as the man leapt out of the car. "What, on foot?!" asked Fabrique an Xavier nodded. "There's no point in going on by car anymore. We need to skirt the fire and stay mobile." Xavier explained before walking off, Miguel and Fabrique exchanged uneasy looks before Miguel cursed and jumped out of the Jeep, followed quickly by his friend. "Drive back without us. We'll be a while." Xavier said to the driver as the other started into the jungle, keeping a careful eye on the flames in the distance as they started their search, and the man gave a shuddering sigh of relief before turning the jeep around and driving off like a maniac, before Xavier turned around and followed the others into the arms of the jungle.

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