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Messages - Flashfire

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Frostpath winced with her contact " I stepped in a rabbit hole...again" His pain was making him slightly more short tempered than usual " of course it's bad! the bone is sticking-" He stopeed with a yowl again. He had tried to stand, but even moving was painful. He was begining to feel dizzy from losing so much blood. " well how am I supposed to get back like this?" Frostpath hissed " I can barely move without hurting myself worse!"

Frostpath sighed, looking up at the sky. He closed his eyes, remembering all his past apprentices, and lash out at a tree in sudden rage " Why is it I can barely protect the one's i'm supposed to look after?!" he hissed running through the trees and the snow covered forest " Why why WHY!?" He wasnt looking were he was going and ran right into a tree " huff!" he backed up and staggered a few tail lenghts then with a hiss took off again. Suddenly his foot gave way beneath him, and with a yowl he fell over, feeling a sharp pain in his leg. He hissed in pain and fury " De ja vue" he growled , managing to pull himself to a sitting position. He grimaced as he looked down at his leg. It was bent sharply at an awkward angle and was that..bone..sticking out? He hissed in pain. It was almost the same as when he hurt himself in his apprenticship. Same leg, same way. not the same spot though. " now how am I supposed to get back?" he growled, trying to ignore the burning, stabbing pain in his bleeding leg. His blood was turning the snow crimson, he remembered the last time this happened, his mentor had carried him back. Frostpath didnt have anyone to help him now, he just sat in the snow, looking down at his leg, his face contorted in pain.

(( I'm so cruel to frostpath DX no this isnt the cripple wound. The wound'll be his eye. This will recover, once his bone is put in position))

Art Gallery / Re: Some banners and Art
« on: January 09, 2011, 08:19:29 pm »
X3 hi kenta-sama o3o

((imagine what he'll do when he see's poor frostpath, bloody and half dead in the medicine den))
Frostpath lay down next to featherkit, assuming the kit was asleep. He wondered, how long it would take for the kit to become an apprentice, he was way past ready... He looked at him again and stood up then walked out of the den "I'm going out if anyone needs me" He called over his shoulder as he left the camp. He needed time to think.

Frostpath lay his tail on featherkit's back. He liked the lively kit's nature. Frankly, he was happy that he wouldnt stay here any longer than a day. Frostpath felt a little guilty for trying to get the kit to learn to stalk , but accidents happen. " That crouch was perfect by the way" He mewed. Frostpath himself would have mentored the apprentice, when the time came, but he really didnt want to make to close bonds with anyone. As his last apprentices had faced great accidents...Except for one, who's life he'd saved. And i'd better not get my hopes up on mentoring featherkit he thought to himself.

((it's true, in every rp I've had frostpath in, somethin happens to his apprentices! DX. The first time, a hawk got one, the next day after his apprenticeship, second time, badger, third, a fox, the fourth one survived mind you, cuz the clan cat that tried to kill the poor guy got his throat torn out by frostpath. Yeah dont mess with the cats he gets close too, he'll kill you ._. btw, good luck on the med. apprentice featherkit ;D ))

((cuz frostpath is mai awesome name!))
((realistic in a sense, considering frostpath has light blue on his underbelly XD))

It wasnt long before frostpath came to a small frozen stream. He sniffed the air hopefully, and his head snapped back down when he spotted movement. He stalked closer to it, tail twitching, just above the ground. It was a mouse, Frostpath could see that it was a scrawny one at that. As he went closer, the mouse suddenly looked right at him. Frostpath froze. mentaly cursing that he had a black dorsal stripe. The mouse bolted, frostpath raced after it, and  right before it could duck into it's burrow under a tree, he lunged, catching it with his paw. Frostpath didnt pay attention to what was in the tree. A bright red bird flew off, sounding an alarm call " Foxdung!" He hissed " Guess i'm done for now.." Frostpath picked up the mouse and went back to his tree to retreive his rabbit, and made his way back to camp. When he got there he set the rabbit and the mouse down on the small fresh kill pile and went over to the medicine cat's den to check on featherkit.

((I might deside to cripple frostpath in a way...he may be the deputy, but I wonder what he'd do without an eye...))

(('cept for frostpath, who for some odd reason has no intrests in a mate currently XD))

Frostpath stalked through the snow fill forrest. He dabbed his paw foreward, then suddenly hissed in surprise, a small rabbit hole. He sniffed then licked his lips. There was a rabbit in there. Carefully, he began scooping pawfuls of snow away from the entrance, then yowled once he could fit his head through. The rabbit, startled at the sound, bolted, strait into frostpath's awaiting jaws. Frostpath stood up, cleaning his whiskers of the rabbit's blood. It was scrawny, but at least there was something on it.He picked it up, then climbed halfway up a hollow tree, and placed the rabbit in the hole. That was his favorite way of stashing prey. Frostpath jumped back down, nose quivering, as he went back on the hunt.

Frostpath's whiskers twitched before he muttered " shoulda checked first..happens every time.." Frostpath turned around, heading for the camp entrance " I'll go see if theres anything out of it's burrow. " he called over his shoulder, before ducking trough the entrance. Once outside, frostpath immediatly started treading carefully, dabbing one paw at the snow carefully before walking. When frostpath was younger, he had stepped in mouse hole, fell wrong, and broke his forelimb. He had recovered, but the memory stayed with him.

Art Gallery / Re: Some banners and Art
« on: January 09, 2011, 12:06:09 am »
once again kenta has proven herself one of the most likeable people on the forums! 'specially by me -takcles- it's cuz of you I made a crystalre banner, I REFUSE TO BE OUTDONE BY YOU! DX

Frostpath hesitated, then shrugged, after all, what harm could come of him teaching a kit the proper crouch " Well alright" he grunted, then crouched low to the ground " try to copy me." Frostpath kept his tail just slightly off the ground, not enough to disturb the snow, but not sticking strait up into the air. His ears were flattened slightly " like this. and when you move" He began to move slowly, placing his paws carefully that they didnt make a sound over the snow, his lean muscles rippling smoothly underneath his fur. He stopped, one paw raised slightly, then stood up " think you can do that?" He asked, ear flicking once.

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