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Messages - Fallenleaf

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Game Discussion / Re: Who/what made your main character?
« on: January 03, 2014, 10:15:19 pm »
My main character, Heulog, was designed by my friend and co-creator of the feliyena species, Faolanpaw. I made her FH self from a reference Fao had drew for me. Since her creation and even after her official death (as past versions of herself keeps falling in time holes), she still remains my main character. owo~

Forum Discussion / Re: How long?
« on: December 17, 2013, 12:09:35 am »
Two days, 9 hours and 9 minutes. lD

It seems so much longer than that, though

Game Discussion / Re: What's the animal you RP most as?
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:25:56 pm »
The animals I RP the most as are domestic cats, that are not in any Clans. In fact, we should create a sub-species of the domestic cats called the O'Sullivan cats specially for FH, because it's such a big family, we can't even count them o-o

And also, I RPed the most as a Feliyena, a species created by my friends Faolanpaw and Lia~~, that is a hybrid between a domestic cat and a spotted hyena. But now, I'm tending to play as a cat.

Game Discussion / Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« on: December 03, 2013, 10:39:41 pm »
Realism can have a lot of meanings. For example, a realistic wolf pack would only accept wolves from the same kind. Or Warriors Cats RPs can be realistic, in that case, it would mean that they respect the main ideas of the books, even though the books in themselves can't be qualified as realistic.

I don't think manes of any kinds mean anything. It is more the global 'apparence' of the character that counts; does it look like what it's supposed to be? Is it of the right size? Is it a normal being (without any kinds of powers)? But, maneless wolves do look more realistic.

And Wolfspeak. I had a bad experience with it, since I'm not a native English speaker, I guess I just trusted what my FH pals did. It was a bad idea. I learned my lesson about words, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that I hate Wolfspeakers. I don't use it and I respect those who use it. Not going to bash at people for something I once did.

Game Discussion / Re: Something that bugs me...
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:15:12 pm »
That's just the worst. I have this tortie-shell Siamese character, directly based off my lovely cat. I was attending a Gathering on the L island when a cat with white pelt and flash orange MP3 markings started bashing me about how my lil' Owlflight was 'disgustingly dirt colored' and unrealistic. Oh, my cat isn't real? Great. At the top of that, it was an updated version of my old character and the new version was far more realistic.

But really. There's oeople forcing themselves to create a character without having the markings for it. Other people seem to think their purpose in life is to bash on those who put all their efforts in something. >n>

Game Discussion / Re: Humans are the devil?
« on: November 11, 2013, 10:55:03 pm »

Game Discussion / Re: A sad lack of Warrior roleplays.
« on: November 08, 2013, 12:46:42 am »
I have noticed no changes in the number of Warriors RPs. It's just that they recruit all at the same time, around the same hour of the day (which results in making the whole SB area lag). I actually think there is too much new Warriors RPs, too much people want to be the Leader. I think the best would be to join experienced groups. My friend has been running her Clan since two years now and she has trouble recruiting because the Clan is 'too old'. Yet, last year, we had over 1000. The Clan was deleted by accident, and only those who were active remained (around 400 members were regained). Really, the number of groups doesn't count. It's the size that does. It's funnier RPing in a Clan you know to be active than a Clan that could collapse at any moment.

Game Discussion / Re: Best Computer?
« on: November 06, 2013, 12:28:34 pm »
I think the age and abilities of the laptop might be the things making all the difference.

My computer runned well at first; an old HP Pavillion that my grandma gave me. It could handle FH without barely any lag, but it took time to download maps. This year, though, it began to lag. The loading screen would stay there for ten minutes, then I either found out that I had a bad token or that I succeeded. In that case, a twenty minutes lag with the map's name. Meanwhile, I click everywhere, only to find out that twenty minutes later that I clicked on the X.

My sister's laptop is an old 2008 Asus, still pretty much younger than my computer. It handles FH without lag, except in areas like Stone Bridge and Lagfire. Rapidity at downloading maps.

My mom's laptop is a 2010 Asus with the ability to run Skyrim faster than a Xbox, and that, without any lag.

I checked out the label on the Asus', they have good graphic cards and such. Will edit post after taking a better look.

Game Discussion / Re: Wolves with cat tails? O-o
« on: October 30, 2013, 10:08:44 pm »
You might actually see me often on a Canine-modeled character with a cat tail. Why? Because my friends and I RP as this Domestic cat/Spotted hyena hybrid species called the Feliyena. Its apparence differ from which cat breed they're offspring to, but they all have one thing in common: the cat-like tail.

I don't use the cat tail for anything else. o>o

Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:46:23 pm »
The story behind my username? Here it is:
You see, I had this obsession over this series of books named The Knights of Emerald. There was Fallen Gods in it.
Then I was initiated to Warriors and made my first warrior cat O.C. Originally called Featherstar, this character was really unrealistic ( it was teal with feathers), so I completly remade her and gave her a new name: Fallenstar.

I later on discovered FH, not long after it was out. I had no experience with English warrior cats names, ence FallenStar. This username was unfortunately taken, so I put 'OxO' at the end.

I, however, do not desire to change my username for anything in the world. It became a part of me and this is how my Internet buddies know me as.

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