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Messages - Phatom

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-30! We girls win! Mwhahah~

-28 :o


-22, almost there!

-19, perhaps BBT, perhaps XD

Game Discussion / Re: Too realistic?
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:21:47 pm »
I'm a player who prefers realistic over anything, I even join semi-realistic ones sometimes if there isn't much realistic groups around. Although, as it's stated above your character is 5% boar, even with that 5% they have every right to decline your request to join their group. If they advertised their group as realistic you should of realised, that 5% of your character would not get you into that group. At least the person had the decency to apologise for declining your request but yet you call them names. Perhaps you should of taken a nicer approach to this.

I know what it's like not to be accepted into role plays you want too, my fursona Dorian is a Barbary Lion but he's grey. Although I may role play him as realistic and like any ordinary lion, he is what's called unrealistic because when you do ever get a grey lion? You don't. You have to understand some people have different opinions on what realistic is. You don't need to be rude about it or call them stupid for declining you, everyone has the right to say no. All you had to do was say it was ok and be on your way, looking for a new role play. You didn't need to proceed in calling them names but good luck with any other role plays.

Finally! Yes, someone uploaded this! I already made my ear-feathers blue with the lasso and colorize tool in GIMP hehe. Great job on the tutorial, tho! +Floof.
Thank you floof! I just needed to update it, because it was like six sentences and wasn't very helpful whatsoever. I love changing my ear feather colours, I even had the privilege of teaching my best friend. Just wanted to help others! :3

Ask Me / Re: Ask me and Dorian!
« on: August 13, 2013, 03:56:01 pm »
This question ish for you, Phatom.

Is there an event in your life where you were most proud of yourself, and if there is, what event is that and why?

I'd have to say it was when I found a horse which was chained up in a field, I rung the RSPCA and headed down to the field with them. They checked the horse out, I met the owner and we found out why she was in such bad condition, she was bought back from her original owner because they found her in a bad condition. The owner wasn't mad at me, he was quite happy I wanted to try and help the horse, he even let me name her and I named her Ghost, I see her daily. She even falls asleep on my legs.

Ask Me / Ask me and Dorian!
« on: August 13, 2013, 03:48:54 pm »

Hey floofs!

Here you can ask any questions about me or my fursona Dorian!
Don't be afraid to ask any questions, I don't bite but please no offensive ones, if you wish to ask me a question can you please put whether it's to me, Phatom or to my fursona Dorian. Prevents confusion!
Go ahead! :D

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: August 13, 2013, 03:00:46 pm »
-Throws more cookies at-
Think we're going to keep seeing each other at this rate XD, 6/10!

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