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Messages - Raxoremys

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Game Discussion / Re: Name-Stealers
« on: May 18, 2013, 12:59:55 am »
It's a tricky issue in most cases. If someone very obviously just copied your name, markings, colours and everything, then tried to pass it off as theirs, then it's not so nice. Worse if it's a name you made up and doesn't exist anywhere other than your character. I've never had it happen to me, but I suppose if it did I wouldn't say anything. However if the copier started with me and tried to say I had cloned their character, then I would have no trouble telling them what's what.
If someone happens to have a similar looking character to mine with nothing else the same, I assume that we both just have good taste. After all, many of my characters are the same browns and tans that fit into the realistic category, and I can't expect to be the only player who likes those colours.

Game Discussion / Re: Private messages
« on: May 15, 2013, 09:28:11 pm »
The only problem I find with this is that hardly anyone I know actually uses the site's message system. Chances are, they won't see my message for days, weeks, maybe never if they don't tend to go on the forum as I didn't for so long. If only the game itself popped up a notification on the login page when someone sends you a site message...O_O wait, that's a good plan. If it wouldn't take a massive amount of reprogramming(which it probably would, knowing my luck), the people in charge of all that jazz should get on it.

Interesting little story...
At the AC in Bonfire, there was a pup with those ghastly mismatched neons you'd expect to see from the AC itself(interestingly enough, the AC was very toned down this time). As it happened, this pup was one of those blind characters who beg for parents and pity like there's no tomorrow. Now I'm not sure if they actually designed that pup that way and thought "Yep, ready to go on the market! Everyone will love this one!" or if it was a nod to the fact that their character was blind(henceforth they had no idea how painful it was to look at)....even though that would make absolutely no sense as you don't exactly choose how you look when you're born...
I dunno. Not that interesting now I think about it, I may be reading into things entirely.

Game Discussion / Re: What do you think about TLK players?
« on: May 05, 2013, 12:08:19 am »
Oh lawdy, dem TLKers never fail to amuse.
My good friend spends a lot of time on her Simba character, one which she made purely for fun and OOC purposes. She made a clear bio explaining the character's purpose, though I told her it was a somewhat futile gesture considering that many Bonfire regulars don't bother with them at all.

So a couple of days ago, we were sitting in Bonfire together when a whole cast of characters came up to her clamouring for attention of one form or another.
"Oh Simba, the outlanders are attacking!"
"Oh Simba, I missed you honey where have you been?"
"Oh Simba, I'm your long-lost brother, did you know?"
She tried to explain that the character wasn't for RPing, but either they didn't see because the chat was too fast or they willfully ignored it. Also, these people had very little consideration for personal space(you know, they were the kind of people who aren't content with sitting next to you, they have to sit in you or it's not good enough). After a while we decided to shift away, since they just weren't getting the message.

Lo and behold, every single one followed us. This went on for quite some time, until they were all convinced that Simba was a grouchy old meanie and he wasn't fit to be king. Naturally, we were in stitches. This would have kept being fun, if a Scar character hadn't then also come up. When we moved away this time, he began screaming at us in caps because Simba hadn't been terrified of his presence. We politely gave the explanation again, and directed him to the bio. This did nothing to console him, in fact it sent him into a rage because supposedly you have to constantly be IC on Feralheart or it's against the rules and you should be brutally tortured.

Not sure if this is still entirely on-topic, but it seemed like an amusing example of how crazy those guys can be.

Ah, at last I've had my first experience of an illiterate fool insta-killing my herbivore character.

There I was on my horse character, lying by the sea in Bonfire, quietly listening to the hilarious goings-on of the day. Suddenly some tiny wolf comes up to me, says "jumps at horse", and then "eats the horse".
Wow. Where do I even start?
This wolf was no more than half my size, they had never even said that they killed me, and when I pointed out the flaws of their logic they simply ignored me and acted as though they were in the right. Nevermind that they were miniscule, and alone without any backup. If they had taken more than ten seconds to type out their posts I would have gladly RPed along and given them the thrashing they deserved. Even with another person backing up what I was saying, this idiot thought they had the right to come up to me and kill me just because I wasn't a carnivore. They even said "well u werent playing so i pretended u were". Seriously?
I know there are quite a few topics on this forum along the lines of "New players and 'illiterates' just need love, oh, be nice to the little floofs!", and in most cases I agree. But this is why. This is why they get such a horrible reputation. Because once in a while, a real moronic douchebag ruins it for all of us.

EDIT: Happened again, to a lesser extent. I came back from brb on another horse character to find that a cub had supposedly jumped on my back. I said OOC that I didn't want to RP, and they accused me of being a grouch. When I told them I didn't want to be treated like prey, they claimed that they had only been "playing". Sure.

Game Discussion / Re: "i on tis charracther"
« on: April 29, 2013, 04:47:10 am »
I love it so much when any player tries to claim a famous character that they didn't invent XD I particularly love the TLK people in Bonfire, with their "Official" this, and "I'm the real one" that. I sometimes bring my old Simba character along there just to see what will happen, but if anyone tries to argue that they're real and I'm not, I always say:
"The real Simba exists only as an animation. Nobody on FH is the real one, we all just happen to like RPing as him."
Of course, the type of people who start such arguments generally aren't in the mood to listen to reason, so they either walk away because the words I used were too big for them, or keep insisting that I change my character.
It's not so fun when someone clones a character of yours that you spent ages designing, though. But for pre-existing characters from games, books, TV or movies I find the whole situation hilarious.

Game Discussion / Re: What would it be like with out Mate centre?
« on: April 29, 2013, 04:01:48 am »
I personally can't stand the hellborn things. Sure, when you're new to the game it seems fun, and a good way to quickly meet new people. But even given that fact, I would be over the moon if they didn't exist. Up until recently(as everyone knows unless they've been living under a rock) the map limits were severely decreased. I simply couldn't get into Fluorite for pretty much that whole time. Bonfire became my main hangout, much to my dismay.
As if the usual level of lag wasn't enough, Mate Centres just piled on a whole new lot of it until it was actually impossible to look in their direction or your computer would grind to a halt. A friend of mine got into a particularly enraging situation the other day when she was sitting in the Bonfire cave, and suddenly the MC and all the rest of them surged in like a tidal wave of stupidity. When she asked why they couldn't just have stayed in their normal spot, they immediately bombarded her with verbal abuse.
I know, not everyone who attends the MC is as foolish and horrible as the people in that particular story, but for the vast majority of the time it really seems to cause more trouble than it solves.

Being an artist and a character designer, I do tend to obsess over which colours look nice and subtle with each other, which markings make sense for the character, etc.
I'm afraid I do have a terrible habit of instantly judging a character if it has two colours that don't go together/markings that don't compliment each other/too many items... D: of course if the character is in my group or is a friend of my friend and we happen to be hanging out, I might change my opinion of them if their personality is well thought out and has a little depth to it. The tiniest things throw me off liking a character design however, it could be something as small as having the slightly "wrong" shade as an above-eye colour which doesn't quite fit with the pelt.
I dunno. I realise that I do pay a ridiculous amount of attention to tiny details like that, whereas a lot of other people might not give it a second(or maybe even a first) thought. While designing a character, I always spend the most time on colours, making sure they're just right because I know if I got that wrong I would go mad over it.

Wait a sec...that whole thing was just me calling myself out as a bit of a judgemental ho...this is awkward. I shall go back to my hidey-hole and draw now. Don't mind me. O3O
OH! Last teeny thing that always gets me: any character with a bright red/pink nose that doesn't match the rest of their pelt. *shudders*

Ok I'm done. Please don't hate me.

Game Discussion / Re: Jenna The PupKiller
« on: April 26, 2013, 10:09:47 pm »
Reminds me of something that happened while I was at the AC in Bonfire(don't judge me, it was while the map limits were disgustingly low and I just couldn't get into Fluorite to search for a proper RP).

I was hangin' out as you do, helping to advertise a little since the AC was too busy talking to potential parents. Then a random pup whispered me and asked "can u be my brother? ur character looks really cool" Naturally I was flattered, but if I had tried to RP with this person I may have ended up being too bothered by their spelling to concentrate on the story(please forgive me, I swear I don't mean to be a snob D': ), so I politely declined. There were two twin pups at the AC who looked quite a lot like this person, so I suggested that they might be a better match for her as siblings.

This was where it got a little hairy. The person continually insisted that I be their brother, and after about ten minutes of heckling I was forced to admit the reason why I didn't want to be. After that they started screaming verbal abuse at me. You know the usual "UR A BICH ILL REPORT U UR SO MEAN", so I just gave up, reported them, and switched to a different account for a little while.


Game Discussion / Re: Grammar.
« on: April 26, 2013, 04:57:34 am »
OOC, any old level of grammar and spelling is fine with me. I definitely prefer to RP with more "literate" people though, and I must confess the tiny mistakes like "your"/"you're" do get to me a lot XD I try my best not to comment on it however, and honestly most of the time I just think to myself "They'll get better, they're probably doing their best to learn" or "It's a typo, ignore it".

It's funny, when I started playing FH I was squarely in the semi-literate bracket. I looked up to the literate players, but at times they did seem a tad...not snobbish, but perhaps just intimidating because of the amount of attention they put into their typing.
After I moved into a more literate style, I'm afraid to say I did become a teeny bit high-and-mighty for a while >.< I would love to say "I can understand it if you're using a phone and you only have one thumb to work with. On a keyboard you have all ten digits, so why doesn't anybody seem to use them?" (which I guess is still valid if English is the person's first language and they genuinely are just being lazy when they have the ability to spell things fully)
At this point I figure it would take far too long for me to correct every spelling/grammar mistake or typo someone says, and it won't really get me or them anywhere.

Someone mentioned the idea of a FH school(which is awesome, provided that there are enough pro-active users who want to join in), and it reminded me of a particular experience I had with an older group I lead. This group was mapped, and I happened to get three or four people joining at once, all of whom had never installed a map before. That was fine, I didn't mind teaching them, but they just wouldn't listen half the time and got confused even though I might have explained the same step three times. I dunno. That's less of a literacy thing, but they were evidently all new players. Not entirely sure what point I was trying to make with that, actually...probably something like "Most of the people on here are lovely, but it sucks when they're too hyperactive to pay attention to important things they asked about".

Uhh...I appear to have lost my train of thought to an extent...muffins for everypony, I suppose. *throws*

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