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Messages - BlueKinTsukiko

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So far it seems like whenever I come in game, all my friends including the old and new ones always run to a downloaded map now a days. Never coming in to the default maps to say hello and make new friends, but this only seems to happen when there are new maps added in to the game server. But Razmirz already works very hard and so does Red, so why not just make it to where we have a contest, one every month or two months but with a twist to help bring the gaming community back in to default maps and make them thrive?

The twist for the competition is that there can be no meshes that were downloaded or textures or even terrain textures added to these maps. No sky files or music files so this way when it is added or so it won't add more to the fh server making it easier to bring them. The maps being that of which multiple contestants have entered and whomever wins having their map added in to the games default maps.

Just a idea and all, but I feel as though it would help bring people back in to the maps so we can have more of a community rather than people wondering off alone sometimes.

Game Discussion / Re: Creepy Game Encounters
« on: July 08, 2013, 01:39:43 am »
-Sigh- Those creepy encounters happen to me when I was at Bonfire island sadly...

At one point a year or two ago my friend and I made a bet of who can climb a mountain, and he won sadly...So next thing you know, he dared me to meet him in bonfire island and for me to make a scar character. Next thing y'know, I had a Zira asking me if I loved her, and she started to get...close x-x Scariest thing in the world cause I went off so fast it wasn't funny. Especially after the comment "Come on Scar, we have to make Nuka ;]" Never again ._....

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: Fix to FH keyboard crashing [try2]
« on: July 08, 2013, 01:34:40 am »
Thierry I wanted to say thanks because you toke time out of your day to help people with all these problems with the game crashing and allowed others to now have a easier way to get on feral heart and have fun. Although I don't know you well, I feel that you should at least be told that, even if the individuals who are helped aren't even me.

Game Discussion / Re: Cross Species Mates
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:58:05 am »
Well, time to let the cat out of the bag or in this case the vixen and the cats. Usually all my friends whom I role play a lot with are actually all vixens or wolfs or a coyote breed, things amongst that sort. While I like to role play as a male lion, course once in a blue moon i'll go for the canine breed. The reason being it isn't a realistic role play for our characters but rather its a human who has a feral, anthro and human form, with some powers here and there or something to make them different. Lucian for example is actually the first lion character to have a lion female mate, while Typhon my greek character has a yellow vixen mate named Sparrow for his. And no where near height comparison too xD Other than that its a lovely thing to have so many people have so many combinations. And I love it, unless....

If its a realistic or semi realistic, please make it plausible. Only thing I will EVER say that its not okay, and I don't mean a Hyena and a Lion can't be together, nope. If a Lion and a Hyena make a kid in that rp and its suppose to be semi realistic, I'd want to hit them. Just because, how the heck would it survive, one and two, uhm...there's a hyena and lion offspring in the real world? Say what? So yeah, only rule i'd ever say for me really about roleplays with different specie couples.

Game Discussion / Re: Feral Heart Wolfaboos
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:46:27 am »
I think its safe to say that if I see any child or small teenager saying that they are getting a pet wolf and have no idea that a wolf/dog breed is nothing like a regular dog than I would feel very sorry for the animal and not the owners. The reason for this is because I too am getting a pet wolf, but I AM being trained by it from my family members. And its a part of us to have a animal that we ourselves are to never part with till it dies, and we even breed them professionally. We don't train it like a dog, we train it like a wolf, people would tell a dog no, we don't tell it no, we growl at the pup so it understands not because we are to hurt it, but to use its language. A wolf itself is similar to a dog if trained like it, but it will not be tamed nearly as well unless you use its language it already knows by nature itself.
And even thinking that a wolf/dog mix is even close to a dog is silly, some can be trained that well, yes i'll give them that, but they are also put down a lot. Given away, and even if they say its a "mix" It might not be and you have the pure blood animal in your house. Wolves are a beautiful creature, not to be confused with a pet, or just a regular dog at all, but deserve the utmost respect by not having one. Even though I'm being trained to have one, and it takes a year or two to finish it all up, I am still not going to get one until I live close to one of the family members whose had wolves for years. The fact that these people don't even know the animals well, yet they love them so much is very well....silly, why would you not know something about the animals you love if you care for them so much? Really guys, come on, their a wild animal with a many breeds, many color differentiations and even eating habits are slightly different depending on the bio and time of year. Grey wolves actually go fishing for salmon during the seasons they head upriver, well now, not alot of people know that those wolves can eat fish sometimes do they? Nope, not a single bit of knowledge is shown about what they think they know so much about.

Game Discussion / Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:27:16 am »
Sadly it seems that the community doesn't go downhill by bullying people who are younger on here, but rather people whom are older. And its really weird because you would think that the "older teens" or "adults" would be the ones to pull such stunts, but nope, not in feral heart it seems. I turned 18 not that long ago actually and someone dared to call me a pedophile. Not the most pleasant thing to hear when you just got in the group too I might add.
However, many blocked members on my list later and I was able to find some mature people to talk too, thank god there is some people whom actually play the game for fun, not just for kicks or a chance to troll.

Game Discussion / Re: Characters
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:22:15 am »
I believe the limit is around 9 characters? Not sure, but I know its close to that number

Game Help / Re: Account deleted/deactivated! Help!
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:48:26 am »
Worse case scenerio is to change your password because fh did this to me once waaay back when, if the account refuses to let you back in, it'll sometimes think that your password has been changed. Me and a few friends had this issue, if your absolutely sure its not your typing, change the password, than go in game and try it. This for some reason seems to work for alot of people who have problems like this and such.

Game Help / Re: More preset help? ;-; .:Unsolved:.
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:42:09 am »
If the problem continues to not work, take out all the files in present 11 and retry by deleting them and redownloading the files. The files are NOT already extracted according to owner but as soon as you do they should be able to be used. So grab the files after the download, extract them to present_11 and replace all files. Do NOT rename or any other option that it ask you. Than in game you go to Tools>Present maker, and go to preset 11. Hope this helps, if not perhaps the files are just not being entered in the game right, or a slight human alteration was made by accident. If so just rename the files for a different preset folder and place them in there and check it in game.

Game Help / Re: Cant login
« on: July 05, 2013, 02:53:11 am »
Make sure the caps lock and num lock are off, also try checking to see if your typing it out right in maybe a word document or note pad. Even seeing if perhaps in the internet connection is right or if your in game password wasn't changed and your account was. This can be done with rechanging it cause I updated my Forum password yet it didn't update the ingame password till I retried it once more.

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