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Messages - Zarorah

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Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 16, 2013, 03:38:05 am »
"I think everyone is a bit impulsive, no matter whether they're full human, one of you... I don't even know what the right term for you guys would be." He shrugged, then nodded. "Yeah, I don't blame you for wanting out of there. I had to stay on one of those for a while. Maybe if you behave, you'll be allowed out. But, only if you're good." He laughed; God, he sounded like an adult trying to coax a four year old to bed.

Alex's gaze rested on a girl with long, crimson hair. A quick whip of wind blew past him, sending up a little puff of snow. He had known that there were more people out here, but he hadn't seen any beside this woman. He nodded toward a thick patch of trees, his gaze not leaving her. If something happened, he wanted her to know that she could run in there with him. He wasn't sure of her name or where she was from, or if she could even understand him, seeing as he hadn't heard her say anything yet.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 16, 2013, 03:21:41 am »
He sighed, looking directly at Yumi. "I heard about what had happened in your situation, and I can definitely see where you're coming from. If I were in your position, I'd probably want to kick this guy in the face as well. He sounds like a major ****choke." He smiled sadly, kneeling down in front of Yumi's cage. "I know you're probably not going to believe this when I say it, but, please, hear me out. We are trying so hard not to be the bad guys. Yes, sometimes what goes on here is, well, bad, but I swear to you, bad is not the end result we want. Even if that's what you think, I can promise you that that is not what we want." After a few minutes, he switched to sitting, his legs crossed underneath him.

Subconsciously, though, he was pushing more positive thoughts into Yumi's mind, trying to force her to see the pseudo-positives about being trapped in a metal cage for all of your existence.

[[Accepted! Also, sorry about not updating this or anything. I've had a pretty rough go of it for the past few days.]]

A bitter wind tore across the Siberian landscape, whipping up leaves and dead vegetation. Numerous trails of hoofprints crossed between two small cabins, one's door slightly ajar. It was in this cabin that one would find a man of about twenty-two, with dark hair, sitting on a bed, jacket wrapped tight around him. He stared at the tiny puffs of air as they rose and dissipated before his very eyes.

God, it was freezing.

After a few moments of staring at the door, Alex shoved himself off the bed, his hiking boots tapping against the floor. Night was going to be closing in quickly, and it was highly likely that it would get even colder than it was now. Wrapping his jacket more tightly around him, he stepped from the cabin, feet sinking into the three or so inches of snow on the ground.

"Anyone want to come help me search for some wood?" He asked, glancing around. "It'd be pretty wise to get a fire going, seeing as I expect the temperature to dip well below freezing once dark comes." Turning, he grabbed the old, rusty axe that was propped up against the building, resting it on his shoulder. "If any of you can find anything dry- leaves, sticks, twigs, anything of the sort-, put it in the ring." After standing there for a few more moments, he nodded, walking off into the trees.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 16, 2013, 02:46:23 am »
[[I was waiting for Tracy to respond o.o I can type something up though]]

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe, the whole electrocution thing was meant to be a positive?" Nathaniel asked, serious. "Maybe it was meant to test how much electrical charge a single human could handle before serious injuries occurred. Haven't you ever been shocked when unplugging something?" He folded his arms across his chest, tilting his head. "If one of those variables didn't occur, then who knows? Maybe we could be on the fast track to making humans virtually immune to electricity."

Praise / Re: In Memory Of Darky...
« on: October 13, 2013, 04:36:24 am »
I feel that this song might be appropriate for this occasion...

I can't get the video to open in the forum, but here's a sampling of the lyrics:

Sleep well, my friend
There will be another moment we'll meet again
Just let it go
Sleep well, goodnight
You're something to remember
I wish that you were here by my side

I never really talked to DarkPetal, but, from what I heard, she was an absolute joy to be around. It's terrible that bad things happen to wonderful people. I hope she smiles down on all of you and lets you know that she still loves you and will be waiting for you.

Stay strong guys, I'm here if you need anything. <3

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:38:02 pm »
"Your mind has been poisoned," Nathaniel growled, whipping around. "Outside is a terrible place. Mass shootings, riots, natural disasters. Terrible, simply terrible. You don't have to worry about that here. This is, honestly, the safest place you could be!" He folded his hands across his chest as he glared back to Yumi. "And, yes, while we may do that, I swear on my life that it is for the BETTERMENT of humanity! One day, illness and disfigurement could disappear! You don't think that just up and happens, do you?!"

[[We can start either tonight or tomorrow, if you guys want to. :3]]

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Labs (DNA/Gifted Roleplay Accepting)
« on: October 09, 2013, 06:22:47 pm »
"Shut your mouth. A bug's gonna fly down your throat and choke you." He turned on his heel, walking away from Yumi. He stopped in front of Tracy, faintly smiling at her. She was so obedient and well-mannered. Why couldn't the rest of them be like her? "Tracy, dear, they come from the outside. They don't know what they're talking about. They need to learn that they come from a terrible place, where they are unsafe. They are safe here." A scowl then came across his face. "They're foolish. They want back out. But we know better, don't we?"

[[You guys are.... ACCEPTED! ^^]]

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