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Messages - WolfBrother

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Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:19:31 pm »
8/10 adorable!


Dean Martin

He could tell Delia was trying to lie and act strong around him, when she turned around he held her in his arms. When he heard Delia speak about how something was her fault, Dean gave her an uneasy look. "Wha..What are you talking bout?" Dean asked, as Delia started to sob he kept her wrapped in his arms. "It's okay to cry..." He whispered into her ear.

When was able to control her crying, she looked at him, "Whatever it is, you can tell me." Dean looked into her eyes, his face was serious yet understanding. When Delia finally told him that she had a daughter his expression eased, "Wha..." He began to state, though stopped himself and let Delia finish. "It's not your fault." Dean tried to stop her from beating herself up. When he glanced down,  he noticed Delia was clawing her fists and he quickly held her hands to make her stop. When she did, he lifted her chin up and looked her into the eye, "Tell me what I can do..." Den agreed to help get her daughter back before wrapping his arms around her once more, and kissed her cheek. "We'll get her back, I promise..."


Dean Martin

Dean held on to Dawn for a few more minutes, when Claudia came into the room to check on Dawn, Dean was still by her side. "Alright." Dean answered when Claudia told her to keep a close eye on her. His eyes followed Delia to the window. Something was bothering her, something deep.  He kissed Dawn's head and walked over to her, "What's wrong?" Dean lightly placed his hand on her shoulder.

Dawn Maria Martin

Dawn held onto Dean's hand before he got up and followed Delia to the window. She was still shivering though as she rolled over onto her side and snuggled up to her teddy bear. A tear ran down her cheek when she finally came to realize this was happening, everything was real, deep down she just thought this was a bad dream. That, she'd wake up in her bed next to her dog Ranger, but, no. The 10 year old has to grow up fast, but, it's hard when you're being treated like a little girl by your older brother.

((Sorry for the really short posts...))


Dean Martin

Dean stopped singing in the middle of the sog as a tear rolled down his face. and Dean dropped his head. He sung that song on him and Alice's lasts nights together.The way he lost her replayed in the back of his mind, and now, he was afraid of loosing Dawn. Dean stayed silent when he heard a knock on the door, and the light creeped into the dark. It was Claudia, the nurse who has been looking after Dawn. "How..How is she." Dean asked with his head hanging low holding back the rest of the tears. "I'm sorry, but she shows no improvement so far. But, I want you to know we aren't going to give up." Claudia explained as she stood still in the doorway.

Dean couldn't help but clench his fists to where is knuckles were white. "Thank you." His voice was shaky, all he wanted to do was go on a rampage, but that wouldn't solve anything. As he walked down the hall back to Dawn's room without saying a word, he noticed Delia over by the window and still stayed silent. When he reached Dawn, she was shaking underneath the covers, still asleep, Dean stroked her long brown hair and bent down and whispered into her ear, "It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you." he remembered saying these words to her on the night she was born, the night their mother had the accident. Dean reached down into his bag a pulled out the teddy bear that he gave her on the night she was born and placed it beside Dawn.

Dawn Marie Martin

As Dawn shivered uncontrollably, she heard Dean's voice. She 10 year old fluttered her eyes open slightly, "De..Dean?" She couched, for some odd reason she was freezing underneath all the blankets that they tried to sweat out her fever. Dawn was weak, and her vision was blurry, but she knew when she would wake up, that Dean would be the first face she would see. She lift up her hand and touched his cheek, her thumb softly stroking it.


Dean heard Delia come into the room but he remained staring out the window, in his mind he picture a swing set below as Dawn would laugh and swing as high as she could. He always looked after her, since their mothers accident and their drunken father would disappear for days, he always looked after her. "I hope so." He mumbled when Delia was sure Dawn would be OK. When he heard Delia telling him to rest, "Thanks." He nodded before walking over to Dawn and kissing her on the forehead. He walked out the room and down to a hall to an empty room with a bed. THe minute his head the pillow, he was out.

When Dean came to about an hour later, he felt like exploring the room and see what he could find. When the opened the closet, there sat an acoustic guitar. Dean's face had a smile on it, he hadn't played the guitar, nor seen one in forever. As he felt the guitars neck into his hand, he felt it's cold wooden surface. After he strung it's strings for away, he started to play a tune and sing "I'll Be" He made sure he wasn't that loud so he wouldn't wake Dawn, nor, no one had ever heard him sing other than Ana.

((If you want to hear how he actually sounds, this is him xP ))


Dean Martin

As Dean walked through the doors of the safe house and placed Dawn onto the sofa, the first person he saw was Delia, who flung her cuffed hands over his head. "I'm glad you're okay too. And yeah I know." Dean looked down to the floor, he knew Ana cold take care of herself, she proved that to him many years ago. But, she has a tendency to do most things out of anger, which make her rush into situations blinded. "So, you gone criminal now?" Dean joked as Delia held up her cuffed hands, "Sure." he smirked. "I'm sure we have pliers somewhere." He mentioned as he pulled Delia down the steps into a room which looked like a workshop. To the left sat a large red toolbox, as he searched the drawers he came across a small yellow handled pair. "Hold still." He spoke as he cute the chain of the cuffs, then working on the part that wrapped around her wrists.

"There ya go." He smiled looking at her face that was bruised, "You should have one of the nurses look at your wounds and the big one on your leg." He argued before they both went to join the group. Dotty was leaning over Dawn with Amanda, one of the nurses, "How is she doing?" Dean asked, his voice was shaky. "She'll be fine. Would you mind carrying her upstairs to one of the rooms, she needs rest." Amanda implored before leading Dean up the stairs. "Yeah." Dean replied as he lifted Dawn up and walked up the stairs into a small one person bedroom with a twin-sized bed beside the window. "I'll be back in a few to check on her. If she wakes before then, holler for me." Amanda barked before heading back downstairs to care for the others who are wounded.

After holding Dawn's hand for a few minutes, Dean got to his feet and Walked to the window, staring off into the distance. He was worried for Ana, who knows what that crazy chick is up to now. Many didn't know the true reason why she started the Raiderz, Dean only knew the basics, but, knowing Ana there was something a lot deeper than just wanting the world back the way it was before.    

((Have fun camping!))

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:06:13 pm »
8/10 To cute! ^^

@Kiaz: I understand what you mean about how a Wolf/Dog mix instincts. But, yes, he is a hybrid((More wolf than anything)).
A wolf hybrid is not like an average dog, they don't act, nor can be treated like a dog. You HAVE to treat them like they are a pure bred wolf. This is why a wolf, or hybrid are not for everyone to own, cause, most people believe you can love on it and treat it like you would, say, a collie, but, no. And when you mention that the Wolf/Dog doesn't know how what to do with itself, that's why you must treat it like a wolf. My uncle is a wolf expert and he is actually the one I rescued Zuko from. And , I have worked/helped out at his sanctuary with him. ((He takes in wolf/hybrids who have been injured, or people who, sad to say, don't want theirs)) And for my 13th birthday he presented me with Zuko.


Dean Martin

Dean's heart nearly stopped when they reached the loving room and saw Dawn laying on the couch. She saw Ana kneeling next o her and Dotty holding the rag on Dawn's forehead. "Oh God." Dean mumbled to himself, he wasn't sure what happened but, he prayed it wasn't anything too serious. He couldn't bare to lose his sister, no, not now. When he saw Ana-Lucia's beaten face he gave her a harsh look, as in saying 'What the hell have you got yourself into' The Marksman was too busy paying attention Dawn to hear the trucks outside, it wasn't until Delia was telling everyone to go that he snapped out of it.  Before he knew it Dean was being pulled by Delia into a back room. She was telling him to get Dawn and everyone out, then she told him she liked him. For some reason his heart started to beat, he wasn't used to people actually liking him, most call him a -Content Removed by Moderator- For a minute Dean was speechless, and when she kissed him he just wanted to hold onto her. But, then she broke out from it, chasing after her only to be stopped by Ana-Lucia. "Delia!" He grew angry, he already lost to many people he came to care about to those fuckers out there, and he didn't want to lose anymore.

But Ana-Lucia slapped him as he tried to break from her grasp, for a woman who was shorter and smaller than him, she knew how to hold someone back. She handed him the bag(s) o supplies Delia gave her earlier and told him to head into the Underground passageway. "What about you?" He demanded to know, he wasn't going to leave her behind if that's what she thought. But, knowing Ana, she always has a plan. As Ana-Lucia told him about where he wanted him to take the rest he just stared at her.

Dean jogged over to the couch and picked Dawn up into his arms, rushing down the stairs and into the courtyard where their tents and everything is fenced in. As everyone headed into the passageway underneath the cot in a tent, Alexis took Dawn from his arms and told her where to move to while he went back for the guns and ammo in the Armory, Dean was one of the 3 people who knew the code to access it. As he slung the M-16's over his shoulder, he packed his bag with the 12 boxes of ammo and the few knives they have, he looked up towards the rooftop of the building and noticed Ana. Then it hit him, she was looking for vengeance. In the back of his mind he prayed for Delia and her to be safe, he knew they were both one tough women.

Dean then came to realise he didn't see Anya anywhere, but then he heard yelling in the close distance. It sounded like Lucy and Bella, when he went to check it out, sure enough it was them heading towards the front of the camp. "Get down to the underground passageway, now!" He ordered before jogging over to Anya who was by herself, and he noticed her nose was bleeding. "Anya..."  he said fast and calmy, "We have to go, now." He implored before he motioned her to head to the front of the camp. "Go to the underground passageway, I'll be there in a second." he demanded.
Once he headed back to the passageway, he started following the directions Ana had gave him, and headed for East to the old house she had mentioned.   

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: August 16, 2013, 04:52:14 pm »
10/10 Fast & the Furious series is AWESOME && I love Dom/Letty..

Yeah, he misses you :) Come over we got cheese cake!!!


Dean Martin

Dean didn't sleep all that well, not as good as the night before. For some odd reason he was sweating in his sleep, he didn't have anything on other than the shirt he had been werin and his pants, he never like to sleep undercovers for some unknown reason. He planned on changing before they headed back to camp. When Dean heard Delia calling for him to wake, he immediately got to his feet. As Delia got her stuff and headed outside Dean snatched his black/dark grey button down shirt that was resting on a small table in the shed and quickly changed his shirt.

"We shall." Dean smiled before walking out into the cold air, but, it didn't bother him. As he walked at a medium speed he he kept looking over at Delia, not wanting to move to fast due to her wound, she was going to need antibiotics to stop any infections. "Yeah, I'm excited... You?" He implored as their hands locked again with Dean smiling at the ground. He hid his embarrassment, afraid his hand was sweaty. His head jolted up when he heard Delia chuckling, and he saw the camp in the distance. "Thank God." He smiled, looking over at Delia, never feeling this kind of relief before.

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