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Messages - Oakfrost

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Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: March 01, 2014, 08:29:47 pm »

Characters / Re: ? Oakfrost ?
« on: March 01, 2014, 08:27:01 pm »
Beautiful character.<3 Love the fact he's a deer- you don't see many deer characters around here.
Thank you! And yes, that is very true c: I wanted to do something different and then BOOM. The idea of making a deer popped into my head.

I have finished the twins' application, if anyone wants to go check it out. I must say that its been a reasonable amount of time. You can now begin posting. I'll have my RP post up in a moment, as I am currently busy with something else that needs my immediate attention. Also, the schedule has been added.

Quote from: Prologue


Clouds gently blew across the early sky, painting themselves with the color of the weak morning light. High above the white formations of puff sat a glorious marble kingdom with beautifully hand carved column that stood guard at the kingdom's edge. Below the noble kingdom rested a sleepy country who would soon awake and begin their typical daily lives. Those dressed in golden robes and luxurious armors rested at the edge of the kingdom, standing around the words carved into the marble ground that read "Olympus" in a language mostly foreign to the mortals who inhabited the lands far below them. It was an uncomfortable silence that filled the air that lingered between the godly beings. It was as if no one dared to let their voice drift from their mouth and destroy the morning's moment.

Though, this only lasted so long until one of the tall standing figures let his voice rise. His skin seemed to have a radiance of its own and his armor shone much like the Sun itself. "How is it that we stand here pretending that nothing is to come?" He called out to those who stood around him, a hint of anger flaring within his words. "A name like his spoken from the very crevice of the Underworld is a bad omen that I have foreseen." His gold-trimmed gauntlets rattled as he paced behind the cluster of gods. Most hung their laurel crowned heads in silence, letting the pacing god's words echo through the kingdom temple. "An foreseen omen does not prove what is to come, Apollo," said a wise appearing female who's eyes seemed to know of everything. At this spoken line, all attention was focused on the speakers. "I say we march forth into Hade's domain a rid ourselves of this seed before it grows." Spoke a hugely muscular man with a battle hardened face and armor that was precisely crafted. He took to standing near the other two gods. Murmured agreements and disagreements rippled through the temple, which eventually grew into loud bickering.

"Enough!" Called a booming voice that made the sky tremble at its very force. It belonged to the atheistically dressed god sitting on a throne in the temple, who was rubbing his cranium in annoyance. "No one is to invade the Underworld. As Athena implied, a foreseen omen may not speak the truth." He eventually rose to his feet to gather with the others, the sky seeming to dance around him. "For now we will wait." Howls of protest came from those around him making him clap his hands to call upon the sky that roared in the thunder. "We. Will. Wait." With that he stormed off to the inner chambers of the temple and into a room with a glowing orb that showed every location the the world and everyone's activities. His sky blue eyes stared in concern at the live image of the camp that housed the offspring of the gods. If this omen was true, he only hoped the demigods of Olympus were prepared, for even he didn't know what would become of things if Apollo's vision was true.

Quote from: Chapter One

C H A P T E R  I

Total Pages: 1
Total Posts: 2
Characters Present: Karsyn, Staci, Ian

Characters / Re: ? Oakfrost ?
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:28:25 pm »
I've never seen
Such an amazing deer preset, did you make it yourself?
Very impressive nonetheless. I abolutly love your character
[By chance have you read the novel "Firebringer"  David Clement-Davies?]
If you're into Deer it's a killer novel to read.
Thank you for the lovely comments! Yes, I did make the preset myself. Though I will admit that it did get extremely frustrating at times.
I actually have not read it, and I've heard good things about the novel. It will definitely be added to my to-read list. Thanks for the recommendation!

                          OHMAHGAWD! Beautiful <3
                              I love Ungulates(Hoofed animals) and I'm impressed!
                                             Beautiful work.. Well done. +floof

Thank you! I simply adore Ungulates as well (The Cervidae being my favorite, of course). I'm glad you like it!

Forum Discussion / Re: Have you inspired someone?
« on: February 27, 2014, 11:03:43 pm »
I'm glad my layout coding gave you inspiration in someway ^^ I got the idea of recaps from a roleplay that kept having people fall behind and ask for recaps every other page or so. I know that you do something similar to help people catch up, which is a posting order. Really great idea on your behalf. I'm sure it helps with a roleplay's activity greatly c:

I'll definitely be sure to check it out! Sounds like something right around my interest.

Oh my, that's terrible. I can imagine just how upset that made you. I can tell that you put a great deal of effort into your characters and other creations.

The signatures on height maps seems like a great and clever way to help prevent those things. If only I had been smart enough to think about that when I first created the map.

Yes, this is true. There is a good line drawn between straight up copying and inspiration. I really wish more people would take more recognition of those types of things though.

Forum Discussion / Re: Have you inspired someone?
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:42:01 pm »
I have ever inspired someone, I would never know, haha. I hope that I have sometime in the past. It would fill me with great joy to know that someone was inspired by something I had created or thought of.

In this weird day and age, I've come across plenty of things that have inspired me. Most of the inspiration derives from artwork and even a few short stories I read every now and then. Taking a little stroll through Tumblr (I could literally spend a whole day on there and not regret it) sometimes fuels my inspiration with all the neat image manipulations people post/reblog. Music too, though not as much as artwork.

I too am a little disappointed in the amount of copying I come across. All I can think about is how angry the original owners/creators must be to find that someone took an idea that they put their blood and sweat into. I remember someone once used the download link to a map that I spent a good month to create and claimed it as their own. Another time (Way back in the day. I'm talking like two years ago) someone used the same exact layout I had in a topic, changed the words, and didn't even bother asking me (Oddly, that topic was deleted long ago. I can't find it anymore).

It saddens me to see the amount of plagiarism around, too. Though I am glad to see new things popping up left and right every once in awhile.

Staci, Ian, Karsyn, & Iris are accepted! I'll add them to the list right away ^^

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Descended From Olympus [My Characters]
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:00:15 am »

(Wyatt left; Forrest right)
Forrest & Wyatt Coleman
Sons of Ares

"Double the strength, double the fight."

Aliases: "Wy (Wyatt)", "Four (Forrest)", "Ares twins/brothers", "Coleman twins/brothers", "Beast Boys", +Several other little nicknames
Gender: Male
Age: 23 Years

?  ?  ?

Height: Approx. 6'0" in height
Weight: Around 180lbs for both twins
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Chestnut brown

Specific Feautures: Overall, the twins have well toned muscular built body with lightly sun kissed skin, which is common for the demigods of the camp due to the Californian sun. They can be identified for their slightly large forehead and nose that runs slightly into it at the top. As for telling them apart, it can be quite hard unless you know them well. They tend to stick together, so getting one of the twins by themselves is uncommon. They do have slightly different personalities, which is usually easier to spot. Wyatt is also left handed while Forrest is right handed, and usually helps to tell them apart when they are holding weapons. Forrest's hair tends to be more well kept then Wyatt's. Also, Forrest has slightly larger biceps than his twin.

Face Claim: Max & Charlie Carver

?  ?  ?

Personality: The twins may look similar and react to things in a somewhat identical manner, but there are only slight noticeable differences in their personality that could possibly set them apart.
? Competitive
? Dauntless
? Vengeful
? Violent
? Charming
? Cautious
? Competitive
? Dauntless
? Vengeful
? Violent
? Humorous
? Careless

Born on the other side of the country, the twins came into the world in the well known city of New York. It was a rainy day, common in the month of April, but a rain so hard that not even umbrellas could with stand the icy liquid droplets that pelted down from the sky. A long and troubling commute it had been for the twins's mother Ann, who had been a single mother to them at birth. Her father, who was a retired military general, came to stay with her in her final months so someone would be able to bring her into the delivery room. Later that day two boys were born to the single mother who cherished her new found joy in the world. Though the boys' father's whereabouts had been a mystery to the family itself.

By the age of 4, the boys were already having trouble with other children in preschool. Teachers complained of their rowdiness and habits of inflicting harm on other students. It was when they had switched to their fifth preschool, that their mother ultimately made the decision to move out into the country side so the boys could have a home with more space to use up their never ending energy. They spent most of their time play-fighting with sticks as swords and roughhousing in the fields that surrounded their home. Though changing schools never ceased to an end. The twins could not seem to stay out of fights with other students. To them it was more of a game than a serious matter.

Eventually their mother married another man, who provided a sturdy discipline on the boys. In a way the twins looked up to him, and didn't mind having a male role model in the house for once. As the fights continued to happen, their grandfather eventually got involved and recommended that they should be sent away to a military academy. Ann agreed and off the twins went. Most of the curriculum was based around physical training, to which they enjoyed and the fighting lowered its peak. They had received several dreams that were strange, as if someone was trying to reach out to them and spoke of an island full of young adults like them.

Years later when a letter with gold lettering informed them of their status, the twins laughed and couldn't believe it. It wasn't until the gleaming chariot parked itself at the front door when some sense of belief came through. They were rushed to Zephyrus Island right away and by no surprise to them, they were claimed by Ares. From that moment on they did nothing but prove themselves to their father by their hard work and training at the camp. They've even been fortunate enough to partake in some quests along the way. The twins quickly gained a higher social status within the camp, but mainly for their violent tendencies to others they disliked.

? War strategy
? Spear & sword handling
? Athletic activities
? Combat skills
? Social skills

? Small passageways/areas - Due to their size, its incredibly hard for them to fit in smaller areas. It also makes them uncomfortable.
? High-pitched noises - Due to their beast form/side, their senses are heightened and closely related to canines, so things like dog-whistles drive them mad.
? Large bolts/shocks of fire/electricity - The primary weakness to their war beast form. It scatters their nerves and returns them to their normal state.
? Woman - Are easily tricked by those of the female gender. You'd think they would have learned by now.

? Physical training & athletic activities
? Fighting & war games
? Dangerous things
? Breaking the rules
? Weapons & armor
? Winning
? Parties

? Those to stand in their way
? Being ignored
? Tight spaces
? Betrayal
? Loosing
? Felines

Family: Ann Walter-Coleman (mother), Richard Walter (step-father), Claire Walter (half-sister), Robbie Walter (half-brother), Peter Coleman (grandfather), & all demigod half-siblings of Ares House

Friends & Enemies: During their time at Camp Omega, Forrest and Wyatt have made numerous friends and enemies.
Friends- Most demigods in Ares House, Hermes House, & Aphrodite House (Open to having friends)
Enemies- Some demigods in Athena House & Hephaestus House (Open to having enemies)

Relationship Status: Both twins are single (May or may not change).

Interest: Both twins currently have no interests (Subject to change).

?  ?  ?

Special Abilities: So far, the twin's demigod blood of Ares allows them to posses two special abilities that they know of.
Fury- The most common ability within the children of Ares. It is a contagious rage that can be spread onto others nearby for a certain duration of time. It occurs when the anger radiating of their body is so strong that it catches on to those around them. The longest it has ever been known to last is seven minutes. Great for energy boosts and provoking violence on teammates during war games or battles.

Form of the War Beast- This ability allows the twins to activate a ferocious beast-like form that enhances their strength, agility, senses, and even quickly healing while also being able to intimidate their enemies. While in this form they grow a set of fangs, claws, and glowing eyes that vary in color based on their anger level; Blue for average and red for enraged. They produce a number of feral-like roars, growls, etc while in this form as well. Activating the ability can be either controlled or spontaneous depending on anger, pain, and even fear. There have been some cases where the beastly nature takes over and they loose control. Be wary when you attempt to piss them off.

(Forrest left; Wyatt right)


Leather & Bronze Armor- The twins opted for a more light weight armor simply because it allows them to be more flexible and perform more agility based attacks, which is useful in their beast form. The majority of it is made of leather, but most parts of the helmet and gauntlets are made of bronze.

Spear of Sparta- A sharp double bronze-tipped greek spear that replicates the ones used in ancient times. It has a comfortable leather grip around the center.

Bronze Hoplite Sword - The classic greek sword made of bronze instead of iron. It has a leather sheath that is fastened around the user's shoulders.

Bronze Shield - A heavy bronze molded shield with leather straps for the user to hold on to. They twins only use it for serious fights.

Extra: None. (Some things may be added to their application overtime. Check back every once in awhile ^^)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Descended From Olympus [Save]
« on: February 24, 2014, 11:59:17 pm »
??????? SAVE ???????

Reserved spot just in case.

Closed! Open! - You may now post!

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Descended From Olympus [Characters]
« on: February 24, 2014, 11:58:44 pm »
??????? CLOSED ???????

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