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Messages - hysteriaa

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Art Gallery / Re: Muser's 34 Art Pieces (20 different Animals!)
« on: October 15, 2012, 11:33:02 pm »
"I'm sorry, I thought I had replied to this post.  Thank you, I honestly didn't expect that.  And I'll think about the symbolism and give it another try later on if you don't mind."
Egh sorry I didn't reply to this, it's been a while xD and np

Videos / Muser's: Asacrecy Videos
« on: October 15, 2012, 11:17:48 pm »
Entered into the Feralheart Video Contest and won by the judges standards, 2nd by the public. Successful ;D! Thanks judges! Took a whole month of my last month of summer to make!

A very dramatic, quick take on Apocalypse with beautiful music from: Oh, Sleeper
The video and lyrics are a bit graphic. But, that is how I would best define Apocalypse.

I wanted to blend the competitive stride you can take (roleplay) in this map, the work and determination of winning. While of course, including sceneries and main points of the map.

A quick, cute, flashy video (no sony vegas intended) with four popularly beautiful Asacrecians singing for a spot of the best.

Made with the theme of Hysteria and Poisen standing in the middle of an icy frontier and not being able to shake some of their most horrible memories.

Feeling the danger and pain of animals whose unfortunate pain brings them to a facility of torture. One of my favorites to rp.

Actually one of my least favorites, but still I take pride in my earlier videos. It's cute and quick bringing you to a place sortof like a fairy tail.

A little messy, but the result of a quick paced video which people seem to enjoy. It combines some of the elements of an Asacrecian's life of temptation and deception.

My very first video. It revolves around- well... what Poisen's life revolves around: Herself. Long descriptive shots of her stunning physique, this close and widening perspective of this strange wolf creates a thought that maybe she isn't a wolf at all.

Hope you enjoy! And be sure to vote in the poll which one is your favorite :) I love feedback, so if you have some comments be sure to tell me them here!

Media / Asacrecy Questions (youtube and FH)
« on: October 15, 2012, 10:52:57 pm »
This is a place to answer all the questions that you guys repeatedly ask me at least 3 times a day xD I finally got tired of answering these questions and putting them in the descriptions of my videos. So, Here's the place to look for your question if someone already has asked it. If you cannot find an answer/question similar to what you were looking for, go ahead and ask on one of my videos or PM me on youtube.

"1. How do you make these videos? 2. What program do you use? 3. Where do you get the voices? 4. How do you record it?""
1. I edit them using windows movie maker. I don't want to give you a whole tutorial on how to edit a video, there are tons of tutorials on the internet for that. 3. Voice actors. You can get voice actors by either putting a video up on youtube to cast for some, but that usually takes a long time for them to find it. So I just search for good actors and ask them myself. 4. I use fraps, its a free program.

"Wanna team up and do some project like a story?"
If I was still in FH, I totally would. This question has been asked so many times, and similar questions. But to every kind of question like this asking if I would like to do something in FH, I answer: I am too busy to create FH videos, therefor I am not on FH anymore. Maybe next summer I'll have time. But this school year with work and school I have NO time.

"What is Asacrecy? Can I join Asacrecy? Are you part of Asacrecy?"
Possibly a question asked 1,359 times to me. You better listen carefully people xD

If you dont know what 'Asacrecy' is, sadly I have no time to put the story back up. It was deleted, but this summer I will post it again with new and improved writing to be as clear as possible. So, your gonna have to wait a bit ;(.
For now though, Asacrecy is a special, cryptic group of beautiful wolves who are descendants of 'Poisen'. They have special birthmarks to tell if they actually? ARE an asacrecian,? and they are obviously going to be beautiful xD. Their most famous birthmark is a light green line under both eyes. Another one is a mask over their muzzle. And another way to tell is that they all have the same bone structure.
I make video dedications to them. They are not a 'group' that you can join, in fact I don't even know how they have new Asacrecians. I am definitely not part of it, I wish I was like all of you. I feel your pain D;

"How do I know if I saw an Asacrecian?"
Well, I described above their popular markings ^  Other ways to tell are:
1. You rarely see them.
2. There username is always the same as their character's name. They only have and dedicate themselves to one character.
3. Copiers tend to hang out in public, that's when you know 100% they are not real Asacrecians.
4. When they do come out in public, they are running across to their next destination. There are no stops or even hide outs in public.
5. They can be sited in private maps, though rarely. But I've heard and seen screenshots.

"Can I have one of these characters?"
 1. They are not mine. I only make videos with them in my videos, giving them complete credit and dedication (because of their awesomeness).
2. It would be fine if you used them for a video, but I don't think they or anyone else would like the fact that your using? one (or more) of their character(s). Unless its for a video or something, like I do, but you cannot say that she or he is your character since THEY made it, not you. That is a big problem with people, they take their privileges way too far.

In conclusion, yes you can make them. BUT if you are caught giving them no credit, or never mentioning them as NOT YOURS, people will report you. It's happened before and you can't get away with it now that Asacrecy is becoming more and more popular.

"Are you gonna make anymore videos?"
Ah yes, I was actually planning on first doing Hysteria's video (since I already did a poisen video, but it was really short). But I realized it would be quicker and I had a deadline so I had to act fast. Next year I will definitely make a Hysteria video, I already have the concept down and the lines so it will be awesome this summer :)? I won't be on FH at all during this school time becuz I am just too busy with work and school, but will be back next summer with excitingly awesome vids!

"Can I use the audio in one of your videos?"
I'd prefer you did not. Since I had permission from the voice actors to specifically use their voice for the video. As for the music, you may use it if you buy it.

"I think someone copied Poisen. Like, exactly. I saw someone with the name Poisen, same markings and everything. What is the real Poisen? How can I report this person?"
Well it obviously wasn't Poisen. This goes for any Asacrecy character someone copies.
You can report them by taking screenshots of the copier with their usename and character name in the picture as well as the character. Then report it to a mod here on the forums with screenshots. Character copying is extremely obnoxious, and people should be punished in some way in my opinion. Keep an eye out for other players guys ;)

"If you are never allowed to be an Asacrecian, then where do all the characters come from, like on your favourite pairings poll.
Do you personally make up all the characters yourself, or have you actually sighted some of them?
I know the more "important" characters like Poisen and Hysteria come from an actual origin, but basically what I'm asking is where do all the other characters originate from."

We are not sure where they come from exactly. But they probably came from the descendants, since they tend to all look alike. Such as the green line under the eye, the same body structure, stuff like that. And yes, I have heard of sightings of them. Some people send me screenshots (which is how I know people make copies of these characters) and when their char name is the same as their username they are def the original. They also have been seen together with descendants and look the same so we are 90% sure they are Asacrecians. Also to know, there are stories of them.

"Where did this all take place? It couldn't have happened in FH could it?"
It could have happened in an RP game like fh, and it could very much be possible for it to happen in fh. Any kind of rp is possible. I do have doubts that this did happen in a game though, and could be someones made up story. And the actual members in FH like Poisen could be simply dedications to the story. We have no proof, maybe it happened in wolfquest. From what I think it's a pretty old story though. Since the day we found it was at least 8 years ago. At that time I wasn't a very good writer and we translated it very poorly so some things didn't make sense even to me. We posted it on a website called (which I think is still alive) but I don't remember our username. I just thought it was a really cool story. So I copied it from the website when I found FH and posted it there. I deleted though, since my writing didn't do the story justice. Hopefully my new wording is much more improved and easier to gather. And hopefully, I will find and work on more stories in the future! I'm really pumped about this one new Hysteria story that I heard about that took place in a city map but I just need the witnesses and any kind of information/proof from you guys so I can rewrite the story and put it here on FH.

So if you hear anything about an mysterious orangish/gold wolf in a city map tell me!

Oh also, for the story, click here:

Other questions? Post them here in the comments or on my videos or in a PM. Thanks guys :D!

Maybe it's just me, but the pullcart item seems to be a little twisted to the side?
Sadly I don't have FH anymore, waaaaaay too busy with school and work. Perhaps you could edit it yourself, it's pretty easy and you can find tutorials on this website or ask a prof to help you ;)

Finished Maps / Re: Animal Testing Facility (Complete [TRAILER!]
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:30:10 pm »

kay, one question. How exactly did you make the food and water bowls? I'm making an animal testing facility in arizona, on a canyon.
I made this map like a year ago, I don't really remember. I think I just retextured a halfsphere or something.

Finished Maps / Re: [v1.13] Official Warrior Clan Map .:.DOWNLOAD.:.
« on: October 07, 2012, 05:23:25 am »

Finished Maps / Re: Animal Testing Facility (Complete [TRAILER!]
« on: October 07, 2012, 05:10:57 am »
Excuse me, could you tell me where you got the cages, the fence, the test tubes and the lava cage and fire cage.ect?
EDIT: Nevermind. If you dont have them anymore.
Again, as I said before on this page "Again, none of the meshes used in this map are public. They were made by me and I no longer have them. Except for theirry and other's whose wonderful meshes I used."
Don't ask me for the link, search in the meshes tab. You'll probably find other cool meshes too there.

When i downloaded it deleted all of my other items.. Help?
Well there really is nothing else you can do now except redownload your other items. And in the future, know to read the .txt file inside my download.

Finished Maps / Re: HorseLand (MAP DOWNLOAD, SCREENIES, TRAILER)
« on: October 05, 2012, 11:39:35 pm »
Sure. I'll add your rp to the list.

Finished Maps / Re: Animal Testing Facility (Complete [TRAILER!]
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:27:09 pm »
Again, none of the meshes used in this map are public. They were made by me and I no longer have them. Except for theirry and other's whose wonderful meshes I used.

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