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Messages - FablesAndMyths

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Request Maps / Re: New Map?
« on: July 12, 2015, 10:26:23 pm »
You're welcome XD Are there any specific places or things you or others would want to see in it? I know you mentioned a pixie hollow in the first post :3

Request Maps / Re: New Map?
« on: July 12, 2015, 08:58:55 pm »
 Well X'3 I've actually been toying with the idea of a Disney's Neverland map. Already got a possible height map. Once the map I'm making for my RP is finished (Disny's Pirates of the Caribbean, I love Disney okay?!) I'd be happy to give it a go! It would be public, since people seem to have an interest in it :3

Here's a preview if you want an idea of what my maps look like.
Said PotC inspired map:

Game Help / Re: Map Making & Crashing
« on: June 18, 2015, 05:01:32 pm »
 The map size itself is most likely the issue. I have a friend that makes veryy large maps, and she cannot get past the 60's without it crashing. Sizes larger than that are probably just bigger than the game can handle.

Game Help / Scrolling Preset Speed
« on: June 17, 2015, 08:32:38 pm »
Hello there!
I've recently figured out how to create a scrolling preset! Yay ~
However, I seem to have hit a snag...The image, or 'scroll' goes extremely fast, more so than I would like. Tinkering with the scroll_anim 1.0 1.0 does not seem to work. I am clearly doing something wrong x3 If anyone could direct me (Like I am five please <3) on how to edit this, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you, Kangarooirwin ~

Meshes / Re: Converted Meshes
« on: May 14, 2015, 08:18:14 pm »
Woo! Lovely meshes there! Considering I'm using empty house meshes, these will help loads <3 Keep it up! Floof for you ~

P.s - The fact that are texture less is rather fun, let's us get creative.

Game Help / Re: Vanished Meshes
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:02:31 am »
 Thank you very much for the help. I actually had not exported the map yet, I like to test them out before doing so. Making new groups for the custom meshes is also something I do. Sometimes if I re-name them or move the groups around they'll randomly decide to work. The map was just exported, I'm sending it to a friend to see if they will test it for me. I agree that the issue is on my side, so as long as it works for the person it's being made for, then that is perfectly fine.
I checked everything else that has been mentioned too, so far I can't seem to locate the issue. There is a lot to map making I am still trying to figure out too, so I'm sure there is something I can't seem to recognize x3

Game Help / Vanished Meshes
« on: April 25, 2015, 03:20:43 am »
Hey there! I've posted a help thread on this before, but sadly the problem is back and the trick used to resolve it last time is not working. The issue is 'vanishing meshes'. While they'll appear just fine in map maker, when I preview the map in-game they are not there. This usually has only occurred with meshes that did not include a .obj file, and I have had to make a custom group for them. Oddly, that's no longer the case :c I downloaded WulftheWolf's Warrior's Den mesh pack (which had it's own .obj file) but some of those didn't show either.
So, re-cap of my rambling: Meshes appear in Map Maker, yet not in-game. Issue with both custom groups and those with a .obj file. Even if you are not sure of an absolute fix, I'd very much appreciate some tips and input!
Thank you, Kanga  

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Request Maps / Re: Needs Mask&Terrain.. D: pls
« on: March 19, 2015, 05:02:30 pm »
I can give this a go if you'd like ^.^
How big are you planning to make the map, so I know what size to make certain features?

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