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Messages - Kamaete

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 [41] 42 43
Finished Maps / Re: Maps by Syenne
« on: March 14, 2011, 11:47:43 pm »
You have -6 karma now, and it's because you said it rudely. >.>

Finished Maps / Re: Maps by Syenne
« on: March 14, 2011, 09:41:14 pm »
Those meshes! Gosh, it's so lovely.  Both maps, but I can't wait to see the outcome of the new one! C: Good luck.

Lol, fail reply. >.>
 Whatever time you want to have the(any) RP(s) is fine with me. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday I can get on any time, Tuesday any time before 2:00pm (Pacific Time), and After 4:00pm on Fridays. (Pacific Time)  

Edit: Any other week, Tuesdays are fine, it's just this week I'm going shopping.  Oh.  Saturdays and Sundays arefine as well, but not this week because I'm celebrating my birthday. ://Edit

Oh good, thank you, I'd do the same.

Avalon Tribe and Western Island Tribe! C:  It's so amazing! -is easily impressed- I hope we get some good teammates and rival tribe. I can see so much fun, epicness.

Hmm.  I doubt I'd get any members, but if you really want me to, I'll try.  It'd be called "Eastern Island Tribe", right?

In any case, just remind me to rp as her, and I'll apply her as well:

Character name: Teiya

Ingame username ;; Kamaete
Overall Assignment ;; Hunter, pupsitter, whatever helps more.
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; Catilina Island Wolf.
Age ;; 13+
Mate ;; None
Offspring ;; None
Personality;; Fun, calm, and loves other animals. She has a less open exterior than most, but she's likes talking about nothing.  She also prefers cultured conversation and will easily get bored with just chit-chat. She won't say anything if she thinks there is nothing to say, or she will state. "I don't know how to respond," which is her way of saying, "I can't think of anything to say/change the topic."  She's very forward about her opinions and affections.  If she likes you, you'll know it, if she doesn't, you'll know it, and if you don't know how she feels about you, it's because neither does she.  She's very protective of Kei, who is her family/adoptive brother/close friend. Or something to that affect.

She's not that pink, I swear, it's the gorgeous sunset on that island! D:
What she looks like in character editor  And I saw your reply to Neon, do you want an RP sample? -is horrified that people don't read the information-

Introduction / Re: Hello, need a mesh made?
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:36:07 am »
Hi!  Any meshes or anything would be cool, but I'd really appreciate so buildings or building ruins, please!  I know that's not detailed, so let me find a picture.

A simple one I'd appreciate.
If you're feeling more adventurous. This would be awesome.
I'd like to be able to go inside and climb on stares, if you could do that, but if not, that's fine, too.
If you're interested in doing the interior something like that would be cool.  Something really simple and dusty.

Thank you! C:

Character name;; Tien

Fullbody Image
Ingame username ;; Kamaete
Overall Assignment ;; Hunter, open to negotiation (Pupsitter, hunter, etc.)
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; CIW, or whatever.
Age ;; 13+
Mate ;; None.
Offspring ;; None.
Personality;; He is a funny, outgoing kind of wolf, always willing to lend a hand and help others.  He loves helping others through their problems and is extremely laid back.  He finds himself listening more than talking, but he's fine with that.  He loves being active and concentrated on one thing.  He dislikes having nothing to do, and if he doesn't have anything to occupy him, he'll become very disinterested and bored.  He's very loyal (to a fault) to those he respects, admires and privately dubs family.  Once he is friendly with the leader of the pack, everyone therein becomes family to him, as well, with few exceptions.  His emotions are either "love it," or "meh," about anything and he works hard to make sure nothing and no one falls into the "meh" category.

I have a female wolf I just created as well, if you want a girl instead of a guy, but I'd rather RP a guy.
Also, I looked at your map, and OHMIGAWD it's beautiful.  It's gorgeous.  I'm jealous and just might have to apply to claim the other territory. (I'm kidding, because I don't even have a pack. :C But it is so~ beautiful!)

Oh--is he too dark?  Please tell me, and I'll make him lighter! C: The female I have looks and acts like him, but she's a lighter, peachy-strawberry-brown.

I'll make a wolf for this, but I can't see the link you posted.  Otherwise, it'd be fun to join~!

Forum Games / Re: Song Shuffle
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:41:57 pm »
Ride--Trace Adkins
What's your mom's name. >.>

Forum Games / Re: Song Shuffle
« on: March 10, 2011, 04:23:28 am »
I Walk the Line -- Johnny Cash
Your internet runs away to never return, what do you do?

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