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Messages - FlewToTheCity

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43] 44 45 46
Also if you have Items, Maps and Markinds try and delete some of them(If you have them). It gives you a lot less lag after you do it. Just, Don't delete anything you need though xD

Game Discussion / Re: Weirdy weird names :D
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:43:50 pm »

Sleepyclaw- would suck at fighting, or anything in general xD

Dogface- oooh, must suck

Rabbidheart- O.O don't want to know.

Harlemshakekit- K then xD

HarlemShakeKit sounds so cool <333 It would be overly hypo though.

Game Discussion / Weirdy weird names :D
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:37:11 pm »
Hi! Well I can tell you like the title if you are reading this!
Well, this is just basically the weirdest names you can create.
Like Warrior Cat names or just random names.

My weird/Crazy/Cool WC Names would be:



Mewwingtons (Already one of my kitty pets)


XD I dont know. What crazy creations can you come up with Honeys?

Game Discussion / Re: 'Rules' Of FeralHeart
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:25:10 pm »

-Kitty say, Kitty do, Kitty will stalk you.

- Don't mess with the black kitty's gurl. The will pull a magic trick on Chu!

Game Discussion / Re: 'Rules' Of FeralHeart
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:52:43 pm »
Hmmh. And the IPod doesn't help >.<

Hmmh Same with being popular. What really is being popular? Being the center of attention and the one that everyone apparently loves? Pffft Hellll no * Snaps fingers* Being the so called populars are well being something  I cant say lets just roll with Bossy. They Bullie kids and think its fun to do.
It's stupid really, I meen Red and Crin and Wolffox and ect. Are popular for the good side because they help everyone and everyone wants them to be there friends (Exsept Trolls) But you get my point.

Game Discussion / Re: 'Rules' Of FeralHeart
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:37:33 pm »
XD Verry Noice :3

- Everyone should worship Moss and Minteh. Our OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!


Mintie has a very good point, her post seems one of the most well-done types i have seen.
very nice job, and i agree with you. Beauty is not outside but inside.

I personaly dont care what others think of me, they can go dump there emotion turned mean load on someone else because
I, Just. Don't. Care.


I agree with you about my post. For the time I am up at now and I have school tomorrow. I think I am doing pretty well. No bragging just saying cause its about 3:00 here 

Game Discussion / Re: 'Rules' Of FeralHeart
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:29:58 pm »
:3 Seems Legit. Seems like me. *Minteh Agrees* xD

Game Discussion / Re: 'Rules' Of FeralHeart
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:15:17 pm »
Oh meh good! Sooo many fake rules! >.< I think my eyes are bleeding from all of it.

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