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Messages - FlewToTheCity

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Well, I'm no expert but what is beauty? Is it from the looks? Is it because you attract men from your looks? No! Beauty comes from the heart. Thats where the beauty is in everyone. You may try to be attractive so guys will like you for your appearance but, They really want you to be you so they can find out what you like and other things. Now, Calling someone ugly is stupid. Because if your the one boasting about how apparently beautiful you are you are ugly. Ugly in the heart and others get crushed and put down by these sorts of comments these people give. It's called bulling, over FH? Really lady's? Go take it somewhere else, Actualy just keep your thoughts  to yourself.

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes.

I'm on a iPod at the moment an there is this black line in the way >.<


Yeeaaahh... that's happened to my clan once. I was playing as Pharaohstar and we were in the middle of roleplaying as PapyrusClan, when all of the sudden this random cat comes and warns us by saying, "Run for your lives! There is a pack of wolves killing clans! They are coming for you next! RUN!!! RUN!" At first I didn't take that guy seriously... but then the wolves showed up. But these weren't your average pack of grey wolves... they were military wolves, armed with guns, bows and arrows, and army knives o_O They said to us how much they hated clan cats and were going all around the plains to hunt them down and kill every one of them. When they started attacking us with their powerplaying, I told my clan members to just ignore them and block them. Of course, most of my clan members wouldn't listen and they started attacking the powerplaying army wolves. So I blocked all the wolves and went on with what I was doing, and the wolves eventually left to go find some other clan to attack and kill.....  ::)
And that's my bizzare story.

Verry strange Lady', Oh well. Newbies theses days *Covers newbie sign*

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Minti3's Bio
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:29:15 pm »
Hello hun^^ and what a lovely bio you have
It's so good to hear others people's bios and seeing more about them

Thankies TangerineButt <3

Member Bio & Journals / ~!Comacon's Bio!~ (UPDATED!!!! 3/09/2013)
« on: April 17, 2013, 01:51:30 pm »
Welcome To ~!Comacon's Bio!~Okay so most of you know who I am :D Most others basically hate me or just disslike me. Thats okay c:

My name I Bryah. Im a normal, Well, Almost normal Teenager with the love for a game and everyone on the game.
I am some what tall, I have Strawberry blond hair and I look older then my age xD Yes, I am an Australian 'Woman' and I am proud to be. Some time in the future I do plan to go around the world, Visiting some of my best friends and some of my crushes *Blushies*

I have 2 dogs (not including the pups my Jack Russel had) And I live in two different towns/Citys. Due to the fact that my parent's split 3 years back now. But I like the feeling now.

Having to go through all the trouble I do Im a positive and joyfull child/woman. I friend everyone on FH even though I may seem stuck up at times xD  Anyways I should list my best friends down shouldn't I? Yeah I should.

Besties on FH
Black Pain

Thats about it c: You guys may find me on Chronical a little kitten, As you see him he will be Black and Grey. But as I see him hes a little bundle of rainbow fluff.
You will also find me on my TEC (The Ebon Circle) character Comando or On my DH(Dark Haven) characters Suppression and Vanity.

You would like to see who I am. Well Sure ^^ in a minute though >;D Like I was saying. I respect everyone equily on the game as long as they show me respect back. If you troll me, Or swear at me Ect. You will simply be done the same thing back but I will never swear to someone I don't know. Everyone on this game, I adore you as a family member. If you see me sitting near out amazing and Stunning Mods/Admins im not trying to 'Suck up' to them. Im trying to make some friends. If two of my friends are fighting, I don't take sides I simply tell them to stop and make up for what ever they have done c: I once said to BakuBby (c: ) That I would travel around the world just to fix his/her wounds or wipe his/her tears away and ask if she is okey.  So thats basically my personality.

You still want to see my apperance? Well. Just to say, I do get 'Bullied' and 'Put down' for how I look or maybe thats how I speek, Due to the fact that my voice is scratchy. I actually hate it myself xD I personaly hate on myself aswell, I think as that I am not good enough and my parents ARE trying to change me. Because they are. Yet I do not do stupid stuff like cutting for example.

Anyways here you go. Just to warn you, Im not that pretty >.<


So thats all I guess :/ Leave comments or something of what you think and what you think of me I guess :/ See you floofles around.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Feareh's Bio
« on: April 17, 2013, 01:01:50 pm »
Nice job TangerineButt :D Verry detailed  work you have there :p

Ah, Warrior cats :3. Yes you may see me around on warrior cats. Some of the people are Realy sweet and others are newbies that are slowly learning.
Yes, we all started out as power players and stuffs like that and we adventualy lernt how to evolve into who we are now. I'm sure many of the other people before me have said that the only reasion These people who are disliking out Warrior Cats members, They would of had a lot of bad exsperiances along the way with WC's but they need to get there heads around from the people who would of annoyed the life out of them and god modded and the rest.

I know what it is like and stuff but mainly the wolves come up and try to interfere with your RP to get your clan worked up. I'm not saying ALL Wolves will harass you some of them are sweet like myself. I respect everyones charas and stuffs like that but. Just ignore the people sweetness. They are only attention seeking.

Welp, that's all I have to say.... Minti3 is out for the night

Game Discussion / Re: Server is online.
« on: March 24, 2013, 09:32:12 am »

Game Discussion / Re: Thankies <33
« on: March 23, 2013, 04:16:46 am »
Mhhm, Well all we need to say is Thanks to everyone trying there hardest to get the server back up :3

Game Discussion / Re: What are you doing whilst feral-heart is down?
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:36:39 am »
xD Thats the point, But, Its fun. Or just watch Pewds or something <3

Game Discussion / Re: When mate begging goes too far
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:32:59 am »
Hmmm, I have had many exsperiances including when I was on a Male lion cub and this random neon lioness (Adult by the way) Started flirting and stuff with me. I was like....." OKay lady, I have to break this, I am a cub okay. Your a neon lioness and... It wont work, I dont go in for pedophilia, So...... I will just... Good bye." I then legged it. It was so awkward >.<

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